Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Sunday, May 05, 2024

May 5th ,2024 ,a hit prediction date

 watch the accuracy of Earthquake prediction 

A 6.2 Quake at Indonesia on 5th May 24 at 16.30 hrs UTC at 3.3 S ,131 E, as against the predicted date 6th May 24 with + or - one day window period.

Not only this ,watch accuracy of my Earthquake epicenter hypothesis. 

At the time of quake the Moon is rising (sharply ) over epicenter 

Those who has joined my Earthquake posts ,the epicenter of major quake hypothesis, in nutshell is as mentioned below

 The epicenter of a major (6+) quake will be at a location ..

a) Where ,at the time quake, Sun or Moon are either at Zenith or Nadir ,with a margin of 15 degrees Longitudes 


b) Where ,at the time of a major (6+) quake, the Sun or Moon are either rising or setting ,with a margin of + or - 45 minutes 

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Earthquake prediction for May 2024


The probable dates for 6+ Earthquakes for the month of May 24 are as follows
1) 6th May 2024
2) 9th
4) 19th
5)23rd May 2024

The window period is + or - one day
Days are as per UTC time

Amit Dave

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Explanation of deeper quakes

 The Deep quakes and plate tectonics

The plate tectonics fails to explain the deep quakes at 600 to 700 kms below Earthcrust.This is because the plate thickness are up to 100 kms .How come a rupture or relative motion at this much depth.
The answer given by plate tectonics is like this...
At subduction zone the plate  going below another plate, reaches the depth of 700 kms and then due to heat ,it dismantle from subducting plate,giving a jerk and hence a quake.
Now the question is...
1) The temp at 700 km depth is about 1000 degrees Celsius
2) The Earth crust melt at temp from 600 to 900 degree Celsius 1300 Celsius max.
Now the question is whether the defending plate can bear the temp of 1000 degrees ,without melting or atleast becoming fluid?
How come a fluid plate material can produce a jerk on mother plate,which is already melted or about to melt?
The explanation given is just an eyewash.
Now my explanation is...
There is water (in whichever form ,sponge or otherwise),below Earthcrust at a depth of 700 kms.The beauty of recent reserch says ,the water quantity is three times that of waters in all oceans.
Now when tidal pull exceed the limit ,on given date ,it breaks the surrounding mentle (material) and a deep quake occurs.
So ,tidal pull on water below 700 kms is the main reason of deep quakes.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Some opinion -way back in 2008

Monday, April 15, 2024

One more question to plate tectonics


One more question for plate tectonics

It is beltway, it takes years to built up stresses at plate boundaries, inside the crust.When these stresses are released by way of movement and Earthquake, it takes several years to built up stresses again
Now question is...
Why there are frequent 6+ quakes at locations like PNG ,Tonga etc.?
Why and how the stresses are built-up so fast.
If you have doubt ,take out records for both places and check.

Now here is my explanation
At such locations ,like Japan ,where more plate boundaries meet ,the structure is very week.So ,whenever there is little more tidal pull nearby ,it gives a way first ( being weakest)
Hence more major quakes at these locations
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Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Can we measure built up stresses on the plate boundaries?

 Plate tectonics and internal built up stress

As it is believed that ,the Earthquakes occur due to built up stress on the plate boundaries.  As the moving plates  creates and built up stresses over plate boundaries.
When these built up stresses exceed the threshold limit ,the plates move one over other or side by side and hence a quake
Now being an engineer, I have some questions about these stresses.
Most of the major and devastating quakes occurs at shallow depth of 10 to 15 km.
Look at here ,what all data we have
1) plate area in sq kms
2) Depth of plates
3) Average density of plate
4) Hence mass of plates
5) speed of plates in cms per year etc
6) Hence kinetic energy a plate carry while moving say 1/2 mv2
7) we can drill up to 12 kms inside the Earth and can collect samples from depth.
8) We can test these samples taken from along plate boundaries and test them in Laboratory for compression, tensile and shear strength.
Now with all these data can seismologist find out the built up stress at 12 km depth?
Also can seismologist compare these built up stress with laboratory results
Keeping some factor of safety can seismologist predict when the built up stress will exceed laboratory results?

A hypothesis on plate boundaries and Earthquakes

 A hypothesis on plate tectonics

Look at my this statement...

Yes,there are plates on Earth and they are moving. However, the fact of the matter is
the Earthquakes are not due to these plates ,but the plates and plate boundaries are due to Earthquakes..

Look at my above, may be stupid ,may be bold statement.,you decide.
  However before deciding answer few of the following questions
1) As the Earthcrust started to solidify, how the first plate broke and plate boundry developed?
Wait ,I will give your answer..The heat currents of magma from below comming up broke it.correct?
Now answer this question..
If there were heat currents /convection currents, (like boiling water comming up),at that location ,it would not allow the plate to solidify over it,in first place.

Now look at this explanation..
As the Earth cooled plates started to solidify over it.The tidal pull broke the thin crusts,as major Earthquakes, at several locations.Hence plates and plate boundaries are formed.
2) Why there are quakes at locations other than plate boundaries?
Wait ,I will answer it for you.
Those are due to intra plate fault lines.
Now another question..
If there is a small faultline inside a big plate,how come there are relative motion on fault line? Because there can not be a relative motion ,inside a big plate,which is must for a quake to occur.