A date hit and Epicenter hit prediction
4.5 Earthquake at Washington today
A date hit prediction
Watch the epicenter hypothesis
The quake was just before Sun rise at local time
Think out of the box,Earthquakes can be predicted. Donate research paypal e mail account amitjdave@yahoo.com PayPal.Me/earthquakeprediction
A date hit and Epicenter hit prediction
4.5 Earthquake at Washington today
A date hit prediction
Watch the epicenter hypothesis
The quake was just before Sun rise at local time
Some explation on what I have mentioned above
My Theory is based on the idea of...reason of Earthquake is not plate tectonics but
a combined /resultant force of
1) Tidal pull on semisolid magma by planetary pull ( including Sun and Moon)
2) Gravitational pull by Sun and Moon on upper Earthcrust
3) Force due to sudden change in direction of tidal pull ,due to change in motion by planets.
It us like breaking force ,or Sudden acceleration on magma
Magnitude depends on alignment ,aspects and proximity of Sun ,Moon and Planets
Epicenter is decided by hypothesis, discussed earlier
Here are the probable dates for major (6+) quakes and Volcanic eruptions for the Month of March 2025
Before giving the dates few points which can be potential for major quakes this month
An Earthquake of 5.5 magnitude ( 6.1 as per local news) hit Nepal just now ie 28th February 25 ,at at 1.30 local time
The quake felt in India ( Bihar ,Patna ) also
watch the accuracy of prediction
Predicted date 28th Feb 25 ,with + or - 12 hrs margin
However, I still believe, Nepal should remain alert at the time of Sunrise,local time today
for more pl see
Here is an invitation/challenge to #Seismologist in General and #USGS in perticular
Cross check my major (6+) Earthquake-
Epicenter Hypothesis
in nutshell it is like this
Epicenter of major quakes are located at
1) the place where Either Sun or Moon are rising or setting ,with twilight zone margin ( + or - 45 minutes)
2) the place where Sun or Moon are at Zenith ( overhead) or At Nadir( opposite side of the globe ( with + or - 15 degree longitudes margin)
All are invited for this challenge.
Watch out
A quake of 5.4 magnitude at Bay of Begal at the time of Sun rise at Bay of Bengal on 25th
Time .00.40 UTC on 25th Feb 25
Lat long.19 N, 88.5 E
As against predicted date
24th February 2025
with + or - 12 hrs margin
Not only this
watch my epicenter location hypothesis