Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Earthqauke predicion for April 2012


Following dates are prone to earthquakes/eruptions

1 ) 6/7th April 2012----------------6.5
2) 15th April 2012---------------- 6.3
3) 22th April 2012-----------------6.2

watch he dates
window period for date + or -one day
window period for magnitude + or -0.3
place not predicted

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cycle quakes in March 2012,-Think out of the box-


By the same logic and rule of -cycle quake-we may get some quake of 6+ magnitude on 27/28th March

whenever Moon is at Max declination (also on 27th March ) ,closer, on equator, faster,COinsing ,squaring or opposing Sun or/planet changing the direction ,we may get major quakes

What I maen by -cycle quake concept- is

Before and after any major quake,pre shocks or after shocks occurs at an interval of 7/7 and half days.This is because,After every seven and half days (approx) Moon changes to next potent position ,90 degrees apart(which is also potent).Also after each 7 and half days, Moon occupies potent declinations, ie max North to on equator or from equator to Max south.Thus,7/8th ,14/15th ,21/22nd and 29/30th day after amjor quakes we may get major aftershocks and quakes at differnt locations also

Have any body noticed cycle quakes in March 2012 (current month. ie 8th ,14/15th ,20/21st March 2012?



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

7.4 earthquake at Mexico and 6.2 at Indonesia

 Please see my prediction for March 2012 and to days two major earthquakes .
watch the accuracy.It is surprising that ,we believe these quakes are just by chance, and my predictions are not better than random date selected by anyone
I hope major Instituations , Universities and USGS will look in to the matter, and promote such research by givinng technical and finincial help
 In fact , I would love to do this research (my 18 year old hobby) on full time basis. However, due to official work presure I am unable to spend time on this .I wold love to leave my job and concentrate on this work if sponsored by any Institute or universities

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Earthquakes at East coast of Honsu Japan on 14th March 2012

 Please see my earlier post on this blog (or popular post- earthquake prediction for March 2012) at the right side of this blog.
 The predicted date is 14/15th March 2012 ,and magnitude predicted is 6.5
The prediction time window frame is + or - one day and magnitude window is + or - 0.3
It is highly unfortunate ,that country like Japan (which supports earthquake research) is not supporting any theory or prediction based on theories other than plate tectonics
 Is is not fair to give ,a trail, to other theories and support (both technically and finicially) such research or studies?
 Japan is spending millions of Dollars on quake research ,but none for off track research or studies

Sunday, March 04, 2012

earthquake prediction for March 2012

 I am sorry,for not publishing the dates for march 2012 in advance.Due to heavy office work load,including on week ends, I could not calculate the details and publish the dates.
  Nevertheless few dates ,with quick calculations are posted here with
1) 8th March 2012------------------6.7
2)14/15th March 2012--------------6.5
3)21st March 2012------------------6.4
please check