Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Wednesday, September 01, 2021

Scientific Reseach Sdupport my theory


Now only they realize this

My theory, proposed 15 year back takes in to account several more factors,in proper order

 The basic theory is like this...

 Earth comprises of upper crust of say 100 to 150 km ,below which there is around 6000 km of molten lava. Due to tidal pull there occurs high tide and low tides in this semi solid lava, exactly like one in oceans. The day on which the pull is maximum ,hence maxi hightide inside the earth crust ,the lava break the crust .If it breaks partially, it is quake ,and if it break open crust it is volcanic eruption 

Thus ,some dates are more prone to major quakes.The plate boudries ,which are

 weak ,break first ,hence more quakes at plate boundaries 

 The location can be fixed ,with the direction of resultant pull.

 Moon ,being closest is a prime trigger for quakes and eruption ,as having maximum pull. This is becuse pull reduces in qubic proprtion with eespect to distance. So ,closest have max pull

The prone dates are

1) Moon at Perigee( closest ie around 57 earth radious distance).This occurs twice in a month

2) Full Moon ,New Moon..when tidal pull is maximum 

3) Eclipses 

4) Moon at Maximum Declinations both north and south

5) Major planets changing direction from dire t to retrogate and vice a versa

6) Sun and Moon having same declinations ,north or south.

In Astrology thise are known as special yofa..vyatipat..

7) Moon joing or opposing Jupiter, venus or Mars .This gives boost to tidal pull

8) Jupiter when closest to is around 5 Astronomical AU is average distance of Earth from Sun

Whenever I predict dates for major quakes (6+ magnitude) ,I take in to account all this.

I predict location also ,but those can not be  disclosed ,under Indian Disaster Act 2005