Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

A book for patients/persons having excessive stress or even clinical Depression


A book for stress management and even managing clinical depression is published on three platforms

e book is also available at

My book - A GIFTED TOY II is published by
It is also available at


also at

The book is for all those persons who are having excessive stress and are diagnosed as having clinical or major depression
It basically states ,your emotions and even depression is-A GIFT FROM GOD - and they are here to serve some purpose
various methods and techniques are incorporated in the book

So here is the way out,

Accept, acknowledge and mange your negative emotions
  Your depression is actually
A blessing in disguise and -A GIFTED TOY-

Amit Dave

Monday, June 27, 2022



 Sorry for diversion of topic.  

i thought in these pandemic years ,people are stressed to the limit and even diagnosed as having major or clinical depression.

 Base on my own first hand experience, I have written a book  - A GIFTED TOY II- which is now available on amazon

The book basically states that your depression is a blessing in disguise. It wants you to understand your own emotion and manage it propoerly

 It also gives you profound inner wisdom and meaning in  life. Once you understand, no matter what, your peace of mind will not be disturbed

pl search

 A GIFTED TOY II-Book by Amit Dave ..



please rad and obtain a blissful mind

Amit dave

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Earthquake prediction theory in nutshell


People ask me ,what is the basis of my earthquake prediction ? How scientific it is?

Ok ,will state in nutshell

A) Existing theory is that the quakes are produced by tectonic plates, moving and colliding with each other.Tectonic plates are several earthcrust( @ 100 km thick) plates floating over hot lava/magma.

 When these plates collide or move one over other, the stress is built-up. When suddenly this stress is released ,quakes occur.

 However ,this theory can not predict quakes. 

How the quakes occurs at places other than boudries is also not clear

B) My theory 

The Earth is made up of solid core, hot semisolid magma @6000km, and @100 km of upper crust.

Now as due to tidal pull ( mainly if Sun Moon) there comes hightide and low tide in oceans. 

Similar high tide and low tide also occurs in the semisolid liquid ,magma ,inside the crust.

On a given date when tidal pull is high ,it breaks open the upper crust of 100 km and quakes occurs.

If it break the crust completely, a volcanic eruption occurs.

Thus there are some prone dates ,on which day the tidal pull is above critical value

If we remain vigilant on these days ,loss of life and property can be avoided


Earthquake prediction for the month of June 2022


 here are the probable dates for major (6+) quakes 

Time window period is + or - one day

Locations not predicted ( as per norms of Disaster Act 2005 ) 

1)6th June  2022.....6.3

2) 9th June ............6.6

3) 14th June .........7.2

4)17th June ..........6.6

5)  21st June..........6.9

6) 26th June ........6.5

[lease note ,this month Sun will be at Maximum Declination of 23.N 26 degrees and will stat moving

southward (known as Dakshinayan in Sanskrit)

The maximum Declination date, ,standstill date and changing Direction dates are prone to major quakes because on this dates as the direction changes ,the momentum due to the gravitational pull by Sun will change

 It is like Appling breaks or accelerator to the car ,when you fell a jerk 

Similar jerks are transmitted to the molten magma inside the Earth Crust ,which gives sudden jerks on the tectonic plates above semisolid magma/lava. This ultimately produces major quakes or even volcanic Eruptions

So the dates mentioned here are also prone to volcanic eruptions  

Extended theory also says these dates are prone to rain or cloud brust

SO the dates are also prone for south west monsoon in Maharashtra /Mumbai of India

watch out 


 Amit Dave