The two major quakes of today are 12 hrs outside my time window.
1) 6.6 at Chile at 12.33 UTC ,at 29S ,72W
2)6.5 at Fiji at 11.10 UTC at 18S, 179W
However watch my epicenter hypothesis
1) The quake at Chile is exactly at Moon setting time at epicenter
2) The quake at Fiji is when Sun is at Nadir yo epicenter (Sun is at 8 degree East ie 172 W ) ,where as quake is at 179 East
watch accuracy of my epicenter hypothesis.
By the way question to plate tectonics...
Why two major quakes on same day hardly 2 hrs apart ,on entirely different fault line, which are no way connected.
As Jupiter is closest (3.9 AU -Astronomical units) and Sun is also closer we may observe some of the major quakes ,often reaching up to 7.5 in this month