Here are the probable dates for major (6+) quakes and Volcanic eruptions for the Month of March 2025
Before giving the dates few points which can be potential for major quakes this month1) Moon is at ,one of the rarest maximum declinatiins ,both North and South
Maximum Declination North is 28.37 on 8th March and 28.40 degrees South on 22nd March 2025. Moon reach 28.5 degrees maximum Declination once in 18.6 Years.
This gives one more hypothesis.
Every 18th/19th year we may get spike in major Earthquakes (6+).
All are invited to cross check this hypothesis also ( in addition to my Epicenter location hypothesis)
2) Venus is becoming stationary on 2nd March and will start its retrogate motion on 4th March 25.
3) Mars will go Direct on 1st March 2025.
Thus the probable dates are
1)2nd/3rd March 2025
2)8th March
3)14th March
4)22nd March
5)25th March
6) 29th March 2025.
Dates and time as per UTC.
Location of Epicenter are as per hypothesis.
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