Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Major quakes at Chile to day(11thMarch 2010) -request to USGS to look in to the matter.

As predicted earlier on my blog ,there were three major quakes at Chile to day.There are 7.2,6.9 and 6.0 quakes at Chile .I would not term these as aftershocks because
1) As per my theory every shock is a separate shock
2) If,as per plate tectonics,these were aftershocks,how they increase in magnitude after so many days?
It is high time taht, USGS and other research institutes, encourage the research in the field other than plate tectonics


Roger Hunter said...


1) Your theory is wrong

2) It happens that way sometimes

The USGS is not likely to pursue wrong theories.


AMIT said...

If it is a fluke and just a matter of chance,every body you,me
or anybody else have equal probability of success or failure.
I propose you to give some dates randomly for major quakes,till say Deccember 2010 and let us wait and watch

Roger Hunter said...


That's true but what would it prove?

I might do well, I might do poor, so might you.

It still proves nothing. And a year is wasted doing it.


JV said...


are you referring to this prediction:

6)11.03.2010 1100 6.5


Roger Hunter said...


Just to see how random dated could do, I extracted all the 7+ quakes in 2009. Then I picked one date per month for each month and counted the number of hits I got using a 3 day window.

The best run got 5 hits, not bad considering that a couple of months had no quakes IIRC.


AMIT said...

Yes please. I am referring to 11.03.2010 quakes.
Amit Dave

Roger Hunter said...


Those quakes came in 12.3 days after the main shock.

How does that support your theory?


AMIT said...

Dear Roger
There are two cycles of quakes ,as already mentioned in my blog

(1)When any planet changes the motion from direct to retro gate or vice a verse first cycle comprises of Moon Joining, Opposing or squaring that planet
(2) second cycle comprises of Moon joining ,squaring or Opposing the Sun in the window period of 15 days (both side) when (1) above exists

If there are more than two planets changing the direction in a short span of 3/5 days there will be even three separate cycles
In this case of more planets changing direction within short span,the quakes will be huge
Now , in our case of 11.03.2010 pl note that Mars have changed the direction on 10.03.2010 and Moon directly opposing the the Mars on 11.03.2010.This date specifically selected for this reason well in advance (January 2010)
Now ,further on 15 .03.2010 we have New Moon, Moon opposing fastest moving Jupiter ,and Mars is picking up he acceleration, there will be yet more quakes.
I would suggest one exercise
Find the concentration of major quakes on both sides of such dates when Jupiter,Venus ,Saturn and Mars are changing the directions. The magnitudes will be in descending order from Jupiter to Mars.Mercury is having less mass and hence less pull can give quakes up to 6.2 or so
Also find the dates in past when both Jupiter and Saturn were changing the direction in a short span and major quakes in window period or say cycle dates in window period
There are on an average 6 such dates excluding Mercury when directions are changed.What actually happens when major planets changes the direction is ,it either breaks or accelerates the momentum of magma inside the crust and thus creates imbalance inside the crust.Moon,with highest pull acts as a triggers when such changes in momentum exists
