Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Monday, February 06, 2012

Cebu philipines quake.and prediction for February 2012

 As mentioned earlier, some how found some time over night and now posting the probable dates for February 2012
  Saturn is stationed this week and changing direction, any aspect of Moon with planets changing the direction may induce quakes. Thus we have philipines quakes
 Now ,the probable dates rae
1)12th Feb 2012-----6.5
2)16th Feb ----------6.3
3)21st Feb ----------6.2
4)24th Feb----------6.4
Place not known
window period + or - one day
magnitude window + or - 0.3

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Earthquake prediction for February 2012

 Election commission have schedulded election on 16th of February 2012 for Municipal corporation  of Greater Mumbai .Hence , there is heavy work load at ward level. working as a head of the ward ( as Assistant commissioner) it has become very difficult for me to find some time and work on my caculations for my February 2012 prediction. It is essential for me to work on all Saturadys and Sundays as well as on public holidays.
  Nevertheless ,if  Ican find some time during night hours, I will try to do some calculations,and post my probable dates