Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Hypothesis relating Big quakes and Volcanic eruptions

We have seen some volcanic eruptions during Dec 29th and 30th 2013

also see volcano erupted during last two days

More the volcano eruptions lesser the magnitude of the quakes predicted ( this is because the built up tidal pressure releases during eruptions)

 An interesting interpretation of the fact ,that volcanic eruptions may and can reduce the magnitude of the impending big quake any where on the globe, can be used (one day) to avoid big quakes in populated city area
 On ,high probable dates, the active/passive volcanoes can be triggered to erupt (after calculating exact time of tidal pressure beneath the volcano)
 This may sound absurd ,today, but it is possible in principle

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Major earthquakes predicted for December 2013

 The month of December 2013, as per my prediction will witness major quakes sometimes exceeding 7.5. It is also predicted that,these dates are prone for volcanic eruption also. Both natural disasters follow the same theory

1) 3rd/4th December 2013................7.4

2)12th December.............................6.6

3) 17th/18th December....................7.0

4)22nd December...........................6.7

5)31st December/1st January 2014.......7.5

3rd/4th means ......12 Noon from 3rd to 12 Noon 4th

Time window ...+ or - one day

Magnitude window....+ or - 0.3

 I also predict that on 3rd/4th and 31st/1st  window there will be more than one  quake

Places not predicted


Sunday, November 17, 2013

7.8 Earthquake at Scotia sea on 17th November 2013-a date hit prediction

 please note a powerful quake of 7.8 at Scotia sea on 17th Nov 2013 at 9.05 UTC  and my prediction
17th at 15.15 Hrs of 6.5+ quake in - Earthquake prediction for November 2013-
 watch the accuracy of date and time
 Now ,how can anybody say ,this is just by chance?


Monday, November 04, 2013

Earthquake prediction (6.5+)Rogers date ( my predicted) list --why not matching with my list

 Here are the details of why your dates ,should not be included in 6.5+ prediction list

12.01.2009...Double dates you have taken like 12/13th
18.01.2009.. not in your original list of 232 dates and not predicted
17.05.2009....double dates
6.9.2009...6.4 quake predicted
20.10.2009..double dates
6.06.2010....5.06.2010 overlaps
26.06.2010..yes it is missed by me..and a date hit for 6.5+
9.06.2010..not in your list and not predicted
3.09.2011..not in original list
16.09.2011.. do...
19.12.2011..not in original list
25.12.2011..double 24.12.2011 taken
01.07.2012...0 value roger have taken
16.07.2012...not in original list
19.10.2012..taken at sr no 143
19.10.2013..not in your list, and 18.10.2013 taken

Now find .only two dates missed by me
one date hit and one miss


My Earthquake prediction (6.5+) from November 2006 to October 2013

NAG, PREDICTED ACTUAL QUAKES + OR - ONE DAY Roger list sr number remark
1 19-11-2006 6.5 0 1
2 11/12/2006 7.2 0 2
3 18-12-2006 6.9 0 3
4 24-12-2006 6.4 0 4
5 8/4/2007 7.5 0 5
6 24-04-2007 7.5 0 6
7 28-04-2007 7.5 0 7
8 2/5/2007 7.5 0 8
9 10/5/2007 7.8 0 8
10 16-06-2007- 7 0 9
11 13-08-2007 7 0 3
12 22.8-2007 7 0 14
13 22-12-2007 7 0 15
14 29-12-2007 7 0 16
15 4/5/2008 8 0 17
16 5/5/2008 8 0 18
17 10/5/2008 8 6.8 on 10-05-2008 19
18 13-05-2008 8 7.9 on12-05-2008 20
19 17-05-2008 8 0 21
20 20-05-2008 8 0 22
21 20-10-2008 6.9 6.9 on 19-10 27
22 2/1/2009 6 7.6 on 3-01-2009 29
23 4/1/2009 7.2 ditto 30
24 11/1/2009 7.1 0 31 12-01 not taken 
25 15-01-09 7.4 7.4, 6.7 on 15-01-09 33
26 26-01-09 6.9 0 35
27 9/2/2009 7.1 0 36
28 4/3/2009 6.6 0 37
29 6/3/2009 6.9 0 38
30 15-04-09 6.5 6.7 on 16-04 39
31 22-04-09 6.7 0 40
32 9/5/2009 6.6 0 41
33 18-05-09 7.2 0 42 an d 43
34 24-05-09 6.7 0 44
35 6/6/2009 6.8 0 45
36 13-06-09 6.5 0 46 mag taken 7
37 16-06-09 6.5 0 47 mag taken 7.2
38 20-06-09 6.5 0 48 mag taken 7.1
39 22-06-09 6.5 0 49 ditto 7.4
40 3/10/2009 6.5 0 51
41 11/10/2009 6.8 0 53
42 13-10-09 7 0 54
43 24-10-09 7 7.0  on24-10 0 roger have not taken
44 18-10-09 6.9 0 55
45 24-12-09 6.6 0 58
46 26-12-2009 6.5 0 59
47 1/1/2010 7.2 0 60
48 3/1/2010 7 7.1 and 6.5 on 3-01-2010 61
49 15-01-10 6.7 0 62
50 18-01-10 6.6 0 63
51 30.01.10 6.5 0 64
52 15-02-2010 6.6 0 65
53 28-02-10 6.8 8.8 and 6.9 on 27-02 66
54 11/3/2010 6.5 7.2 and 6.9 on 11-03-2010 67
55 15-03-10 6.9 6.6 and 6.5 on 14-03 68
56 29-03-10 7 6.6 on 30-03 69
57 11/4/2010 6.5 6.8 on 11-04-2010 70
58 25-04-10 6.6 6.5 on 26-4-10 71
59 20-05-10 6.6 0 73
60 23-05-10 7 6.5 on 24-05-10 74
61 27-05-10 7 7.2 on 27-05-10 75
62 29-05-10 7 0 76
63 5/6/2010 7.1 0 77
64 12/6/2010 7.1 7.5 on 12-0610 79
65 22-06-10 7.1 6.7 on 26-06-10 80
66 4/7/2010 6.8 0 81
67 11/7/2010 6.8 0 82
68 16-07-10 7.1 0 83
69 23-07-10 6.9 7.4 and 7.3 on 23-07-2010 84
70 26-07-2010 7.1 0 85
71 31-07-10 6.5 0 86
72 10/8/2010 7 7.3 on 10-08-2010 87
73 7/8/2010 6.8 0 not taken by roger
74 12/8/2010 7.3 7.1 and 6.9 on 12 and 13th -08-10 88
75 24-08-2010 7 0 89
76 27-08-10 7.4 0 90
77 1/9/2010 7 0 91
78 3/9/2010 7.3 7 on 3-09-10 92
79 8/9/2010 7.6 0 93
80 15-09-10 6.6 0 94
81 23-09-10 7.2 0 95
82 30-09-2010 6.9 7.2 on 29-09-2010 96
83 6/10/2010 6.6 0 97
84 9th oct 2010 6.6 0 98
85 20-10-2010 6.9 6.7 on 21-10-2010 99
86 23-10-2010 6.7 0 100
87 2/11/2010 6.6 0 101
88 16-11-2010 7 0 102
89 21-11-2010 6.8 0 103
90 23-11-2010 6.7 0 104
91 29-11-2010 6.7 6.8 on 30-11-2010 105
92 6/12/2010 6.6 0 106
93 21-12-2010 6.8 6.5 on 20-12-2010 107
94 27-12-2010 6.7- 0 108
95 19-01-2011 7 7.2 on 18-01-2011 109
96 25-01-2011 7 0 110
97 19/2/2011 7 0 111
98 21-02-2011 7 6.5 on 21-02-2011 112
99 20-03-2011 7.5 0 113
100 8/4/2011 6.5 7.1 on 7-04-2011 not taken by roger
101 11/4/2011 6.5 6.7 on 11 -04-2011 not taken by roger
102 17-04-2011 6.5 6.6 on 18-04-2011 115
103 7/5/2011 6.8 0 116
104 16-05-2011 6.9 6.6 on 16-05-2011 117
105 29-05-2011 6.7 0 118
106 12/6/2011 6.5 0 120
107 15-06-2011 7 6.5 on 16-06-2011 121 and 122
108 30-06-2011 7 0 123 and 124
109 9/7/2011 7 7.1 on10-07-2011 125
110 31-07-2011 6.5 6.7 on 31-07-2011 126
111 6/8/2011 6.5 0 127
112 13-08-2011 6.8 0 128
113 22-08-2011 7 0 not taken by roger
114 29-08-2011 7.1 6.8 on 30-08-2011 not taken by roger
115 2/9/2011 6.8 6.5 and 6.8 on 2-09-2011 130
116 5/9/2011 6.5 6.6 on 5-09-2011 131
117 12/9/2011 7 0 132
118 28-09-2011 7.2 0 133 and 134
119 21-10-2011 6.6 7.4 on 21-10-2011 137
120 27-10-2011 6.9 6.9 on 28-10-2011 138 ad 139
121 13-11-2011 6.5 0 141
122 25-11-2011 6.7 0 142 and 143
123 10/12/2011 6.5 6.7 on 11-12-2011 145
124 20-12-2011 6.6 0 147
125 24-12-2011 6.9 0 148
126 9/1/2012 6.5 6.6 on 9-01 and 7.2 on 10-01-2012 150
127 19-01-2012 6.6 0 151 and 152
128 12/2/2012 6.5 0 154
129 8-032012 6.7 6.7 on 9-03-2012 158
130 15-03-2012 6.5 6.9 on 14-03-2012 159 and 160
131 7/4/2012 6.5 0 162 and 163
132 6/5/2012 6.8 0 166
133 8/5/2012 6.6 0 167
134 22-05-2012 6.5 0 169
135 4/6/2012 6.6 0 171
136 10/6/2012 6.5 0 172
137 29-06-2012 6.6 0 175
138 3/7/2012 7.1 0 177 and 178
139 29-07-2012 6.8 6.5 on 28-07-2012 not taken by roger
140 25-08-2012 6.6 6.6 on 26-08-2012 180 and 181
141 8/9/2012 6.6 0 183
142 23-09-2012 6.7 0 186 and 187
143 19-10-2012 6.8 0 189
144 15-11-2012 7 6.5 on 16-11-2012 191 and 192
145 13-12-2012 7.1 0 194
146 27-12-2012 6.8 0 196
147 10/1/2013 7 0 199
148 23-01-2013 6.5 0 201
149 6/2/2013 7 7.9,7.1 and 7.0 on 6-02-2013 203 and 204
150 18-02-2013 6.5 0 206
151 21-02-2013 6.6 0 207
152 6/3/2013 6.5 0 not taken by roger
153 1/4/2013 6.8 0 210 and 211
154 27-05-2013 6.6 0 214 and 215
155 8/6/2013 6.7 0 216
156 24-06-2013 7 6.5 on 24-06-2013 218 and 219
157 22-07-2013 6.6 6.5 on 21-07-2013 222
158 14-09-2013 6.5 0 224 and 225
159 11/10/2013 6.7 0 229 and 230
160 18-10-2013 6.6 6.5 on 19-10-2013 231
Total 160 dates predicted and 53 hits with + or - one day window period

odds are 0.3 .hence out of 160, 48 hits are expected

It is above average

Sunday, November 03, 2013

My own physical evaluation of my 6.5 + earthquake predictions

 Recently my earthquake predictions are being evaluated by Roger and Brain on the following forum

 It was concluded by the evaluates that, my predictions are below average and that if any one gives random dates,he can beat my predictions( as I am below statistical average.
  As I am little skeptical of the Jones method of evaluation being followed, I have physically checked all my predictions taking in to consideration my blog dates as well as  Rogers list
 Here are my findings
 From 19.11.2006 to 18.10.2013 ,all quakes predicted by me ,those are 6.5 or above are

1) Total Prediction 161 dates ( 6 to 6.4 are not considered)
2) Actual 6.5 and above quakes .......54 ( in + or - one day window and UTC time)
3) average/ odds of 6.5+ quakes is ...0.3 ie 30% chances of it to occur on random date with window
4)Actual rate is 54/161= 0.335 ie 33.5% which is above average

 Again ,the method was not fine tuned in the first couple of years ie 2006 to 2009 the rate was less .
If we consider years 2010 to 2013 ,th results are

1) Total predictions.......113 dates
2) hits.........................47 ( with + or - one day window)

Thus result is 47/113=0.416 ie 41.6% which is well above average

 If Roger wishes ,the actual dates compared with his list of 232 predictions can be posted or e mailed


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Earthquake prediction for November 2013

 Here are some of the probable dates for 6.5+ quakes for the month of November 2013

1)4th/5th November 2013...... 7.0 (  12 Noon 4th to 12 noon 5th )

2)18th November 2013...........6.8

3)21st  November 2013.......6.7......20.15 UTC ( window period only + or -12 Hrs)

 For Sr number 1) and 2) window period is + or - one day
 Magnitude window + or - 0.3

    As a part of giving details of my personal diary following further specific details are given
 please note ,places are not given here ,so only observe these dates and times as academic interest

  Going one step further, I would like to give date and time with only + or - 6 Hrs window

1) 3rd Nov......12.50 UTC
2)6th ...............07.30

 Total six days and 12 Hrs  each(+ or - 6 Hrs)
 Hence ,effectively total 3 days(6*12=72 ie 3 days) of prediction


Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Earthquake prediction evaluation and change in predictions

  Time and again ,it is observed  that ,there are doubts about my predictions as to whether they are below averages or above. To facilitate ,the evaluation and to reduce the odds,hence forth I will be predicting quakes those are above 6.5
  Those who wish to check accuracy may please search this blog for " date hit prediction"
  Thus,there will be lesser  .dates of predictions.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Earthquake Prediction for October 2013

 Here are the probable dates and magnitude for probable earthquakes in October 2013

1) 4th/5th Oct.............6.4,,,( from 12 Noon UTC on 4th to 12 Noon UTC on 5th)

2) 10th /11th.............6.7


4) 24th....................6.3

As a typical test case the time and location of 10th Oct quake is given here

10th Oct 2013.......23.06 UTC.......80 degree west and/or 100 degree East

window period  for sr no 1 to 4 is + or - one day

magnitude window is + or - 0.3


Thursday, September 05, 2013

Earthquake prediction for September ,with Magnitude, date ,time and location

 For a change ,I am hereby posting ,the direct version from my personal diary. The September calculations reads like this

1)12th September 2013....1830 UTC .....6.7....10 degree West and 20 degree south,170 degree East and 20 degree south. and /or 10 degree west to 10 degree East, 170 degree west to 170 degree East

2)15th September 2013.....1634 UTC......6.5

3)19th September 2013...1113 UTC......6.1

4)26th September 2013...0110 UTC....6.2


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Earthquake prediction for September 2013

 For September ,I find two potent dates for 6+ quakes
1) 13th/14th September 2013.......6.5
  please note 13th/14th date means from 12 Noon (UTC) on 13th to 12 Noon on 14th (UTC)

2)19th September 2013..... 6.1 ( a mild potency date)

Time window...+ or - one day
magnitude window...+ or -0.3
places ...not predicted


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Puzzling Moon tidal pull on ocean waters

 Time and again  I was made to understand that, the tidal pull on earth of planets is negligible except some pull by Moon on Earth. Hence, I have started to observe the high tide data of Mumbai (Bombay) port trust against the Moon position and distance
  In the current month ie August I have some puzzling observations. As the other planets including Sun tidal pull is negligible (as it is believed by science), I have only considered Moon distance ,declinations and aspect with Sun. The table is like this

Date....................Moon distance.........Moon declination...........High tide max at Mumbai port in mtrs
17th................57 ER(earth radius)....-19...................................3.76.....(Moon at perigee)



20th.............57.8..........................-9.....................................4.6....(Full Moon day)


22nd........59.1.........................0........................................4.78 (highest in August)..( Moon on Equator)

Now questions are
1) If only Moon is responsible (to the greater extent) ,why this anomaly? ie why highest on the day other than perigee of Moon?
2) If Sun is also considered why not highest on full Moon day?
3) Why it is highest on 0 declination? even when it is farther than at Perigee or full Moon day?
   Moon only closer to the extent of equator budge portion which far less than one ER (Earth radius)

Any idea? any ready software that can give me projected high tide amount on a given date at given place?


Friday, August 09, 2013

Earthquake prediction Evaluation- a physical check

  I have been trying to figure out , the results of my prediction, statistically Roger is kind enough to help me in the process by ,special programs devised by him. However, it is some time becomes little confusing as to what the results suggests
  hence ,I have started to find it out ,with a hard ,laborious, physical verification.  It is really tough ,if one tries to figure it out ,by actual verification
  As a simplest and most crude method,  I took only two criteria ( ie part B  of trigger)
 The only two triggers i took were
1) Moon closest
2) Moon at maximum declination ( both north and south)

 Following criteria taken
 a) period 01.01.2005  to 31.12.2012
b) Date on which Moon Is closest taken
c) + or - one day taken for Maximum Moon declination

 No other criteria taken ,to make it simple for physical verification

 1) total days---------2880
 2) total quakes of 6.5+------389 ( actual quakes occurred)
3)  windows selected as per criteria-----532


Actual quakes during selected period


 It is up to readers to find out ,as to whether it is below or above average

please note
 This is very crude method , as i have not taken all criteria which I consider while giving dates. Roger have considered more criteria ( only left out was fine tuning and some aspects)
  Also, this is based on actual calculations, it is lengthy and laborious, There are chances that, one or two are missed or wrongly taken. But by and large it is fairly accurates

 Readers comments are expected

Earthquake prediction for August 2013

  Due to some unavoidable work, I could not calculate the probable dates for August 2013, in advance.
 After some preliminary calculations, it is observed that, there are no strong enough positions to induce 7+ quakes.
 The only probable date is
17th August 2013....................6.4 (+ or -0.3)
 Date window is + or - one day

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Request to prepare a program , for Earthquake prediction,

 I here by, request ,to prepare a program, for predicting Major earthquakes, based on broad guide lines ,given below.and also in another post, Basic Guide lines to predict the major quakes
 Roger, is also working on the same issue.As I am not so program savvy, I request to one and all for this
    May be , I am unable ,to explain Roger,the basic rules, the results are sometimes positive and often negative

Basic rules to prepare a program
Part A)
 Select dates /weeks ,where any two indicators are available
 a)Sun closer(0.98 AU approx) ,Sun at Maximum Declination
 b)Jupiter closer (4.0 AU or so), Jupiter at Maximum declination
 c) Venus closer (0.4 AU or so),Venus at maximum declination
 Out of these three a),b) and c) of part A indicators any one is  required.
out of six indicators{ two of each a),b) and c)} of part A) any four are required for 6.5+ quake to occur

 Part B)
 once probable dates from part A are fixed exact date is decided by trigger Moon.
without part A,Moon may not be able to trigger the quake, hence we do not have quakes on all full Moon and new Moons
 Potential triggers, in descending order are
 a) Moon closer/closest (57 ER), and Moon at Maximum declination (+ or - 22 or whichever is highest)
 b) Full Moon OR New Moon
 c)moon joining or opposing ,planets closer (in part A)


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cycle earthquake theory....pre and aftershocks..theory


 please see my note - earthquake prediction for July 2013-

 please note 7.3 earthquake on 15th 14 UTC ,at south sandwich island
  Predicted date and time were 16th July 4.0 UTC.
  yes I am conservative while predicting magnitude. May be I am too cautious while predicting magnitude
 What is to be noted here is the theory of cycle quakes
   Time and again I have stated and pointed out that, as Moon is the main trigger in earthquake occurrence, there are fair amount of chances that,another quake (major 6.5 or so) occurs exactly after 7 and half days to 8 days
 This is because, Moon moves exactly 90 degrees during these 7/8 days and occupies another potent /triggering position 90 degree apart.
   Thus, before and after any major quake,there are chances of pre and post shocks after 7 and half adys and 15 days.
  This continues (15 days or 21 days ) till the potent positions created by major planets ( Jupiter/Venus/Sun) fades away
  Thus, after any major quake,authorities should be cautious on 7/8 th and 15 days also
   Check this theory,if anybody wishes

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Basic Guide line to predict major earthquakes

Basic guide line/thumb rules for major earthquake prediction

 There are two aspects of predicting dates of major quakes,as per my findings,
1) potent month/weeks
2) Trigger dates

1) potent months have indicators like
     a)Jupiter closer/est----about 4.0 AU  or less
      b)Venus closer/sest----about 0.3 to 0.5 AU
      c)Sun closer/est-------0.98 AU or so
 For the time being ,let us keep aside ,direct .retro gate motions
First find out such month where all three/ any two exists

2) date and time are decided by trigger Moon
    a)Moon at max declinations (both)
   b) Moon closer---57.0 ER or so
  c) Full Moon/New Moon
  d) Moon Joining /opposing  planets/Sun mentioned at sr no 1) above

 So instead of taking all above as indicators take sr 1) as first requirement  and sr2) as trigger to fix date and time

 It would be an interesting idea to find dates when these indicators and triggers are present and no 6.5+ quake

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Earthquake prediction for 1st January 2014

Earthquake prediction for 1st January 2014

Generally I predict earthquakes one month in advance. However, while running a live software of planet positions ,I stumbled upon one date,ie 1st January 2014. I found this date as a potent date ,which can trigger 7.5 Magnitude quake. Probable time 12.15 UTC
  Places (tentative )were calculated but can not be disclosed as per guideline of National Disaster Act 2005


Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Relation between major earthquakes and volcano eruptions

  Seismologist and scientist now believe that the quakes and the Volcano ,are interconnected. The majoe quakes can make a volcano shrinks on other side of the globe(not connected by any tectonic plate)
 This is exactly , I was saying ,since long.. A date prone to major quake is capable of erupting a vocano ,directly coming under the pull.
     Not only ,this , I extend this further... A date prone to major quake is capable of cyclones and cloud burst also


Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Earthquake prediction for July 2013

 Following dates, time ,magnitude and place are prone to quakes in July 2013. These are all probable dates place and magnitudes.There are all chances that,these may or may not come true.
  The note is put up as a precautionary measure

1) 8th July 2013..........0610 UTC.......6.4.......100 degree East or 80 degree West

2)22nd July 2013.......1810 UTC.....6.6...............ditto.........


Friday, June 14, 2013

Date ,time and place prediction for 23rd June 2013

note- This is just a public prediction of earthquake and there are all chances that ,it may not come true.
 No body should take this seriously and may be treated just as an academic exercise.

hhDate--------------------23rd June 2013

   time --------------------12.15 UTC

  Magnitude---------------7.2 (+ or - 0.3)

places (probable)
20 degree south 120 degree west

 120 degree west complete

  60 degree east complete

25 degree north, 60 degree east

A line joining (20 degree south, 120 degree west)  and ( 20 degree North, 60 degree  east)


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Earthquake prediction for June 2013

 Here are probable dates of quakes (6+) for the month of June 2013.
Magnitude window is + or -0.3 and time window is + or - one day
place not predicted

1) 8th June 2013................................6.7

2) 17th June 2013...........................6.4

3)23/24th June 2013.......................7.0

4)30th June 2013..........................6.3

watch 8th and 23/24th  June 2013 for major quake/s and or volcanic eruption/heavy rains


Monday, May 20, 2013

6.8 Earthquake off Chile coast to day ie 20th May 2013...cycle quake theory.

 A powerful quake at chile off coast to day ie 20th May 2013.

 This has made it now clear that, a quake of not less than 6.5 ( may be 7+) is imminent between 25th and 27 th of May 2013

 This theory is termed ( by me as cycle quake theory)
  As Moon is the main trigger in major quakes,quakes are prone before and after 7-8 days and 15 days of prediction. This is because Moon acquires another potent position after every 7-8 days (ie 90 degrees apart).
 This happens ,till the potent combination fades away in 15 days

Between 25th and 27th we have few more potent combinations like
 Moon closest
Moon at Maximum declination.
Full Moon
Sun , Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are also at peak of their declination,all at one time may be more potent

 so, may be it could be 7+
place not known

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Southern Iran earthquake of 6.2 ( modified as 6.0) on 11th May 2013, A date hit prediction

An earthquake of 6.2 at Southern Iran just now(8.15 amIST) as predicted ie on 11th May 2013
plesse note Date and magnitude accuracy for 6+ quake prediction
Any one if says,all these date hit predictions are just by chance or a fluke,I hereby invite them openly,to give their random dates and compare rwsults with mine
All the statistics of averaging clusters of quakes is misleading

 At least one dead in to days quake at Southern Iran


Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Earthquake prediction for May 2013

 Here are some probable dates for earthquake of 6+.(place not known) for May 2013

1) 10/11th May 2013...................6.3

2) 26/27 th May...........................6.6

Date window is + r - one day

magnitude window is + or - 0.3


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earthquake and weather hypothesis

 Here are two hypothesis I would like to propose

 1) Flash floods, cyclones and earthquakes are interrelated.
 look at to days (24th April) quake at Afghanistan and flash floods. Time and again i have noticed this
 2) whenever,the Jupiter reaches maximum declination either north or south, frequency of major quakes increases.
  This year ie Oct 2012 and again now April 2013 we have Jupiter at maximum declination and hence more quakes ( considering other factors also)

  April 25th and 28 th 2013 are two potent dates,place not known )

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Earthquake prediction for April 2013

 First of all ,an apology for not posting probable dates of current month till 14th April. Due o some urgent official work I could not calculate the details of probable dates.Even to day also. I could not spare time.
   To day,ie 14th April 2013 .there is a major quake of 6..6 at Papua New Guinea.
   I am aware ,that,justifying delay is not good, Never the less ,you can check ,as per my theory,the quake of 6.6 to day
  Moon at Maximum declination
  Moon Joining the Jupiter
 Jupiter is closer to Earth

  I wish,I could devote full time to my hobby and stop working as a full time Engineer.I am also aware that, this will not happen ,unless,Govt sponsor or at least support my research plan


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Surprising statements of earthquake by USGS

watch these surprising statements by none other than USGS

first a quake post by USGS


Geographic coordinates: 12.801N, 90.679W
Magnitude: 5.8
Depth: 17 km
Universal Time (UTC): 10 Mar 2013 10:18:17
Time near the Epicenter: 10 Mar 2013 04:18:17
Local standard time in your area: 10 Mar 2013 15:18:17

Location with respect to nearby cities:
125 km (77 mi) S of Puerto San Jose, Guatemala
127 km (78 mi) SW of Acajutla, El Salvador
144 km (89 mi) SW of Sonsonate, El Salvador
145 km (89 mi) SSW of Chiquimulilla, Guatemala
189 km (117 mi) WSW of San Salvador, El Salvador



DELETED: Event us b000fi8j


***This event has been deleted after review by a seismologist.***

Geographic coordinates: 12.809N, 90.694W
Magnitude: 5.5
Universal Time (UTC): 10 Mar 2013 10:18:17
Time near the Epicenter: 10 Mar 2013 10:18:17

Location with respect to nearby cities:

Can anybody guess or explain how and why such things happen?

i have received both mail from USGS EXACTLY 1 hR AND 01 MINUTES APART




Sunday, March 03, 2013

Earthquake prediction for March 2013

As my wife is operated for colostomy ,I could not find any time.In fact I was staying in hospital since last 16 days.As such could not calculate dates for march 2013
Nevertheless , from hospital and mobile phone,I could pridict the first probable date as
5/6th March 2013----------6.5

Rest of the probable dates will be posted shorly

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Magnitude 8 earthquake at Santacruz island on 6th Feb 2013, as predicted and request to NZ Govt

Watch accuracy of my prediction(5/6th Feb) in previous posts and to days 8 mag quake at Santacruz island
 You can find many 7+ earthquake predicted dot on date by me on this blog. But the problem is seismologist in general and plate tectonic theory in particular ,believe firmly that, quakes can not be predicted. several major quakes predicted by me are termed as flukes
  I have ,then. invited one and all to give random dates for major quakes,well in advance and compare random dates given by people against my dates. if my predictions are flukes, people giving random dates have same chance of success or failure. out of ten such people at least seven should beat my prediction ,if my dates are below average.Unfortunately no one turned up.
  now I request NZ Govt to take serious note of this ,and allow me to work on this topic as a full time research student,as I can not spare time for this work after my regular engineering duties


Sunday, February 03, 2013

Hypothesis for major(8.5+) earthquake occurance

 I have collected some dates on 8.5+ quakes from 2000  to 2012

Now some observations  are

1)out of these six quakes 4 were either on Full Moon or New Moon ( one in window)
2) three were on Moon at Max declination
3) Three were on dates when Moon was closest to Earth

so as a thumb rule Hypothesis for a layman, it can be stated that---

when moon is at maximum declination,closest and /or a full moon or new moon a major(6.5+) quake may occur within + or - one day


Friday, February 01, 2013

window in window ,for February 2013 quake prediction

 February probable quake dates are posted here.
Now what is given here ,is the time window (+ or - one hr) during these dates.

1)5th Feb 2013----------0230UTC
6)18th------------------ 1210

 These time is given to check the time accuracy, rest of the terms (magnitude) remains the same


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Earthquake prediction for February 2013

 As already mentioned several times,when major planets changes the direction ,there are chances of major quakes,provided other indicators co insides. Jupiter have already changed the direction from retro-gate to direct on 29th January 2013. As a result we had several 6+ quakes between 28 to 31 st of January 2013
  Now,the effect of this Jupiter change of direction along with Saturn and Mercury also changes the direction may give major quakes ( may be 7+) in February 2013
 Following are the probable dates for major quakes ( as well as volcanic eruption ) in February

1)5th/6th February 2013------------------7.0
2)10th February---------------------- 6.4
3)18th February---------------------  6.5
4)26th February---------------------- 6.6

 I expect February may witness several 6+ quakes .

5th /6th February are most potent dates .

time window + or - one day (UTC).5/ 6th means noon of 5th to noon of 6th
magnitude window + or - 0.3
place not known

Friday, January 25, 2013

How differential pull on earth induce a quake or can erupt a volcano

1)Tidal pull on ocean creates several meters of high tides.It is actually not tidal pull but the differential pull on water due to Moon as well as center of earth.this is only the reason why we get high tide at the opposite end of the earth.It also depends on volume of water it acts.More the volume more the effect of differential pull.This is again the reason why we do not have measurable high tide in a pond.
  Now considering huge volume of semisolid fluids/magma in side the crust ( how many times more than ocean water?) it is also acted upon by the same differential pull. And in turn may have greater high tide (at X-X axis) and low tides( at Y-Y axis). when the these differential pull exceed the limit it creates thrust on earth crust from inside). When this pull comes beneath the weaker crust or fault line it break the crust. If it comes below a volcano mouth it can erupt a volcano, This is why the dates are also prone to eruptions.Now as earth moves in orbit and along axis it becomes difficult to pin point where and when it will be below a fault line
  the quakes occurs at plate boundaries only because they are weaker section and breaks first

  roger, what you are talking is force ,but it is deferential pull that water gains  the tides.
   what do you think,a force equipment to make mouse sneeze can move ocean waters by 4 to 6 mts high?
