Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Earthquake prediction for June 2013

 Here are probable dates of quakes (6+) for the month of June 2013.
Magnitude window is + or -0.3 and time window is + or - one day
place not predicted

1) 8th June 2013................................6.7

2) 17th June 2013...........................6.4

3)23/24th June 2013.......................7.0

4)30th June 2013..........................6.3

watch 8th and 23/24th  June 2013 for major quake/s and or volcanic eruption/heavy rains


Monday, May 20, 2013

6.8 Earthquake off Chile coast to day ie 20th May 2013...cycle quake theory.

 A powerful quake at chile off coast to day ie 20th May 2013.

 This has made it now clear that, a quake of not less than 6.5 ( may be 7+) is imminent between 25th and 27 th of May 2013

 This theory is termed ( by me as cycle quake theory)
  As Moon is the main trigger in major quakes,quakes are prone before and after 7-8 days and 15 days of prediction. This is because Moon acquires another potent position after every 7-8 days (ie 90 degrees apart).
 This happens ,till the potent combination fades away in 15 days

Between 25th and 27th we have few more potent combinations like
 Moon closest
Moon at Maximum declination.
Full Moon
Sun , Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are also at peak of their declination,all at one time may be more potent

 so, may be it could be 7+
place not known

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Southern Iran earthquake of 6.2 ( modified as 6.0) on 11th May 2013, A date hit prediction

An earthquake of 6.2 at Southern Iran just now(8.15 amIST) as predicted ie on 11th May 2013
plesse note Date and magnitude accuracy for 6+ quake prediction
Any one if says,all these date hit predictions are just by chance or a fluke,I hereby invite them openly,to give their random dates and compare rwsults with mine
All the statistics of averaging clusters of quakes is misleading

 At least one dead in to days quake at Southern Iran


Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Earthquake prediction for May 2013

 Here are some probable dates for earthquake of 6+.(place not known) for May 2013

1) 10/11th May 2013...................6.3

2) 26/27 th May...........................6.6

Date window is + r - one day

magnitude window is + or - 0.3
