Here I shall give my theory in nutshell and the indicators which leads to major quakes.(6+)
(A) Theory
very briefly it states that,like high tides and low tides in the oceans, there occurs similar and corresponding high tides and low tides in the semi solid/molten lava below the earth crust.
Whenever the pull exceeds certain limits and the resultant pull acts on the weaker crust or fault line,an earthquake occurs. The more the pull or weaker the crust (fault line) ,the bigger the quake
Extension to this theory also states that, if the crust is completely broken ,or if the pull is acted upon volcano mouth,it may erupt. Further,if on a given date if eruption occurs,the magnitude of quakes will be less ,because the internal pressure is released by eruption
In this theory Moon is the main trigger. When other indicators (mentioned below) are present and Moon Joins ,opposes or squares the indicators the quake may occur
(B) Prediction
a) Determining month/s of major quakes
b) Fixing the date and time of quake
C) predicting location of quake
a) determining the month
following indicators are required for selecting the month in descending order
1) Jupiter closer...4.4 AU (Astronomical Unit which is equal to average distance between Earth and Sun)
2)Jupiter at Maximum declination....+ or - 22 or 23
3)Venus closer....0.4 AU
4)Venus at maximum declination...+ or -23 to 27
5)Sun closer......0.98 AU
6) Sun at maximum declination.....+ or -22 or 23
7)Mars closer......0.7 AU
8)Mars at maximum declination...+ or - 22 and above
9)Saturn closer ..........8.5 AU
10 Jupiter standstill...(changing direction)...
11)Venus stand still..(changing direction)
12)Mars stand still ..(changing direction
more the indicators are present in a given month ,more potent the month is. from sr number 1 to 9 any two indicator can give 6+ quake. .If exceeds ,5 it may give 7.5+ quake( depending upon the crust over which it is acting
b) determining the date and time..( in descending order ie first one is most potent)
the theory states that, Moon is the main trigger in almost all major quakes. once the month is decided, find the Moon in that month for following
1) Moon at perigee...ie closest...ie 57 ER (Earth radius)
2)Moon at maximum declination.....+ or - 20 to 27 ( in that particular month)
3) Full Moon or New Moon ( also eclipse if any)
4)find the major indicator from a) above ie jupiter, Sun,Venus or Mars ,depending upon their strength ,..and then find the date and time of Moon JOing, opposing or squaring that potant indicator
5) Moon at equator and at node
c) Location
location depends either on Moon position or the the most potent indicator from a) above
the time(+ or - 2Hrs...because moon takes 2Hrs to move one degree) can be fixed from B ) above. Further at that time find the Moon position on Earth ( where it is overhead at that time) The Lattitude and Longitude ,where Moon is overhead at given time as well as 180 degree apart (other side of globe for tidal pull acts at both ends) ,is prone to quake
The position of most potent indicator on earth (Lat long) ,as well as 180 apart are the prone locations
location accuracy also depend on the earth crust ,wher pull is acted upon at given date and time. If the crust is solid and no fault line comes under pull at that hour ,it can wait for few Hrs to fault line come under pull Or may pre pone the time as per weakness of crudt
cycle quake theory
it simply says that, the chances of major aftershock is high where major quake (7+) have occured after
12 hrs
24 Hrs
7/8th day
15/16th day
pl note Nepal had major quakes after 24 hrs as well as 15/16th day