Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

earthquake Prediction for August 2015

 Here are the probable dates for major quakes in August 2015
please note that in the month of August we have some of the strong indicators , which may give major quakes ( even 7+), and /or volcano eruptions , and /or cloud brusts

a)  Venus have already changed the direction on 24th July, and now accelerating
b) Venus will be closest in the month of August, ie 0.289 AU on August 17
c) Saturn will be changing direction from retogate  to direct on 1st August

One more point I would like to make this month is.. I will be giving Exact dates and the date hit predictions will be observed. For the time being ,the window period of + or - one day have been removed ie only the date mentioned here will be counted

1)  July 31st........6.4
2) 1st August (12.00 Noon UTC) to 2nd August 12.00 Noon UTC ........6.9 ( strongest of the month, may even go up to 7.2)
3)10th ................6.3
4) 14th ...............6.6
7)29th   ..............6.7 ( one more major quake ,may reach up to 7.0)

pl watch the dates