Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Monday, October 26, 2015

7.7 earthquake at Hindukush on 26th October 2015

  watch my earlier prediction and today 7.7 quake at Hindukush . pl note my earlier post where I have predicted major quakes between 24th and 28th.
  Are such major quake , just a coincidence?

 Also pl see the potential and triggers
1) Moon closest ...57 ER (Earth radius)
2)Jupiter Venus and Mars in close proximity.

  I ,now,would like to watch the time 24 Hrs after the major quake. The major quakes/aftershocks are most likely to occur after 12 Hrs/24 Hrs/8th Day and 15th Day...(termed as cycle quake theory)


Monday, October 12, 2015

Earthquake Prediction for October 2015

Here are some of the probable dates for October 2015
1) 18th Oct........6.3
2) 24th Oct........6.5
3) 27th Oct........6.7
window period +or - one day
Amit Dave

Earthquake prediction for Oct 2015 ..contd

 As you all are aware,this month I could not post dates till yesterday ie 11th,
I did not put the first date ie 12th. As a proof(for those you are skeptical,pl note that
12th is the New Moon day.(one of the main trigger)
 As a second proof pl note the dates for this months include
27th ie Full Moon day.
In fact 27th is stronger than 12th
pl not Nz quake to day

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Earthquake prediction for October 2015- an appology

 I am extremely sorry for not finding time to calculate and up load the probable dates for October 2015. Nevertheless, I will be doing the same in couple of days
Amit Dave