Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

 Sorry, This is pertaining to my book and not earthquakes. Though it is related ,in a way that earthquakes and fear of quake may some time induce clinical depression.

My book -A Gifted Toy - is under printing and will be ready by this month end. The book is basically for people recovering from depression. It says that ,the depression is like a Gift from God and you can come out with flying colors.Those who wish to have a look /purchase can contact

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Earthquake Prediction for June 2016

  The probable dates for major earthquakes in the month of June are as follows

1) 5th June  2016.....

2)18th/19th June 2016..

3) 29th June 2016..

window period is + or - one day

As on the date of Moon at Perigee( closest to Earth in the month ie about 57 ER -IE 57 Earth radius,we have one 6.5 quake, The date has passed hence omitted from the list
