Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Earthquake prediction for September 21


 Sorry could not post for three months.

This is the first time ,in last 14 years,that I have not posted the major earthquake probable dates for so long .

It is ,not proper ,for me to give any excuse.

I am ,extremely  sorry for this.

Here are the probable dates for September 21

If any one would like to test this ,can compare with USGS earthquake web site,-131.13281&extent=74.16409,-58.71094&map=false

Total 6 dates predicted

Hence window period is 6×3=18 days

So ,if total 6+ magnitude quakes in this month are  say  A numbers

Ax 18/30 = 0.6 ie 60%

Thus is 60% or above number of 6+ quakes occur in my window perod ,the theory is worth considering 

1) 2nd .....6.6


3) 10th ...6.4




The time window is + or - one day

Amit Dave