Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Friday, January 28, 2022

Earthquake Prediction for the month February 22


Here are some of the probable dates fir major quakes ( >6 )

Time window is +or - one day

Magnitude +or- 0.3 

Place/locations not predicted, as not allowed by Indian Disaster Act 2005 ( giving all three ,date ,place and Magnitude)

1) 2nd Feb..22......6.6

2)12th Feb........... 6.3

3)17th Feb.......... 7.1

4)24th Feb..........6.3

5) 27th Feb.  ...   6.6

Note..Basic theory is like this

1)Earth consist of hot semi solid magma ( around 6000km)and an upper crust of about 100kms

2) There occurs high tides and low tides in this semi solid magma ,exactly like one in oceans wares

3) The day on which the tidal pull exceed a threshold limit ( which is less for fault lines and plate boundaries), it breaks the upper crust ...and a quake occurs)

4) If the pull is directly over a volcano mouth ,it breaks open the mouth and an eruption occurs

These are basics 

Exact tidal pull calculations and momentum change formula are applied before predicting dates


Amit Dave

Results of my January 21 predictions


Before ,I give probable dates for the month of Feb 22 ,here are the resluts of my predictions for the month of January  22

All quakes are major quakes ie more than 6 

on Ritchard scale

1) predicted date 3rd ..(+ or - 1 day)...

Acual.. on 3rd. at Vanuattu and Taiwan

2)prediction 9th.

Actual on 10th and 11th early morning Karmadic Island and Cyprus

3) prediction 16th

Actual  on 16th  at PNG .Pappa Na Guiana 

4) prediction for 20th

Actual quake on 21 st Japan

5) prediction for 31st...

Yet to come ...


A quake of 6.4 at Karmadic Island today ie 29th 

Wait till 1st for this date

Watch the accuracy 

Wake up ....USGS...

Wake up Japan Siesmology ...JAMA

Amit Dave 

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