Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

The all in one theory for natural Disaters

 The existing theory of Earthquakes is based on plate tectonics. This theory states that the quakes are due to the faultlines on plate boundaries. These plates moves and thus develop pressure at the plate boundaries. When the pressure exceeds they move one over another and hence earthquakes.

However ,this theory can not predict the quakes nor it can explain why there are quakes at places other than plate boundaries
  The Earth is made up of earth crust  below which there is hot semi solid magma. At center there is a core .
  Now ,this theory suggest that...
As we have high tide and low tide in oceans ,there could be similar high tide and low tides in this semi solid magma. So where there is high tide on earth ,there is also a corresponding high tide below the crust.It is proved that ,even the Earth crust  ( around 100km thick) is  also affected by the tidal pull of Sun ,Moon and other planets.
If the tidal pull is more than a critical value the pull exerted by semisolid magma on Earth crust will break the crust and Earthquake will occur.If the pull is more it can break open the crust completely and volcanic eruption will occur
Thus the location on earth on both side ( 180 degree apart) where tidal pull is maximum are prone to major quakes.
The location at 90 degree apart where there is low tide is also prone ,as extreme low  tide make the crust collapse partially.
    The tidal pull in decending order are
1) First trigger .Moon closest
2) Sun Closer
3)Jupiter Closer /closest
4) Venus and Mars Closer/closest
5) Full Moon and New Moon
6) Moon at maximum Declination
7) Moon joins or opposes Jupiter ,Venus or Mars
8) Jupiter, Venus or Mars changing Direction from Direct to retrogate or vice versa
  This theory can be extended for
A) Volcanic eruption(we have seen how)
B)Heavy rain/Cloud burst(Tidal pull make clouds concentrate at high tide zone)
B) Cyclones(similarly low tide make partial vacuum in atmosphere, which further induces cyclones ,along with temperature difference in air)
The dates prone for major quakes (7+) are also prone for all three other natural disasters
Watch for dates

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Time prediction for major quakes in september 22 (location not predicted)


 please see my earlier post 

Now here I will be giving exact time for major earthquakes in 25,26 and 27th September 2022

pleas note that ,location are not predicted for obvious reason


all time in IST

1)25th September 22.....00.30 AM

2) 26th September 22......3.30 AM

3) 26th Sept 22................5.30 AM

4) 27th Sept 22............... 5.30 AM



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Closest Jupiter may give major quakes ,cyclones and hurricane


Jupiter is closest to Earth by this month End .Closest in 59 years.

This may give major quakes ,cyclones and hurricane this month end and first week of Oct 22.

Jupiter joing Moon ,Opposing Moon ,Squaring Moon as well as New Moon and Sun Oppsing closest Jupiter may be triggers

Why major Earth quakes this month?


We have seen some major quakes in this month ie September 22,one 6.9 at Taiwan on 18th and 7.6 in Maxico on 19th.

 Yes ,you may call this as two big miss ,as both these dates were not predicted by me for this month

The reason for big quakes in this month is

 Jupiter ,the biggest planet is very close to Earth this month .Infact it is less than 4 AU ( Astronomical Unit ie average distance between Earth and Sun.

 As per NASA report ,Jupiter is this much closest after 59 years.

 Now ,my main concern is....

. When Moon was far away on 19th Sept from Earth ( that is only why I didn't select this date ,it can give such major quake ,I doubt, both my dates ie 25th and 26th Sept could be more serious ( location not predicted, for obvious reason)

Now I will tell you why 25th and 26th Sept are more powerful is like this.

1) Jupiter is still coming closer than 18th Sept

2) Moon is more close than 18th/19th Sept

3) New Sun and Moon pull joins

4) Closest Moon and Closest Jupiter are directly opposite to each other, making tidal pull stronger

5)Sun and Closest Jupiter Oppose each other

6) Sun and Moon Declination are Same (one North and another South 

So,in short, both dates are prone for major Earthquakes