Plate tectonics suggests that , there was a super continent named Pangaea. This super continent was broken in several pieces and each one drifted apart. Thus ,the world continents as we see are formed.
Now ,several plates are formed and they move and collide with one another. When the built up pressure is released by movement of one plate over the other ,the Earthquakes and Volcano occur.. Himalayas was formed by such collision of two plates which started some 50 million years back. Even today ,Himalaya is increasing in height by about 5 mm every year
By this calculation ,the height of Himalayas should be more than 250 kms and not just 8600 odd mtrs.
Now Some questions
1) How did the super continent broken ? by which force ?
First answer was given by Platte tectonics was- Centripetal force-. When this was rejected ,the now accepted explanation is by Heat currents of molten magma under the crust .
Now my question is -
If the splitting force of heat current was there (below the super continent) ,it would have not allowed the super continent to be formed there ,in the first place.
How do we explain this?
2) Is it not possible that ,the super continents got separated by the force of earthquakes ?
3) How do plate tectonics explain earthquake and volcanic eruption at locations other than plate boundaries?
The explanations given by plate tectonics is like this...
As per modified plate tectonics, there are some intra plate faultlines.These are small faultlines inside a bigger plate.Due to such intraplate fault lines quakes at places other than plate boundaries occur ,one like Latur(Maharashtra, India quake).
However ,the question is whether such intraplate small faultlines can have relative motion inside a bigger plate,that can cause an Earthquake?
Where as for volcanic eruption at places other than plate boundaries ,the explanation given by plate tectonics is like this..
There are some extra hot spots inside the crust(???!!!how and why?).These extra hot spots of lava are responsible for volcanic eruption at places away from plate boundaries (only assumptions)
4) Why on a given potent date there are several major quakes all over the globe on various plates not connected in any way ?
5) The main proof produced by plate tectonics is that ,the shape of continents are like matching puzzle pieces and the fossil remains found in separated continents are same.
Now ,all this can be justified if we say that ,the super continent was broken and separated by violent quakes.
No heat currents / convection currents have power to breake the continents completely
6) Why plate tectonics can not calculate the built-up pressure and hence probable dates of major quakes.
It is like this..
We know
a) area of plates
b) depth of plates
c) density of earth crust
d) velocity of their movemnt
e) Surface area in contact at plate boundaries
f) shearing force required to break the crust
why then ,the kgf /sq mtr at plate boundaries can not be calculated.
why we can not remain alert when the kgf/sq mtr reached shearing force
why do seismologist say /predict that "major quake in Himalayas can occur anytimes from today to 200 yrs from now"
what is the use of such prediction?
Who will remain alert 24x7 for 200 years?
Any answers ?
Amit Dave