Earth consists of an upper Crust 100 km thick and .semisolid magma below.what causes an earthquake (6+) is the tidal pull exerted on molten magma . The Moon ,Sun and major planets like Jupiter , Mars ,Venus and Saturn also exert pull on magma and upper crust .
When the tidal pull exceeds, the magma breaks the crust partially and an earthquake occurs. If the pull can break open the mouth of a volcano an eruption will occur.
Moon have maximum tidal pull and most of the quake triggers are decided by the position of the Moon.
Deciding the potent date/s
. If Sun and major planets (Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn are closer the month has potency to produce 6+ quakes
The minimum distances are
Sun 0.983 AU (Astronomical unit )
Moon 57 ER (earth radius)
Jupiter … 3.9
Mars…. 0.52
if more than one planet is close, it is more potent
Once the distances are known ,check whether in that given month any planet is at maximum declination or closer to maximum declination (N or S).
Also check whether Sun is at Max Declination North or South
Maximum Declinations of planets and stand still positions of the planets are very important because after that ,it will change the direction from North to South or south to North. due to this the tidal pull direction also suddenly changes and there will be an imbalance and jerk which induce imbalance in the magma causing an earthquake
Deciding the date and time
Date is decided by the most powerful and fast moving Moon .
When Moon joins or opposes Sun , Jupiter , Mars, Venus .it creates a trigger for quake. The date on which Moon is closer during month and at maximum declinations North or South these dates are also potent. Often we have seen that, full Moon and New Moon are more powerful for major quakes.
The time can be decided when Moon Joins/opposes Sun /Jupiter,/Mars/ Venus ( whichever is potent ie closer and having maximum declination)
(c ) Deciding magnitude
Magnitude can be decided by the potency Moon ,Sun and other planets have on that day and time .
If the Sun is closer and at Maximum declination, or even during New Moon,full Moon. Moon, closest (57 ER ) and maximum declination possible (+ or -27 d ), Jupiter , Mars ,Venus and Saturn are closer and at maximum declination ,the quake could be well above 8.5 magnitude
Deciding locations
Location of major quakes can be decided by the position of Moon and Sun in that order, where they are at Zenith and/or Nadir longitudes at the decided time with + or – 10 degrees of margin
location fixing is dynamic
what can be said is .. On potent date the time of quake at a specific location can be estimated by observing Moon /Sun and their Zenith Nadir /rising and setting at that location