Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Earthquake and Volcanic eruption predictions for August 24

 Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions predicted for the month of August 24

Here are the probable dates for major (6+) earthquakes as well as Volcanic eruptions, with a margin of +or -one day.
1)4th August 2024..
2)15th August 2024
3)19th August 2024
4)21st August 2024
5)28th August 2024.
These dates with +or-one day margin are also prone to Volcanic eruptions
The location of epicenter will follow epicenter location hypothesis.
This epicenter location hypothesis, in nutshell, states ,that
The epicenter of major quakes will be at a location where at the time of quake ..
..a) The Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir with respect to epicenter
b) The Sun and /or Moon are either rising or setting at that location ,with twilight zone margin

The Volcanic eruptions will also follow this hypothesis 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


 Watch accuracy of my comprehensive theory of tidal pull

It says the days predicted for major quakes ,due to tidal pull crossing threshold limits ,are also prone to
1) Volcanic Eruptions
2) Clouds burst
3) Tropical cyclones
On 22st Juky 24 ,the Date predicted fir major quakes ,Mount Etna erupted and closed major Airports in Sicily
Actually the tidal pull is applicable at all layers
1) Deep inside crust for Deep quakes (500+kms)
2) major quakes (5 km to 200 kms depth)
3) High tides in Oceans
4) Earth Crust bulging ( up to 3 to 6 ft)
5)Volcanic Eruptions, as tidal pull may break open the mouth of Vcano.
My One more sub hypothesis says,
The time for Vocanic Eruptions will be related to the time when the hightides in the oceans ,at that longitudes, or at opposite side (+180 degree),
Thus a hightide phase below the mouth of Volcano is must to start the Eruptions.
Once the eruption is started and mouth is opened it can continue to emit lava
I invite Volcanolgist to cross check this hypothesis
1)To check the date corrospond to my major Earthquake dates
2) To check the eruption time corrospond to highlight at that longitudes
3) To monitor active volcano, as to whether the rate of emission increases and decrease with respect to high tide and low tides at that longitudes
For more

Monday, July 22, 2024

A 6 quake at Vanuattu on 22nd July 24 ,a hit prediction

 Watch ,one more major quake in window period.

A 6 ( 6.2) at Vanuattu on 22nd July at 15 S 168 E at 5.04 hrs UTC
As against predicted date of 21st July 24 ,with window period of +or- one day.

Watch accuracy of epicenter hypothesis. The quake is at location where Moon is rising and Sun is setting 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

A 6.2 quake at Guatemala on 21st July 24 ,a date hit prediction

 Watch again.A date hit prediction

A 6.2 quake at Guatemala on 21st July 2.53 UTC
As already mentioned in my earlier post ,I was expecting oneore 6+ quake after a 7.2 quake st Chile on 19th.
Not only this watch the accuracy of epicenter location hypothesis.
At the time of quake ,Moon is rising and Sun is setting.
Watch again today is a full Moon Day
For more please see

Friday, July 19, 2024

Solar cycle -A hypothesis

 A hypothesis on Solar maxima -minima cycle

Here is my one more hypothesis on Solar Maximaxa -minima.
A Solar cycle is the duration in years after which the sun spots on the surface of Sum increases dramatically
  Science and observers have now pin pointed the time duration for such Solar maxima is roughly 11 years.
Here is my hypothesis fir this Solar Cycle

The Solar cycle depends on the Biggest planet Jupiter ,which is having maximum gravitational pull. The giant plane mobve around Sun in 11.86 years.
So whenever Jupiter is closer to Sun or approaches closer to Sun after 11 years the Sun spots starts to increase.and keep increasing ,till it reaches farther to Sun  after 5 to 6 years. Thus after solaar maxima, we have Solar minina after 5-6 yrars
Scientist should look in to this a understand the mechanism 

A 7.1 quake at chile on 19th July 24


Watch the major quake at Chile today ie 19th July 24 at 1.50 UTC at 23 N 68 W
Yes it is little earlier than predicted date 21st with + or - one day margin
Nevertheless watch accuracy of epicenter location
The Moon at the time of quake is at  59 W, so Moon is at Zenith with 9 degree Margin
Now ,I believe, there is one ire 6+(even 7) quake ,yet to come from today to 22nd (epicenter not disclosed ,but will follow my epicenter location hypothesis)
for more pl see

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Earth core rotation -hypothesis contd

 If you calculate with exact time,and consider the time when Jupiter attains same is like this..

Exact time of rotation are
Jupiter 11.86 Yrs
Saturn  29.46 yrs

Assuming When Jupiter occupy the the same soot and Saturn opposes Jupiter it happens only after Jupiter's 6th round
11.86 x6 =71.16 yrs

And after 71.16 yrs Saturn have completed  71.16 ÷29.46=2.415 round
So Saturn is opposing Jupiter ,who has occupied the same location After 6th round
In accuracy is 2.5-2.415 = 0.085 of circle
Ie 0.085x 29.46 =2.5 years

So after every 71 16 years ,the core remains standstill for about 2.5 years ,and then change the direction .

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A new hypothesis on Earth Core rotation cycle

 Here is one more hypothesis for Slowing down of Earth core rotation and moving backwards.

Recent reports suggest that  the Earth core is moving separately with respect to outer layers ,above it (Earth crust).
The frequency suggested by scientists is 70 years cycle
The hypothesis...
As per my hypothesis the Earth core such movement cycle depends on Great Conjunction and opposition of Jupiter and Saturn.
Saturn roughly takes 30 years for one orbit cycle around Sun (actually not Sun a
Barycenter just outside Sun) and Jupiter takes around 12 years.
Now Least Common Multiple is 60 years.when Saturn takes 2 rounds and Jupiter 5 rounds.
At a given location in , specific constellation when both join ,a great conjuction ,the Earth core get a big tidal push to move in opposite direction, after a standstill. After thirty years  when Saturn is again at same place ,Jupiter exactly Oppose the Saturn , great opposition. So after 30 years a stand still and Earth core move in opposite direction.
After 60 years ,both again join at same point ,a great conjuction and hence again a stand still and a cycle of Earth core rotation completes.
Thus ,my hypothesis says the Earth core rotation and reverse rotation cycle is 60 years and not 70 as said by NASA

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A date hit 7.1 quake prediction for 11th July 24


7.1 quake on 11th July 24 today at Indonesia.
Time 2.13 UTC
6N 123 E
Watch a date hit 7+ quake prediction.
Seismologist in general and USGS in perticular should take a nite of such series of hit predictions by my theory.
Note only this ,the epicenter is right at a location action where Moon is rising sharply.

Wake up USGS ,Wake up Japan Government

A 6.7 quake at near South Africa on 10th July 24 ,A hit prediction

 Watch the accuracy of my dates for major  prediction of Earthquake

A quake of 6.7 at South of Africa at 4.55 hours UTC.The epicenter location is at 53 S and 25 E.
The predate is 11th July 24, with +or - one day margin.
Not only this ,observe the epicenter location hypothesis. This hypothesis states that ,major earthquake will occur  at a location where
Either Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir ,with +or-  with 15 degree margin
Either Sun or Moon are rising are setting with twilight zone margin ie + or - 45 minutes
Here at the time of quake the Sun is seen rising sharply at epicenter

For more visit

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Open invitation to all for checking my Major Earthquake epicenter hypnosis

 Open invitation to all for checking my major (6+) earthquake epicenter hypothesis

Let us first define my epicenter hypothesis

Major (6+) Earthquakes can occur at a location...
1) Where Either the Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir. For new commers Zenith is a location on earth from where the celestial body ( Sun or Moon) are seen exactly overhead. Nadir is a location on Earth exactly opposite to Zenith ie on the other side of globe,180 degrees apart.The margin is + or - 15 degrees longitudes
2) Where the Sun and/or Moon are rising or setting with twilight zone margin ie + or - 45 minutes
Now all people in general and seismologist in perticular are invited to cross check this hypothesis with actual 6+ quakes for last 10 years ,20 years ,or as they wish.
Find out and cross check the hypothesis
One of my friend, a retired USGS seismologist, have argued that , with this hypothesis  I am covering almost all hours of the day ,hence , I see good results following my hypothesis
Now here is my answer.
A) For Zenith and Nadir...
For15 degree rotation, it takes 1 hr.
+ or - 15 degree is 2 hrs.
Both side ,Zenith and Nadir it will be 4 hrs for Sun and 4 hrs for Moon = 8 hrs
B) For Rising and Setting
45 minutes x2 = 90 minutes ie 1.5 hr
1.5 x 2 ( for both rising and setting)= 3 hrs
So total 6 hrs for Sun and Moon
So Grand totes 14 hrs.
Remember for most of my predicted dates this will reduce to half ie 7 hrs.This is because for New Moon ,full Moon and 8th day of Lunar cycle Sun and Moon merge in to one either joing ,opposing or squaring.
Now low of average 14/24 is 58 %
Thus if you get results more than 60% in favor my theory,  it is worth exploring
Please share for everyone to participate in this exercise

For more pl visit

A 6.2 quake at Japan on 7th July 2024, a hit prediction

 Watch a 6.2 quake at Japan on 7th July 2024 at 20.01 UTC at 27 N ,139 E

Watch the accuracy of prediction
The predicted date is 6th July 2024 with + or - one day window period.
Not only this watch the accuracy of epicenter hypothesis.
The epicenter of quake is at a location where Sun is Rising Sharply and Moon is about to rise
How many hit predictions Seismologist in general and USGS in perticular need to take close look at Theory and hypothesis?
For More

Friday, July 05, 2024

Sicily's Volcanic Eruption on 6th July 2024 ,a date hit pre

 Watch the date hit accuracy of volcanic eruption

Sicily's Catania volcano Erupts on 6th July 2024 ,a date hit prediction
As the dates predicted for major, 6+quakes are also prone to volcanic eruptions .
The theory of both Earthquakes and Eruptions is based on tidal pull inside the Earthcrust ,exceeding a threshold limit, these dates are prone for Volcanic Eruptions also.Infact these dates are prone for cloud bursts also
For more pl see