Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Sunday, July 07, 2024

Open invitation to all for checking my Major Earthquake epicenter hypnosis

 Open invitation to all for checking my major (6+) earthquake epicenter hypothesis

Let us first define my epicenter hypothesis

Major (6+) Earthquakes can occur at a location...
1) Where Either the Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir. For new commers Zenith is a location on earth from where the celestial body ( Sun or Moon) are seen exactly overhead. Nadir is a location on Earth exactly opposite to Zenith ie on the other side of globe,180 degrees apart.The margin is + or - 15 degrees longitudes
2) Where the Sun and/or Moon are rising or setting with twilight zone margin ie + or - 45 minutes
Now all people in general and seismologist in perticular are invited to cross check this hypothesis with actual 6+ quakes for last 10 years ,20 years ,or as they wish.
Find out and cross check the hypothesis
One of my friend, a retired USGS seismologist, have argued that , with this hypothesis  I am covering almost all hours of the day ,hence , I see good results following my hypothesis
Now here is my answer.
A) For Zenith and Nadir...
For15 degree rotation, it takes 1 hr.
+ or - 15 degree is 2 hrs.
Both side ,Zenith and Nadir it will be 4 hrs for Sun and 4 hrs for Moon = 8 hrs
B) For Rising and Setting
45 minutes x2 = 90 minutes ie 1.5 hr
1.5 x 2 ( for both rising and setting)= 3 hrs
So total 6 hrs for Sun and Moon
So Grand totes 14 hrs.
Remember for most of my predicted dates this will reduce to half ie 7 hrs.This is because for New Moon ,full Moon and 8th day of Lunar cycle Sun and Moon merge in to one either joing ,opposing or squaring.
Now low of average 14/24 is 58 %
Thus if you get results more than 60% in favor my theory,  it is worth exploring
Please share for everyone to participate in this exercise

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