Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, October 09, 2021

Earthquake Prediction for October 21,with reason


Here are the probable dates for major (6+) earthquakes in the month of October 21.

1) 15th.......................6.5 magnitude

2) 17th to 20th least two major quakes of 7+

3) 30th ............. 6.4

Pl note place/locations are not predicted, as it is not allowed under Indian Disaster Act 2005.

So ,it could be any where all over the world ,specialy at prone area.

 Nevertheless, I calculate and note probable locations in my personal diary.

 This month is special for major earthquakes for the following reasons

A) All three planets are changing their direction in this month ie Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. 

B) Sun is slowly coming closer to Earth ,closest in December 

Whenever, major planets changes direction ( actually, it is only relaive to Earth, it appears to be stopping and moving in opposite direction ,ie from Direct to retrogate or from retrogate to direct,) the rate of change of momentum of molten lava/magma inside the Earthcrust induces turbulance and hence a quake. It is like applying breakes or accelarating a vehicle,when you feel sudden jerk

The reasons for selecting dates

1) 15th....Moon joins Jupiter...which is changing direction .Jupiter when join with Moon ,it porovides more tidal pull.Further if Jupiter joins or opposes Moon in the month in which it chages direction ,it becomes potent. If Jupiter is closer to Earth ,ie less than 5 AU ( Astronomical units ,one AU is equal to to average distance of Earth to Sun.) it is much potent.

2) 17 to 20th.

On 17th Sun and Moon Declinations are same

On 18th Mercury is changing Direction and opposes Moon

On On 19th Moon is at Equator ,hence it is closer ,due to curvature of Earth at Equator

On 20th a Full Moon

3) On 30th.

 Moon opposes Jupiter ( who is changing Dire tion)

Moon opposes Saturn, who is also changing the direction.

On 31 st Both Sun and Moon are at same Declinations 

Date predi tion window perod is+ or -one day

1 comment:

AMIT said...

Watch the accuracy of prediction
15th Oct 21 ..6.5
Actual quake of 6.4 on 15th Oct 21 at 2.44 hrs UTC ( 8.14.57 hrs Indian Standerded time)
Both date and magnitude accuracy
