Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Earthquake prediction for February 2023

 The February 2023 is not as potent as January 23.

Probable dates for 6+ quakes are predicted herewith. Locations not predicted
Time window..+or - 1 day
Magnitude.... + or - 0.5..locations not predicted. However they will follow epicenter hypothesis 
1) 5th.....6.2
2) 9th....6.3.
3) 20th...6.8
4) 23rd...6.6

For Japan region out of above 4 dates one is selected ie 20th Feb 2023
As 19th and 20th are both potent dates Japan Region prediction are done for both .
A) 19th Feb 23..time in UTC.+or - 30 minutes
02.00 UTC
07.00 UTC
15.00 UTC
21 .00 UTC
B) 20th Feb 23
03.00 UTC
08.00 UTC
16.00 UTC
22.00 UTC
It is not necessary that these quakes will occur.However these are the probable times

Friday, January 27, 2023

Test my theory.

 Method of testing my theory

  If you check my theory only looking at Moon phases ,it will not pass the test.

  Time and again seismolist have done this .Susan from USGS have also checked 204 major past quakes from 1600 AD

 I will give you results before you test.

As I have already stated ,If you do only Moon phases study it will not pass the test.

All full Moon and New Moon are not potent enough to produce quake or Eruption. 

I can give a hint ,step by step

1) Find out the month/s when Jupiter is closest/closer.. 4 to 5 AU distance from Earth

2) Find the month/s when Mars is closest/closer ..0.5 to 0.7 AU (Astronomical Units..average distance of Earth from Sun)

3) Find the month/s .days Venus is closest/closer..0.27 to 0.4 AU

4) Find the month /days when Saturn is closest/closer...8 to 9.5 AU

 On these Months/weeks look at Moon phases as well as Moon Joining or opposing the planet which is closer./closest /at Maximum Declinations 

 The magnitude will depend on proximity of Moon ,Sun ,Jupiter ,Mars ,Venus ,Saturn in that order 

Sun between November  to March is closer and potent 

  Few finer points I am putting here so as not to make your testing complicated like..

  Maximum Declinations of Moon ,Sun ,Jupiter, Mars ,Venus and Saturn are potent in that order. On these days Moon joining or opposing planets at Maximum Declinations give quakes. 

Why Maximum declination is important..because after that the planet will become standstill and later Move in opposite direction. This will cause a breaking and acceleration effect on magma inside the crust and hence distarbance

 If you do not want to go in all these details and would like to check only Moon phases do this..

  During November to Feb /March next year ,whe Sun is closer/closest and at Maximum declination look at Moon distance. When Moon is closest  57 to 57.5 ER (Earth Radious) and /or at Maximum Declinations check Moon phase ,only New Moon and Full Moon

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

25th January 2013 quake at Eastern Mediterranean sea

 Watch today's quake of 6.0 (5.9 as per USGS) today ie 25th January 23 at 12.37 UTC at Eastern Mediterranean sea ,35 N and 29 East.

 Pl note predicted date 26th January 23 at 2.0 UTC ,6.3 magnitude 

 Pl do not think this is a mis ,though 13 hrs and 30 minutes early ,6+ quake .One more is yet to come on 26th as predicted. 

   I would like to make it clear that ,this prediction was based on Moon Joining Jupiter at that time . As Jupiter is still strong enough ,once move away ,6 AU +, becomes weak and may not be that potent. 

Since now Jupiter is potent and joining Moon ,epicenter may follow Jupiter Zenith or Nadir.( such cases are only 10% in all 6+ quakes)

 This quake follows more Jupiter Zenith or Nadir. However since both are joining today we may consider Moon, which will take care of Jupiter Zenith, Nadir.

 If we talk only about probable Japan quake here are times , note that these quake may   or may not come .but if it has to be 6+ ,probable times are here

25th....18.30 UTC ( + or - 30 minutes)

26th...00.35 ,  06.30 , 13.30 , 19.30 UTC (+ or - 30 degree)

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Earth core movement hypothesis

 Yung and Song of Peking University, has recently studied the Earth core and concluded that ,the Earth core recently stopped and will change direction of rotation. 

 Such changes occur periodically evey 60 to 70 years .The reasoon mentioned by them is Earth's electromagnetic field and Gravitation pull. 

Now watch ,here ,the solid core of three fourth size of Moon ,3000 kms below our feet can be affected by gravitational pull and we say ,the semi solid magma just below the Earth crust has no effect due to gravity or tidal pull.

  Now here is my one more hypothesis for this, for Mr Yung and Song to have a look

 Watch orbital year ( Earth year) of planets up to Saturn.  Uranus and beyond are far away to have much pull.( which varies as per inverse of cube of distance)

1) Saturn...around 30 years

2) Jupiter...around 12 year (11.8)

3) Mars....1.9 year ..around 2 years

4) Venus...0.6 years

5) Mercury...0.25 years 

 So ,all these planets can come closest to Earth after every 60 year (LCM of all orbital years -Least Common Multipler)

 Thus when all planets are closest every 60 years ,it moves core 

Earth core movement a hypothesis

 Yung and Song of Perking University, has recently studied the Earth core and concluded that ,the Earth core recently stopped and will change direction of rotation.

Such changes occur periodically evey 60 to 70 years .The reasoon mentioned by them is Earth's electromagnetic field and Gravitation pull.
Now watch ,here ,the solid core of three fourth size of Moon ,3000 kms below our feet can be affected by gravitational pull and we say ,the semi solid magma just below the Earth crust has effect due to gravity or tidal pull.
  Now here is my one more hypothesis for this, for Mr Yung and Song to have a look
Watch orbital year ( Earth year) of planets up to Saturn.  Uranus and beyond are far away to have much pull.( which varies as per inverse of cube of distance)
1) Saturn...around 30 years
2) Jupiter...around 12 year (11.8)
3) Mars....1.9 year ..around 2 years
4) Venus...0.6 years
5) Mercury...0.25 years
So ,all these planets can come closest to Earth after every 60 year (LCM of all orbital years
Thus when all planets are closest every 60 years ,it moves core in that direction

Watch epicenter of earthquake and location hypothesis

 yet another quake at Argentina 

6.8 on 24th January at 18.37 UTC

Watch epicenter 

Moon at Zenith ,right overhead at epicenter longitudes 

Watch 26th January 23 ( predicted date)

Nepal quake tiday ie 24th January 23

 5.8 quake  at Nepal just now 

24th January 23 ,at 14.12 IST  at

30 degree North and 82 degree East.

watch Moon.

Moon is at 84 degree East longitudes at that tine.

Moon is ar Zenith to epicenter 

watch hypothesis. 

yes this is earlier and smaller 

watch next date 26th 

(place not predicted for obvious reason)


Monday, January 23, 2023

Few questions to plate tectonics

 I woukd like seismologist in general and USGS in perticular to answer following questions 

1) Why major quakes occurs at places other than plate boundaries. ( fault line is not correct answer as there can not be relative movement inside a  big plate)

2) why several major quakes on various plates ,not related to each other ,on a given date?

3) why deep quakes ? ( Subduction plate reaching 800 km depth without melting is not possible)

4) Why small quakes daily on same plate /locations 

5) why ,sometimes aftershocks are bigger than main quakes?

6) Why often major quakes are accompanied by heavy rain

7) Why ,generally, major quakes occur at locations where Moon /Sun are at Zenith/Nadir or Rising Seiitng?

8) Why there is more land mass at both poles and minimum land mass at equator?

9) Why the there are more plate boundaries and more earthquakes between +and - 30 degree lattitudes 

10) why the plates near Equator move faster and at poles move slower

Some questions to plate tectonics


I woukd like seismologist in general and USGS in perticular to answer following questions
1) Why major quakes occurs at places other than plate boundaries. ( fault line is not correct answer as there can not be relative movement inside a  big plate)
2) why several major quakes on various plates ,not related to each other ,on a given date?
3) why deep quakes ? ( Subduction plate reaching 800 km depth without melting is not possible)
4) Why small quakes daily on same plate /locations
5) why ,sometimes aftershocks are bigger than main quakes?
6) Why often major quakes are accompanied by heavy rain
7) Why ,generally, major quakes occur at locations where Moon /Sun are at Zenith/Nadir or Rising Seiitng?

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Earthcrust plates which have crossed equator will never reurn to Equator


That is what I am trying to say.Some of theories says that ,the south pole plate (Antartic plate)will now move towards North. Ultimately one more super continent will be formed.
  What I am trying to say that ,the Pengea was the first and last of super continent.
Plates doesn't move hapzardly nor do they move due to heat currents. So once broken supercontinent Pengea will never reassemble at one place. Also the plates which have crossed equator and moving towards North or south pole will never return to equator
All plates will try to move towards poles.
Above Equator plates will move towards North pole and below Equator plates will move towards South pole.
The speed of movement will reduce as they approach poles and may become stand still at poles .
Supposing if the pengea was broken down by Heat currents ,there are few questions to be answered
1) Whether that heat current was present ,while pengea was forming?
2) If yes ,the spillting force of heat currents would not have allowed the pengea to be formed at that place.
3) If the heat currents started later ,why and how.
4) Whether these heat currents changes location over millions of year

Friday, January 20, 2023

Yet another date hit major quake prediction


Watch accuracy of prediction
Yet one more ,6.8 at Argentina on 20th January 2013 at 22.09 UTC.
Japan has a small quake of 5 at predicted date and time.
Now one simple question to plate tectonics.
Look at all 6+ quakes in last 2 days and check whether they are on same plate boundaries.?
What are the chances of all global tectonics plates releasing the built up stress on a given date ?
  Is it possible that the date itself is potent?
Watch Moon and Sun Zenith ,Nadir ,rising and setting locations for 24 more hrs
Pl check

A fresh study of Tidal pull and major quakes is required

 Susan Hough ,from USGS, studied the co relation of major Earthquakes with respect to tidal pull theory . She studied some 204 major quakes since year 1600 AD and concluded that, there is no relation between major quakes and tidal pull.

The problem of such study is, only phses of Moon are considered in evaluation.
Please remember ,all full Moon and New Moon do not give major (6+) quakes.
Now I request USGS in general and Susan Hough in particular to carry out the study of same 204 major quakes as follows
1) Find the distances of major planets on all these 204 quakes dates and time
2) Find if  any of the major planet is at Maximum declination, or at stand still.
3) Find whether Moon and Sun are closer.
Order of potency is Jupiter ,Mars ,Venus ,Saturn
Jupiter potent at 5 AU distance or less
Moon potent at 57 ER (Earth Radious) ,Sun at .985 AU etc
  Major planets to be closer and Or at Maximum Declinations is first requirement.
Donot see only Moon phases.
Yes when above conditions are full filled Moon is the Main trigger.
On such potent dates if Moon joins or opposes Sun (New Moon, full Moon ) or Jupiter (if closer) ,or Mars ( if closer) it induces major quakes.
So watch major planets proximity and Maximum Declination and their aspects with Moon.
Looking only at Moon phases is not correct way

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Hypothesis-Few Statements

 Hypothesis – Few statements 

1)Tectonic plates are due to earthquakes and that earthquakes are not due to tectonic plates

2)Tidal pull of Moon ,Sun and planets acts on all layers like magma, earth crust , ocean waters, atmospheric air and clouds 

3)Earthquakes (both shallow and deep ) volcanic eruptions, tides , bulging of plates , cloud burst and tropical cyclones occurs due to excessive tidal pull (both high tidal and low tidal ) 

4)More tropical cyclones on northern hemisphere is mainly due to Earth declination on its axis of rotation combined with rotation speed and corollaries effect 

5)There was only one ,first and last super continent -Pengea -. It did not move because of nearly equal land mass on both side of equator

6)Tectonic plates move due to Earth rotation, and not due to heat currents. They move in N ,N-E direction in northern hemisphere and S, S-W in southern hemisphere

7)The tectonic plates which have crossed equator ( like south pole plate) will never come back to equator ,due to Earth rotation. 

8)Two plates in one hemisphere can not move in opposite direction.

9)Due to Earth rotation the land mass tries to move towards less angular velocity area ie both North and South poles.Thus the land mass move toward poles from equator. 

10)This is the reason why we have less land mass at equator and more at Poles. Also that is why the plates at equator move faster and plates at poles move slowly

11)More plate boundaries and more quakes are seen between + and -30 degree latitude,because all planets ,Sun and Moon have maximum 27 degree declination north and south

12)For major Earthquakes the proximity of Moon ,Sun and major planets as well as the maximum declination position play important role

13)Moon is the main trigger for major quakes ,joining and opposition of Moon triggers quakes

14)Epicenter of major quakes are at Zenith/Nadir of Moon/Sun or at location where Moon/Sun are rising /setting at the epicenter

15)The solar maxima occurs due to Jupiter coming closer to Sun at every 11.8 years intervals,due to its huge tidal pull

16)The super maxima of solar activity will be seen when other planets join Jupiter and are closer to Sun .(up to Saturn only)

17)Grand /Super maxima occurs after every 60 Earth years , as LCM of all planets orbital years 

18)Solar maxima cycle will start building up after 10 years . As and when other planets join Jupiter (till 11.86 -12 years Earth years ) activities may increase .

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Japan quake predictions for Jan 23

I  am focusing on Probable 6 + earthquake for Japan ,ie 135  degree East longitudes (+ or - 10 degrees), for current month.

 Please note that ,it is not necessary that these quakes are sure to occur ,however ,if at all major ,6+ quakes are to occur ,these are probable dates and time.

Time in UTC

Window period  + or - 30 minutes

Magnitude  6.5 ( + or - 0.5)

Longitudes  135 degrees East longitudes( + or - 10 )

For more specific location probability

A) 20th January 2023

    01.00 UTC...(long 135 East + or -10 degree)

    06.00...........(Japan /NZ area)

    14.30..........( long  135 East + or - 10 degrees)

    22.00.........( Japan / Indonesia)

B) 21st January 2023

    02.00 UTC.....(long  135 East + or - 10 degrees)

    07.30.............(Japan/NZ area)

    15.30............( long 135 East + or - 10 degrees)


However ,the peak is at 20.00 UTC on 21st January 2023, epicenter following the hypothesis. ie Sun/Moon at Zenith /Nadir ,rising /setting

Pl see

Japan Earthquake Prediction for 20/21st January 2023

 I am focusing on Probale 6 + earthquake for Japan ,ie 135  degree East longitudes (+ or - 10 degrees), for current month.

Please note that ,it is not necessary that these quakes are sure to occur ,however ,if at all major ,6+ quakes are to occur ,these are probable dates and time.
Time in UTC
Window period  + or - 30 minutes
Magnitude  6.5 ( + or - 0.5)
Longitudes  135 degrees East longitudes( + or - 10 )
A) 20th January 2023
    01.00 UTC
B) 21st January 2023
    02.00 UTC
However ,the peak is at 20.00 UTC on 21st January 2023, epicenter following the hypothesis. ie Sun/Moon at Zenith /Nadir ,rising /setting
Pl see

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Yet another Date hit ,locatin hit major quake prediction

 Watch accuracy of major quake prediction 

Are all these prediction by Chance ? a fluke?

wake up USGS, wake up JAMA 

wake up NDMA

Yet another major Quake at Indonesia

7.1 on 18th January 2023 at 6.06 UTC

watch accuracy of Japan earthquake Prediction


18th January 2023.....11.30UTC ...6.3(+ or - 0.5)

watch epicenter-Moon setting at epicenter 

Any doubt

Are these all by fluke?

Accuracy of Earthquake Prediction

 Watch 6.1 quake at Indonesia just now.on 18th Jan 2023 at

00.40 UTC at 123 degree Longitudes 

Check Japan Prediction

17th Jan 2023 ,23.00 hrs,( + or - 30 minutes.) UTC ,6.3(+ or - 0.5) magnitude,  140 degree ( + or - 10 degree longitudes)

Further watch epicenter  Moon is right overhead ( at Zenith)

Monday, January 16, 2023

Extended hypothesis for plste tectonics


More hypothesis
1) Pengea was the first and last supercontinent
2) Future plate tectonics animations which shows south pole plate will move upward etc..may not be correct
3) Plates whose 50%+ land mas have crossed Equator will not come to Equator again.

Suppose ,if we believe all previous supercontinents were there ,then the question remains ,what has happened to those all old plate boundaries.?
Are those merged with one another?
If yes, is there any chance of existing plate boundaries getting merged? making one bigger homogeneous plate?
For such haphazard movement of plates throughout previous supercontinents, the convection heat currents were changing all the time? if yes why
If such strong heat currents were present earlier it will not allow the last big supercontinent Pengea.
So the fact is ( as per my Opinion)
1) The Pengea was the first and last supercontinent
2) It did not move Noth or south as thland mass on both side of Equator was equal
3) The violent quakes and eruption first broken it in two pieces
4) Once broken the two plates stated moving north east ( above Equator) and Siuth west ( below Equator)
So there are no chance of South pole plates moving northward and crossing Equator

Hypothesis of plate movements

 Yes ,that is what I am trying to say.

The plates move away from Equator towards less rotation (angular) speed. Slowly at pole their speed reduces /approches to zero.

  This is why we have less land mas ar Equator. 

  You can see more small plates ,which are moving faster near Equator, but only one big plate at poles ,which is nearly at stand still.

 You can see more plate boundaries and more quakes between + and - 30 degree lattitudes. This is because the Moon , Sun and planets have maximum declination 27 degree north or south.

  I also ,dare to say that plates have only two movements 

1) Above Equator it moves towards North, North East. All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is above Equator moves towards ,North East, due to Earth rotation 

2) All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is below Equator  moves towards South, South-west ,till they reach south pole or obstructed before reaching south pole.

3)I also say that,two plates never move against each other.When one reaches near poles ,the plate below it pushes it.It is always one way push.In northen/southern hemisphere two plates can not move in opposite direction.What we see is one at standstill and another pushing it

4) what we see divergent plates are ,one stand still (or nearly at stand still -like south pole big plate ,the upward moving plates creates a gap ,like Indo Australian plate

These are my hypothesis 

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Tectonic plate movements hypothesis


Yes ,that is what I am trying to say.

The plates move away from Equator towards less rotation speed. Slowly at pole their speed reduces /approchescto zero.

  We have less land mas ar Equator. 

  Yo can see more small plates ,which are moving faster near Equator, but only one big plate at poles ,which is nearly at stans still.

  I also ,dare to say that plates have only two movements 

1) Above Equator it moves towards North, North East. All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is above Equator moves towards ,North East, due to Earth rotation 

2) All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is below Equator  moves towards South, South-west ,till they reach south pole or obstructed before reaching south pole.

3)I also say that,two plates never move against each other.When one reaches near poles ,the plate below it pushes it.It is always one way push.

4) what we see divergent plates are ,one stand still (or nearly at stand still -like south pole big plate ,the upward moving plates creates a gap ,like Indo Australian plate

These are my hypothesis 

One more major earthquake-a date hit prediction


Yet another major quake
A 6.3 Earthquake at Japan Region today at 04.49 UTC.
watch accuracy of prediction.
Yesterday I have posted about one more 6+ quake to occure by 17th ,here it is.
  I am still not convinced.  Yet one more 6+ will come in 24 hrs .
Location will follow ,the epicenter hypothesis
Pl see

6.2 Quake at Indonesia on 15th Jan 23 ,22.30 UTC


A strong Earthquake of 6.2 magnitude at Indonesia  on 15th 22.30 UTC .04.00 IST (on 15th)
watch accuracy .
please check the epicenter hypothesis.
Moon overhead ( zenith) and Sun rising both at epicenter
I expect one more 6+ by 17th January 23
Time and again O have noticed accuracy of epicenter hypothesis correct to the extent of 90% major quakes (6+)
In 10% cases ,if Jupiter and Mars are closer /changing direction,  the epicenter could follow their Zenith or Nadir
Pl see

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Why Supercontinent broke in sub continents

 Let us talk something about super continent Gondwana and it's breaking in the continents which we see today on map.

Gondwana ,around 336 to 175 million years ago existed on planet Earth.

 Alfered Wegener ,gave hypothesis that ,the one super continent was broken down in several land masses and drifted away.

 Yes ,the evidences of fossils and ,sea floor opening and may be increase in height of mountains may indicate this.

However the basic question is How did it break in first place.

 It is believed that the hot plumes of lava may have caused rupture in this supercontinent and broken in peices 

There were numurous such supercontinents prior to this , like Vaalbara ( 3636 million years ago) ,Rodinia and Pannotia.

   For our study we will consider the last supercontinent, ie Gondwana

  1) Scene 1.

    The Earth stated cooling off and upper crust has started forming supercontinent,say in the Shape of Gondwana at the location where ,we believe it existed

Or from its earlier version Pannotra ( 633 million years to 573 million years)

2) Scene 2

  The hot plume of magma from beneath this Gondwana ,broke it in to pieces which started drifting away. The continents seen as today are finally arrived at

Now the questions  are

1) Whether the hot plumes of magma was there earlier to formation of Gondwana ? Or it started later 

2) If it was there earlier ,and active, it would have not allowed the formation of Supercontinent there,with its splitting force already active

3) And if  it( the hot magma plume) was not there ,active , how and why did it started later .

4) How long it took to break ?

5) Whether the hot magma plume is still at that location and active?

 The correct explanation is like this

 Yes ,there are plates and they are moving, and quake generally occur on plate boundaries , but because the plate boundaries are weaker cross section and tidal pull can break it first


1) The super continent Gondwana broke away due to violent quakes and violent eruptions induced due to 

execcessive tidal pull on potent dates.

2)  The broken away continents then drifted away ,to the upper latitudes, due to rotation of Earth on the axis.

 It may please be noted that ,there is minimum land mass along Equator and more land masses as you move towards poles. This is due to rotation of Earth .The floating plates moves away from center and hence away from Equator. 

 The proof is ,Indian subcontinent, being small in size ,moved much faster towards North, due to Earth rotation

  So bottom line is 

a) The Gondwana was broken due to violent quakes and violent eruptions both due to excessive tidal pulls .

b) These continents are moving away towards poles ,both north and south due to Earth rotation on axis

c) These continents will never come again at Equator as predicted by scientists.They will move towards poles  and concentrate at both poles. As shown in some animation of future plate movements, Australia and Southern land mass will never come towards Equator .

How did Supercontinent broke apat

 Let us talk something about super continent Gondwana and it's breaking in the continents which we see today on map.

Gondwana ,around 336 to 175 million years ago existed on planet Earth.

 Altered venger ,gave hypothesis that ,the one super continent was broken down in several land masses and drifted away.

 Yes ,the evidences of fossils and ,sea floor opening and may be increase in height of mountains may indicate this.

However the basic question is How did ti break in first place.

 It is believed that the hot plumes of lava may have caused rupture in this supercontinent .

There were numurous such supercontinents prior to this , like Vaalbara ( 3636 million years ago) ,Ridings and Pannotia.

   For our study we will consider the last supercontinent, ie Gondwana

  1) Scene 1.

    The Earth stated cooling off and upper crust has started forming ,say in the Shape of Gondwana at the location where ,we believe it existed

Or from its earlier version Pannotra ( 633 million years to 573 million years)

2) Scene 2

  The hot plume of magma from beneath this Gondwana ,broke it in to pieces which started drifting away. The continents seen as today are finally arrived at

Now the question s are

1) Whether the hot plumes of magma was there earlier to formation of Gondwana ? Or it started later 

2) If it was there earlier ,and active, it would have nit allowed the formation of Supercontinent there

3) And if  it( the hot magma plume) was not there active , how and why did it started later .

 The correct explanation is like this

 Yes ,there are plates and they are moving, and quake generally occur on plate boundaries , but because the plate boundaries are weaker cross section and tidal pull can break it first


1) The super continent Gondwana broke away due to violent quakes and violent eruptions induced due to 

execcessive tidal pull on potent dates.

2)  The broken away continents then drifted away ,to the upper latitudes, due to rotation of Earth on the axis.

 It may please be noted that ,there is minimum land mass along Equator and more land masses as you move towards poles. This is due to rotation of Earth .The floating plates moves away from center and hence away from Equator. 

 The proof is ,Indian subcontinent, being small in size ,moved much faster towards North, due to Earth rotation

  So bottom line is 

a) The Gondwana was broken due to violent quakes and violent eruptions both due to excessive tidal pulls .

b) These continents are moving away towards poles ,both north and south due to Earth rotation on axis

c) These continents will never comeagain at Equator as predicted by scientists.They will move towards poles  and concentrate at both poles.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Any relation between major quakes and heavy rains?

 what I have been saying since last 15 odd years is this.

 Now Scientist think ,there could be a link between torrential rains and major (6+) earthquakes. 

  Howerver, there is still some misunderstanding on the part of correlating both. Scientists/Seismologist believe major quakes occur after 6 to 8 /10  month of heavy rains .But the matter of fact is both come simultaneously almost one after another .

 The reason is ,both occur as a result of excessive tidal pull.So on potent date and in window period both occurs.

 The cause shown as erosion of faultline due to rain is incorrect. 

 I can not understand ,why we can not think out of the box. Think outside plate tectonics. We do not know what lies below crust. Now ,we say there is water ,more than double in the oceans,inside the crust ,and believe tidal pull has no effects

 In fact my theory says tidal pull act on all layers

1) On magma ,the Earthquakes ,both shallow ( up to 100km)and deep ( 500km +) and Eruptions

2) On earth crust ,making it buldge at hightide zone

3) On Oceans ..tides

4) On moist clouds ..heavy rains,cloud burst,as moist clouds gethers at hightide zone

5) low tidal effect gives tropical cyclones,due to partial vacuum creation in atmospheric air , and as a result air rushing in to fill vacuum ,and moving over warm (28degree centigrade) ocean waters creates cyclones

So bottom line is..



Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Japan Earthquake Prediction for January 2023

 As now I am convinced that ,only Japan is truly interested in Earthquake Prediction Reserch which is not based on plate tectonics.All others have fixed and closed mindset. Even plate tectonics was not supported for 100 odd years,so think out of Box

Here are some probable quakescand time for Japan quakes for January 2023 longitudes 140 East (+ or - 5 degrees)

 Please note

It is not necessary  that on  these date and times the quakes at Japan  will occur.

However ,if at at all it is to occur ,the quakes will be in these window period

Time window..+ or - 30 minutes 

Magnitude. + or - 0.5

1)12th ...19.10 UTC..13th.04.10 JST( Japan srd time)

2)13th ..02.30 UTC..11.30

3)13th..07.30 UTC ...16.30 JST

Magnitude  6.0 

4) 17th .18.00 UTC. 18th .03.00 JST

5)17th ..23.00 UTC  18th .08.00  JST

6)18th  11.30 UTC.. 18th 20.30 JST

Magnitude  6.3

4) 22nd ...00.03UTC...12.00 JST

5)22nd...08.00 UTC..17.00 JST

6)22nd ..15.40UTC.....23rd.0040 JST

Magnitude    6.5 


Monday, January 09, 2023

7.6 Earthquake at Indonesia on 9th January 23,(UTC)

 major 7.6 quake at Indonesia on 9th 

at 17.47 UTC, Tsunami warning issued.

Location 7 degree South ,130 degree East 

Watch accuracy of prediction  (10th January,  6+)

Further watch epicenter 

watch Moon right overhead (zenith) at epicenter 

wake up USGS

Sunday, January 08, 2023

The co relation between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions


Here is a fresh eruption which was responsible for reduced magnitude quakes ( 5.8 and 5.9 ) on predicted dates

 I would go one step further ..and predict..

Fifty years from now ,we will be able to manipulate the magnitude of impending earthquakes in  populated cities by artificially inducing Volcanic eruption on remote  island 

Fresh eruption 👇

An Earthquake, 7.0 at Vanuattu on 8th Jan 23


Here is a major Earthquake 

7.0 at Vauattu on 8th Jan 23 at 12.32 UTC and 

15 degree South ,167 degree East

Predicted date 7th .

Yes it is late, though on next day

Look at epicenter 

Sun is at 7 degree West longitudes 

Thus Nadir is at 173 degree East.

Whereas quake is at 167 degree East.( within limits of + 0r - 10 degrees

Fresh Volcanic Eruptions in January 2023


Earthquake Engineering Research Institute 

Fresh volcanic eruption .

As per my theory, on the given potent dates ( within window period),there will be a major quake (6+) or if there fresh eruption starting in widow period The magnitude of quake could be less.

 we have several 5.8 ,5.9 quakes in window period and some fresh volcanic eruption