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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Tectonic plate movements hypothesis


Yes ,that is what I am trying to say.

The plates move away from Equator towards less rotation speed. Slowly at pole their speed reduces /approchescto zero.

  We have less land mas ar Equator. 

  Yo can see more small plates ,which are moving faster near Equator, but only one big plate at poles ,which is nearly at stans still.

  I also ,dare to say that plates have only two movements 

1) Above Equator it moves towards North, North East. All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is above Equator moves towards ,North East, due to Earth rotation 

2) All those plates whose 50%+ land mass is below Equator  moves towards South, South-west ,till they reach south pole or obstructed before reaching south pole.

3)I also say that,two plates never move against each other.When one reaches near poles ,the plate below it pushes it.It is always one way push.

4) what we see divergent plates are ,one stand still (or nearly at stand still -like south pole big plate ,the upward moving plates creates a gap ,like Indo Australian plate

These are my hypothesis 


Roger Hunter said...


Try this experiment; place a blob of oil at the center of a plate and then spin the plate.

The oil will move toward the rim of the plate.

A globe will do the same, it's just harder to set up the experiment.


AMIT said...

That is what I am trying to say.Some of theories says that ,the south pole plate will now move towards North. Ultimately one more super continent will be formed.
What I am trying to say that ,the Pengea was the first and last of super continent.
Plates doesn't move hapzardly nor do they move due to heat currents. So once broken supercontinent Pengea will never reassemble at one place.
All plates will try to move towards poles.
Above Equator plates will move towards North pole and below Equator plates will move towards South pole.
The speed of movement will reduce as they approach poles and may become stand still at poles .
Supposing if the pengea was broken down by Heat currents ,there are few questions to be answered
1) Whether that heat current was present ,while pengea was forming?
2) If yes ,the spillting force of heat currents would not have allowed the pengea to be formed at that place.
3) If the heat currents started later ,why and how.
4) Whether these heat currents changes location over millions of year