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Thursday, February 29, 2024

My book on Stress Management


This is some diversion to topic .Nevertheless it is very important to manage our stress for maximum out put and bliss.

The book named -A GIFTED TOY II -is available on Amazon, flipkart and 

A GIFTED TOY-II: your depression is a blessing in disguise and a Gifted Toy

Manage you stress and remain blissful 



Roger Hunter said...


You have written a book on stress management.

I have a BA in psychology but wouldn't feel qualified to write such a book.
Why do you think you are qualified to do so?


AMIT said...

Yes ,your doubt is justified.
However ,I have one special qualification ,which your friend ,may not have.
Have you heard about a book -A MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING -by Viktor Frankel.
The book was written by Viktor Frankel after his survival from a Nazi concentration camp - (where thousands of zews were killed in gas chanbers). The book was written after his first hand experience in death camp
I have ,luckily ( may be ) a first hand experience of clinical (major ) depression some thirty years back. I was on medication for more than six month. Whatever ,has been mentioned in book is out of my first hand experience.
There is no theory or narration which is purely from book( which Doctors ,psychologist or psychiatrist study as a syllabus)
Each and every method ,mentioned in book have been tried and I am still working on it regularly today.
Some of them are
1) morning 5.15to 5.30am gratitude prayers
2)5.30 to ..meditation
3)6.30 to 7 morning walk
4) 7.45 Yoga
5) Evening half an hour reading good books (self help )
6) Helping some one in any small way daily
So, Roger ,here is a difference
If you want further details ,on how I got depression, or why the book name is
A GIFTED TOY -I can explain in another post

AMIT said...

I am sorry.
Actually you have a degree in psychology. In that case ,you know much better about stress, anxiety, mood swings, sadness and Clinical depression.
No need to explain much


Roger Hunter said...


I've experienced most of those at one time or another but I'm still here at 89 years old.


Glyn said...

Amit you are still about good too see Barry New Zealand