Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Mega quake...5th /6th December 2024

 Several Seismologist and institutes including JAMA ,Japan Meteorological Agency ,have predicted mega quakes in near future.However ,they do not predict dates or even years or decades.

The quake can occur either tomorrow or after 30 years. Now who can remain alert ,24x7 for 30 years?
  Here ,I will give you a date which is most potent in near future. The quake generally predicted fir such potent dates is 7+
  The epicenter or Hypocenter locatios are not predicted. Nevertheless, it will follow my epicenter hypothesis
The nearest potent dates predicted ere

5th and 6th December 2024
With one day margin (UTC)

Disclaimer...This theory is not approved or vetted by any of the Seismological Institute or university. There is no guarantee that this mega quake will occur.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A date hit 6+ Quake prediction for 23rd September 2024

 Watch out 

Yet another date hit Earthquake prediction. 

Predicted date 23rd September 24

Actual quake

A 6.1 magnitude quake on 23rd September 24 at 17.50 hrs UTC 

Hypocenter Indonesia 1S ,123 E

Not only this check my epicenter location hypothesis 

The quake is at a location where Moon is

overhead and Sun is setting ( with twilight zone margin ie 30 to 45 minutes margin)

Monday, September 23, 2024

23rd September 2024 ,A date hit major quake prediction

 Watch out 

Yet another date hit Earthquake prediction. 

Predicted date 23rd September 24

Actual quake

A 6.1 magnitude quake on 23rd September 24 at 17.50 hrs UTC 

Hypocenter Indonesia 1S ,123 E

Not only this check my epicenter location hypothesis 

The quake is at a location where Moon is

overhead and Sun is setting ( with twilight zone margin ie 30 to 45 minutes margin)

For more check

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

6.3 Quake at PNG on 11th September 24 ,a hit prediction

 Watch out @USGS

One more hit prediction
A 6.3 quake at PNG on 11th September 2024 at  16.46 UTC.
At 3S  146 E
Predicted date 11th September with one day margin.
Look at the epicenter hypothesis .
The epicenter is at a location where Moon is setting ( with margin of 45 minutes)
For more pl see

5.8 Quake at Pakistan , a hit prediction


Watch out ,the accuracy of my Earthquake prediction date.
Predicted date 12th September 2024.
Please note a quake of 5.8 (5.4 as per USGS) at Pakistan today at 07.27 UTC  at 31N ,70.6 E (12.57 IST)
Watch out the time and my epicenter location hypothesis. The Sun is at Zenith ( overhead) at the epicenter .
Watch out both accuracy of date and epicenter hypothesis
For those , joining new , the hypothesis says,
The quake will occur at a location where the Sun or Moon are at Zenith (overhead ) or Nadir (opposite side of Globe ie 180 Degree apart)
At a location where The Sun or Moon are either rising or Setting

Tremors felt in New Delhi and Northern Part of India

for more pl visit

Monday, September 09, 2024

Volcanic Eruption on 8th September 24

 UDGS Foundation 

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 

USGS, Florence Bascom Geoscience Center 

Land slide triggered after fugo volcano eruption on 8th Sept 24

Watch out the date

8th Sept 2024 ,is the date given for major (6+) quakes ,as well as Volcanic eruptions 

Time and again ,it is stated that ,as per my theory, the dates predicted for major quakes are also prone for Volcanic Eruptions. This is because, both Earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions occur due to tidal pull on Earthcrust and magma, crossing  threshold limit

Not only this the location of epicenter of quake as well as mouth of volcanic eruption follow my epicenter location hypothesis, which says,..

The epicenter of Earthquake will be at location where Either Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir Or rising or setting

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

One more quake at PNG

 Here is one more 6+ quake

A 6.2 at PNG on 5th Sept 24 at 1.03 UTC  at 3.5 S and 144 E

 Yes it is 1 hr 03 minutes late ( out of window)

However, the Sun was at Zenith ( overhead)with 1 hr margin 

Predicted date 3rd September 24 ,with one day margin 

for more pl see

Study of two quakes by Mr Tarsilo Girona

 Here is a study of two quakes which

Mr Tarsilo Girona have considered while arriving at above hypothesis
Look at the precursors/preshocks sequence and my hypothesis of Moon is main trigger once the tidal pull have reached a threshold limit
As Moon is main trigger preshocks will be
1) 24 hrs earlier
2) 48 hrs earlier
3) 7/8th Day Earlier
4) 14/15th Day earlier
5) 29/30 days earlier

Now check two quakes studied by
Mr Tarsilo Girona

A)30th November 2018 ,Alaska ,7.1 quake
Now watch precursor quakes and my theory
a) On 29th November 3018 ..2 quakes
b) on 28th ...1
C)on 26th ..1
d) On 22nd ...3 quakes ..7/8th day
e)On 21st ...3
f) On 20th ..1
g) On 17th,16 &15 th,11th, 9th &4th ..1quake
h) on 3rd Nov ...3 quakes of 4.5+ ...28/29th day

B) 6th July 2019...7.1, California

a))on 5th  July......2 ..24 hrs earlier
b))on 4th July ....18 quakes. Including a 6.4
   48 hrs earlier
c)on 23rd June ...1 (5.6)..14/15th day
d)On 22nd June..6 quakes  (5.3) 14/15th day
d) 5th June 2019...3 quakes   ( 29/30th day earlier)

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

A Question to plate tectonics

 Here is a question for plate tectonic.

While explaining the major Earthquakes ,it is satiated that , when the stresses are built up over two plate boundaries, the pales move with respect to one another and Earthquake occurs .

The time required to built up this much stresses over plate boundaries could be hundred of years .

 (A) Now here are the number of major quakes at PNG from 1st January 2000 till today.( Area selected is -9.846 to +1.706 Latitude and 120.023 to 153.105 Longitudes)

1) 6+ quakes ....297

2) 7+ quakes.... 32

3) 8+ quakes....1

So ,now question is ...

In a span of 24 years ,how come the stresses built up so frequently ,to produce 32 quakes of magnitude 7+

( B) Similarly at Japan region ( 26.385 to 54.542 latitudes , 126.914 to 155.742 Longitudes) . The number of quakes during 1st January 2000 till today are 

1) 6+ quakes ..  354

2) 7+ quakes  ..38

3)8+ quakes......4

4) 9+ quakes ....1

So how the number of major quakes and stresses built up slowly can be expalined