Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Earthquake prediction for October 2024

 Earthquake prediction for the month of October 24

The Earthquake prediction for 6+ quakes fir the month of October 24 is little different from regular prediction 

The dates predicted here are as per UTC time and there is no margin day (+ or - one day) as done regularly 

The epicenter location is not predicted. However it will follow my epicenter/hypothesis location.

1) 3rd October 2024

2)9th October 

3)13th October 

4)17th October 

5)21st October 

6) 24th October 

7)31st October  2024

There are total 7 dates out of 31 dates hor month.

Now there are two ways you test 

A) How many dates are hit ,for 6+ quake,out of 7 predicted.

B) How many of total 6+ quakes occur on these 7 dates out of total 6+ quakes  in the month.

For A) If out of 7 ,total 4 dates( more than 50%) are hit ,then it can be treated as above average 

For B) if out of total 6+ quakes in the month ( say X),if there are more than 

(7/31)×(X) ie more than 22.6% ( say 25%) of quakes  then the prediction can be treated s above average 

For more see


The theory is not approved by any institute and there is no guarantee that these quakes will occur 

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