Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

5.8 Quake at Pakistan , a hit prediction


Watch out ,the accuracy of my Earthquake prediction date.
Predicted date 12th September 2024.
Please note a quake of 5.8 (5.4 as per USGS) at Pakistan today at 07.27 UTC  at 31N ,70.6 E (12.57 IST)
Watch out the time and my epicenter location hypothesis. The Sun is at Zenith ( overhead) at the epicenter .
Watch out both accuracy of date and epicenter hypothesis
For those , joining new , the hypothesis says,
The quake will occur at a location where the Sun or Moon are at Zenith (overhead ) or Nadir (opposite side of Globe ie 180 Degree apart)
At a location where The Sun or Moon are either rising or Setting

Tremors felt in New Delhi and Northern Part of India

for more pl visit


AMIT said...

Roger Hunter said...

Hi Amit;

Finally got around to updating things.
For you, your score as of now is 122 hits and 119 misses.
Slightly better than a coin toss.

We can't evacuate cities with anything this iffy.
You gotta do better if you want to be taken seriously.


AMIT said...

Again same problem
Total comes to 241
I predict nearly 5 person that so
50 to 70 PA.. say 50
So these results are for 5 years only.
Which five years you have considered out of about 15 years of my prediction


Amit Dave