I here by, request ,to prepare a program, for predicting Major earthquakes, based on broad guide lines ,given below.and also in another post, Basic Guide lines to predict the major quakes
Roger, is also working on the same issue.As I am not so program savvy, I request to one and all for this
May be , I am unable ,to explain Roger,the basic rules, the results are sometimes positive and often negative
Basic rules to prepare a program
Part A)
Select dates /weeks ,where any two indicators are available
a)Sun closer(0.98 AU approx) ,Sun at Maximum Declination
b)Jupiter closer (4.0 AU or so), Jupiter at Maximum declination
c) Venus closer (0.4 AU or so),Venus at maximum declination
Out of these three a),b) and c) of part A indicators any one is required.
out of six indicators{ two of each a),b) and c)} of part A) any four are required for 6.5+ quake to occur
Part B)
once probable dates from part A are fixed exact date is decided by trigger Moon.
without part A,Moon may not be able to trigger the quake, hence we do not have quakes on all full Moon and new Moons
Potential triggers, in descending order are
a) Moon closer/closest (57 ER), and Moon at Maximum declination (+ or - 22 or whichever is highest)
b) Full Moon OR New Moon
c)moon joining or opposing ,planets closer (in part A)
I here by, request ,to prepare a program, for predicting Major earthquakes, based on broad guide lines ,given below.and also in another post, Basic Guide lines to predict the major quakes
Roger, is also working on the same issue.As I am not so program savvy, I request to one and all for this
May be , I am unable ,to explain Roger,the basic rules, the results are sometimes positive and often negative
Basic rules to prepare a program
Part A)
Select dates /weeks ,where any two indicators are available
a)Sun closer(0.98 AU approx) ,Sun at Maximum Declination
b)Jupiter closer (4.0 AU or so), Jupiter at Maximum declination
c) Venus closer (0.4 AU or so),Venus at maximum declination
Out of these three a),b) and c) of part A indicators any one is required.
out of six indicators{ two of each a),b) and c)} of part A) any four are required for 6.5+ quake to occur
Part B)
once probable dates from part A are fixed exact date is decided by trigger Moon.
without part A,Moon may not be able to trigger the quake, hence we do not have quakes on all full Moon and new Moons
Potential triggers, in descending order are
a) Moon closer/closest (57 ER), and Moon at Maximum declination (+ or - 22 or whichever is highest)
b) Full Moon OR New Moon
c)moon joining or opposing ,planets closer (in part A)