I have been trying to figure out , the results of my prediction, statistically Roger is kind enough to help me in the process by ,special programs devised by him. However, it is some time becomes little confusing as to what the results suggests
hence ,I have started to find it out ,with a hard ,laborious, physical verification. It is really tough ,if one tries to figure it out ,by actual verification
As a simplest and most crude method, I took only two criteria ( ie part B of trigger)
The only two triggers i took were
1) Moon closest
2) Moon at maximum declination ( both north and south)
Following criteria taken
a) period 01.01.2005 to 31.12.2012
b) Date on which Moon Is closest taken
c) + or - one day taken for Maximum Moon declination
No other criteria taken ,to make it simple for physical verification
1) total days---------2880
2) total quakes of 6.5+------389 ( actual quakes occurred)
3) windows selected as per criteria-----532
Actual quakes during selected period
It is up to readers to find out ,as to whether it is below or above average
please note
This is very crude method , as i have not taken all criteria which I consider while giving dates. Roger have considered more criteria ( only left out was fine tuning and some aspects)
Also, this is based on actual calculations, it is lengthy and laborious, There are chances that, one or two are missed or wrongly taken. But by and large it is fairly accurates
Readers comments are expected