Have you ever tried to check the Moon position at the time of Hightide and low tides in oceans at your city sea Shores?
Let me give an example of today's high tide and low tides at Mumbai -India port with height in meters.
Time in Indian Std time..(UTC+5.30 hrs)
Low tide...02.03hrs..1.15 mtrs
High tide...9.19 hrs...3.72 mtrs
Low tide...15.05 hrs..2.41 mtrs
High tide...20.44 hrs..3.24 mtrs
say for example
at 9.19 hrs IST ie 3.49 UTC ..
Moon is at 110 degree West
Now Mumbai is at 73 degree East.
Thus Nadir postion is 107 west .
The 3 degree difference seen between 107 and 110 is due to Sun.
Actually the pull applicable location is the resultant pull of Moon and Sun.However as Moon has much stronger pull than Sun it is almost nearer to Moon locations
Thus we can safely assume the tidal pull follows Moon locations.
Now look at low tide
it is at 15.05 IST ie 9.35 UTC
Watch Moon at 9.35 UTC today is 167 East
ie 73 +90=163 East
Moon is 90 degree away from Mumbai
Again second hightide is at 20.44 IST .3.24 mtr ie 15.14 UTC
Now watch Moon at 15.14 UTC today it is at 86 East. A margin of 13 degrees.
This is maximum margin.
Hence in my epicenter location hypothesis 15 margin is taken
Now imagine the semi solid ,hot lava below the crust ,moving in tendom with ocean water and following the same hightide ,low tide pattern ....
Not only that,the height of Hightide of magma is much heigher than this 3 to 4 mtr heightides in oceans.
The more the volume and area of liquid spread over ,the more is the height of hightide.
Have you ever wandered why there is no hightide in a pond or lake? Infact the heightide in pond is negligible .
Now compre the ratio of volume of a lake with that of Oceans and also the ratio of volume of oceans to that of molten magma below the Earthcrust.
....This is in nutshell...my tidal pull theory of Earthquakes
for more on theory and predictions pl see