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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

A new hypothesis on Earth Core rotation cycle

 Here is one more hypothesis for Slowing down of Earth core rotation and moving backwards.

Recent reports suggest that  the Earth core is moving separately with respect to outer layers ,above it (Earth crust).
The frequency suggested by scientists is 70 years cycle
The hypothesis...
As per my hypothesis the Earth core such movement cycle depends on Great Conjunction and opposition of Jupiter and Saturn.
Saturn roughly takes 30 years for one orbit cycle around Sun (actually not Sun a
Barycenter just outside Sun) and Jupiter takes around 12 years.
Now Least Common Multiple is 60 years.when Saturn takes 2 rounds and Jupiter 5 rounds.
At a given location in , specific constellation when both join ,a great conjuction ,the Earth core get a big tidal push to move in opposite direction, after a standstill. After thirty years  when Saturn is again at same place ,Jupiter exactly Oppose the Saturn , great opposition. So after 30 years a stand still and Earth core move in opposite direction.
After 60 years ,both again join at same point ,a great conjuction and hence again a stand still and a cycle of Earth core rotation completes.
Thus ,my hypothesis says the Earth core rotation and reverse rotation cycle is 60 years and not 70 as said by NASA

1 comment:

AMIT said...

If you calculate with exact time,and consider the time when Jupiter attains same is like this..

Exact time of rotation are
Jupiter 11.86 Yrs
Saturn 29.46 yrs

Assuming When Jupiter occupy the the same soot and Saturn opposes Jupiter it happens only after Jupiter's 6th round
11.86 x6 =71.16 yrs

And after 71.16 yrs Saturn have completed 71.16 ÷29.46=2.415 round
So Saturn is opposing Jupiter ,who has occupied the same location After 6th round
In accuracy is 2.5-2.415 = 0.085 of circle
Ie 0.085x 29.46 =2.5 years

So after every 71 16 years ,the core remains standstill for about 2.5 years ,and then change the direction .