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Friday, July 19, 2024

Solar cycle -A hypothesis

 A hypothesis on Solar maxima -minima cycle

Here is my one more hypothesis on Solar Maximaxa -minima.
A Solar cycle is the duration in years after which the sun spots on the surface of Sum increases dramatically
  Science and observers have now pin pointed the time duration for such Solar maxima is roughly 11 years.
Here is my hypothesis fir this Solar Cycle

The Solar cycle depends on the Biggest planet Jupiter ,which is having maximum gravitational pull. The giant plane mobve around Sun in 11.86 years.
So whenever Jupiter is closer to Sun or approaches closer to Sun after 11 years the Sun spots starts to increase.and keep increasing ,till it reaches farther to Sun  after 5 to 6 years. Thus after solaar maxima, we have Solar minina after 5-6 yrars
Scientist should look in to this a understand the mechanism 


Roger Hunter said...


It's your theory so it's up to you to show the correspondence.
Give us a plot of quakes vs planets for the last 100 years or so.


AMIT said...

All quakes for 100 years ,manually is too time consuming.
Instead, I will be doing a study of 8.5+ quakes after 1st January 1800