please see my prediction of 6th /7th December 2010 for 6.7 quake.As per cycle quake theory also 8th day from last quake (ie 30th November 2010 is prone for quake)
now note following quakes on 8th December 2010
1) 6.5 at south sandwich island
2)6.1 at Philippines
you can also verify the same from link of earthquakes (real time -USGS) provided on this blog page
Next prediction is between 21st to 23rd December 2010 (6.5)
Hi David,
Its time you post statistical facts. I have not seen any here. I have looked at 8+ earthquakes and most of them go with Perigee Apogee and not with Saturn/Jupiter. That is a major problem in predicting.
tidal forces in our solar system.
Moon 2.1
Sun 1.00
Venus 0.000113
Jupiter 0.0000131
Mars 0.0000023
Mercury 0.0000007
Saturn 0.0000005
Uranus 0.000000001
Neptune 0.000000002
Pluto 0.0000000000001
add up all the planets influence to the moon and sun it would increase the ocean tides by 1/25mm. 1/25mm on a liquid would mean no influence on rock, therefore jupiter and saturn have no influence on earthquakes. With the frequency of an earthquake M6.5 or above every year being on avg twice a week(100 times a year according to USGS) it is easy to say that one will occur during any week of the year "somewhere" with 100% accuracy.
A quake,as predicted ( a date hit) of 6.5 at Iran on 20th December 2010 ,is the proof of theory
Yes . 6+ quakes occur 100+ n a year. However predicting a hit (+ or - 24 Hrs accurcy is not a random act.
In fact, on this blog I have given an open invitation to one and all to post their radom dates . Those will be compared till December 2010.
Roger Hunter (Rtd Siesmologist from USGS will evaluate and give result) He is kind enough and agreed to do that
Again... with the average being about 2.5 times a week that a >6.5mag happenning somewhere in the world and you giving a 72hr window(approx 2.5 times a week) 12/21- 12/23 means your accuracy will be high. Come up with an actual date/time AND place and we might see some proof. I predict there should be another >6.5 somewhere in the world 12/26-12/28 and 1/3-1/5.
In fact ,if you see my 10th January blog,the dates for year were given .
The date and time given were as below
1) 15.01.2010 1400 Hrs 6.7
2) 18.01.2010 1300 6.6
3) 30.01.2010 1330 6.5
4)15.02.2010. 0730 6.6
5) 28.02.2010 1900 6.8
6)11.03.2010 1100 6.5
7)15.03.2010 2300 6.9
8)29/30.03.2010 7.0 ( 12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
9)11.04.2010 1300 6.5
10) 25.04.2010 2100 6.6
11)20/21.5.2010 6.6 ( 12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
12)05.06.2010 0400 7.1
13) 6.06.2010 0530 7.4
14) 12/13.06.2010 7.1
15)26.06.2010 1230 7.1
16)04.072010 0400 7.0
17) 11.07.2010 2300 6.8
18) 16/17.07.2010 7.1 ( 12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
19) 23.07.2010 1900 6.9
20) 26.07.2010 0500 7.1
21) 31.07.2010 0900 6.5
22) 10.08.2010 1100 6.7
23)12/13.08.2010 7.3 ( 12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
24) 24.08.2010 1300 7.0
25) 37.08.2010 1000 7.4
26) 01.09.2010 0900 7.0
27) 3.09.2010 1130 7.3
28) 8/9.09.2010 7.6 ( 12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
29)15.09.2010 1200 6.6
30) 23.09.2010 0900 7.2
31) 30.09.2010 1500 6.9
32)6/7.10 2010 6.6 (12Noon to next day 12 Noon)
33) 9.10.2010 2300 6.6
34) 20.10.2010 0930 6.9
35) 23.10.2010 0600 6.7
36)2/3.11.2010 6.6 12 Noon to 12 noon
37)16.11.2010 0530 7.0
38)21.11.2010 1200 6.8
39) 23.11.2010 1800 6.7
40)29/30.11.2010 6.7 12 Noon to 12 Noon
41)6/7.12.2010. 6.6 12 Noon to 12 Noon
42)21.12.2010 0830 6.8
43)27/28.12.2010 6.7 12 Noon to 12 Noon
In all 13% dates are given for the year to watch.
the date given was 21st December and time 0830 Hrs ,6.8
pl check out
There are three major quakes
Iran ---6.5
Japan region---7.4
Do you find any co relation ? Are these by fluke?
Let us be open about it.
These are cluster of quakes. And they occur on specified date/s
Can plate tectonic explain such clusters? Many major quakes all over the globe and not connected by plate boundries? why do they occur?
Why are we holding on to plate teconics ,which can not explain quakes,forgate predicting them.
In fact ,avergeing out the quakes ie 140 odd 6+ quakes in a year is not correct.There are seperate clusters of quakes and not evenly distributed over year
If I give 40 odd dates in a year and quakes (6+) are counted in these window period (+ and - 24 Hrs) the ratio will be too high
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