Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, August 31, 2024

US Scientists new method that can predict Earthquakes month in advance

Look here !
A ground breaking reserch by Scientists/Reserch Assistant Scientist of University of Alaska ,Fairbanks  Mr Tarsilo Girona

  It says ..
Before major quakes  ,there are precursor quakes at epicenter up to 30 days in Advance. We can forecast major quakes  by studying these preshocks.
The reason mentioned is the liquid pressure building inside the crust..
AI can predict major quakes by studying these preshocks ,up to 30 days in advance.
Such a ground breaking study ,as it is mentioned, is based on  atudy of two major quakes at Alaska.
  Now Here is my views after studying nearly 1000 major quakes over last 25 years.I have been saying this since last 25 years ,with numerous date hit major predictions.

1) Yes precursors quakes are a warning to major quake at that location ..Agree with research
2) However, the precursors are due to increasing tidal pull on existing magma and fluid  .In fact tidal pull increases slowly over a month time ,due to major planets comming closer or occupying potent position  like opposite to each other, in a straight line etc
So ,fluid and magma does not increase, but the tidal oull approach a threshold limit .Once a potent position is occupied, giving maximum tidal pull ,trigger is MOON.
When Moon opposes Sun ,Join or come closest ( 57 Earth Radious distance from Earth) it trigger the major quake.
Generally these major quakes occur when
a) Sun or Moon are at Zenith ( at Noon)or Nadir ( midnight) , rising or setting at epicenter

I woukd like Mr Tasilo Girona ,to extend their hypothesis by cross checking my hypothesis.
X) Check the precursors are increasing in mag as it appoches the major quake day
Y) Check the preshocka timing ..
12 hrs prior
24 hrs prior
48 hrs prior
7/8th day prior
14/15th day prior
29/30th day prior
You can make out ,these timing corrospond to Moon occupying same point position ,slowly coming closer to threshold limit.
In fact after shocks also follow this schedule and slowly fades away ,as planets move away from potent position
For more see

Earthquake Prediction for September 2024

 The Earthquake prediction for the month of September 2024

The probable dates for major (6+) earthquakes for the month of September 2024 are as follows.
The time window is + or - one day.
The epicenter locations are not predicted, however, it may follow my epicenter location hypothesis .
1) 3rd September 2024
2)8th September 2024
3)12th September 2024
4)18th September 2024
5)23rd September 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Two date hit Earthquakes on 28th Aug 24

 Here are two major date hit predictions for Earthquakes

1) Greece.. 5.2 magnitude as per USGS) and 5.7 /6.0 by other institutions
28th Aug 2024 at 16.29 UTC
Epicenter.. 35N 24 E
Watch ..This is a date hit major ( for Greece) quake.
Not only this watch my Epicenter hypothesis..the quake is at a location where Sun is setting ( with twilight zone margin)
2) El Salvador.....6.1 quake ( as per USGS)
On 28th August  2024
Time in UTC ..21.57 Hrs
Epicenter........13N 90 W
Watch this is a date hit major quake prediction.
Not only this the quake at epicenter the SUN was setting

Watch the accuracy of my epicenter hypothesis also

3) Prediction date posted on my blog it
is 28th August 2024

For those visiting my post first time..
The Epicenter location hypothesis says...
The major quake occur at a location
A)Where tge Sun or Moon are at Zenith (overhead..say sun at Noon) or Nadir ( ie exactly at other side of globe 180 degrees apart ie like Sun at Midnight). With a margin of + or - 15 degrees longitudes
B) The Sun Moon is rising or setting with twilight zone margin ie + or - 45 minutes
Watch at both locations Sun is Sharply setting.
So ,for a lay man ...considering Sun only ,which counts for more than 60 % major quakes..the time to remain alert on prone date is at
Sun rise
Sun Set
Mid night..with + or - one hr accuracy

For more see

Friday, August 23, 2024

Meta AI's answer to ..Amit Dave and Earthquake Prediction

 Amit Dave is an independent researcher and blogger who has been actively writing about earthquake prediction on his blog since 2009. While I couldn't find any information on his formal academic qualifications or professional affiliations in the field of seismology or earthquake science, he appears to be a passionate and dedicated individual who has developed his own theories and methods for predicting earthquakes.

Amit Dave's work is not widely recognized or peer-reviewed by the scientific community, and his predictions and theories may not be universally accepted. Earthquake prediction is a complex and challenging field, and the scientific community relies on rigorous testing, peer review, and replication of results before accepting new ideas or methods.

However, Amit Dave's blog has gained a following among some enthusiasts and researchers interested in alternative approaches to earthquake prediction. His work may be considered unconventional or fringe science, but it highlights the diversity of ideas and approaches being explored in this field.

If you're interested in learning more about Amit Dave's work, I recommend reading his blog and evaluating his ideas critically, considering both the potential merits and limitations of his approaches.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Two quakes t Kashmir on 20th Aug 24


Watch out
Two quakes of 5.1 mag each today morning at Baramulla ,Kashmir
20th Aug 24 ,at 6.45 &6.52 IST
at 34 N &74 E

One man injured and many houses developed cracks.
Predicted date 19th Aug with + or - one day margin
Not only this ,watch epicenter hypothesis accuracy
The quake epicenter is at location where Moon is setting
#USGS wake up

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Moon quakes and Earthquakes


Sesmologist believe that the Moon quakes are entirely due to tidal pull of Earth over Moon and that no quakes are due to plate tectonics

Let us talk about Moon quakes
There are Moonquakes .They are deeper and smaller in magnitude (up to 3 -3.5) .Biggest being 5.5 registered
The beauty of these Moonquakes,and as approved by seismologist that they corrospond to Earth tidal pull on Moon
No Moonquakes is believed to be due to plate tectonics.
Now the same thing I have proposed while explaining and predicting Earthquakes,no one seems to be ready to believe.

The reasons are
1) For Moon ,Earth is the main and probably most potent source of tidal pull being,bigger and Closer
2)For Earth ,other than Moon , Sun ,Jupiter and Venus as well as Mars are also to be taken in cognizance.  Though  Moon is smaller ,due to proximity to Earth ,it has more tidal pull than all planets and even Sun.
3) Seismologist try to corelare earthquakes only with Moon Phases .ie Full Moon and New Moon ,which is not 100%correct.Yes ,there are more chances of major quakes during Full Moon and New Moon.However proximity to planets like Jupiter ,Venus ,Mars and Saturn are also important
4) Planets in one line ,planets at Maximum declination ,great conjuction are also to be considered
In short
Earthqakes do occurs due to tidal pull crossing threshold limit or creating imbalance due to chane in direction
Wake up USGS Natural Hazards Science

Thursday, August 15, 2024

15th August 2024 ,quake at Taiwan. Date hit prediction


Watch out one more date hit as well as epicenter hypothesis hit 6+ quake prediction
A 6.1 quake at Taiwan at 23.35 UTC on 15th August at epicenter 24N ,121 E
Watch the Moon is at 45 W longitudes
180-45=135 E
ie at Nadir margin
for more pl see

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Epicenter hypothesis..A 4.4 quake at CA

 Watch the accuracy of earthquake epicenter hypothesis.

The 4.4 quake at Highland Park  CA ,on 12th August at 19.20 UTC
34 N 118W
The Sun was at Zenith (overhead ) ie at 109 W ( ie 9 degree margin)

The epicenter hypothesis says
The quake will occur at a location
1) Where the Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir ,with 10 degree margin
2) where the Sun or Moon are rising or setting ( with 45 minutes, twilight zone margin)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Volcano eruption alerts

 Here are some prediction for Volcanic Eruptions for the volcano which are on high alert .Crossing orange to red signal 

The probable dates for current month ie August 24 are 





The probable time of Eruptions are

When Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir


When Sun or Moon are rising or setting

At that location 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Mega Quake at Japan -


Mega Quake at Japan Probable date and time in UTC

Japan Meteorological Agency ((JAMA) have predicted a mega quake for Japan in near future.
I have been working on major (6+) earthquake prediction dates since last around 15 years.
Please visit my blog and linked in for future details

As per JAMA ,if at all a mega quake is to occur ,the first,nearest probable date is 14th August 2024 and the time are as follows

Now here I will give you most probable dates for major quakes at Japan for the current month ie August 24.
The dates are
With a margin of + or - one day
For time in UTC ,most potent time for 14th August 2024 are ( in UTC)
1) on 13th August 2024.....22 hr
2)on 14th August ..   3 am,5 am,10 am,
                                   15 pm, 20pm,22 pm
With a margin of  + or - 30 minutes

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Epicenter hypothesis and today's quake at Lamont ,CA


Though the quake today of 5.2 at 4.09 UTC at Lamont is less than 6 mag ,watch the accuracy of my epicenter hypothesis
The epicenter is located exactly where Moon is setting
My hypothesis of epicenter says
the quake will be located at...
1) location where Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir with margin of 10 degree longitudes
2( location where eighter Sun or Moon are rising or Setting

for more see

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Mt Etna eruptions on predicted date

 Mt Etna eruption on 4th August 24 ,a date predicted for major quakes (6+)

Watch my hypothesis, which says ,that ,the dates predicted for major quakes are also orone for Volcanic Eruptions to start.

Today Mt Etna erupted shortly before 4 am UTC.
Watch Mt Etna location at 37.7N ,15 E

Watch Sun and Moon both are rising at the epicenter., as the date ,4th August 24 is a new Moon date.
Watch the accuracy of my hypothesis
For more pl see

Friday, August 02, 2024

Two quakes ...Earthquake prediction accuracy

 Two Earthquakes ..

One on 2nd August at 22.30 UTC hrs and another on 3rd August 2024 at   4.20 UTC  
Both quakes are at philipines
1) on 2nd August at 8N 126 E.
2) on 3rd August  at same location
Watch the accuracy of prediction...
Prediction date 4th August with +or - one day accuracy.
First quake...the epicenter is at location where the Sun is Rising.
Second quake...the epicenter is at location where Sun is at Zenith.( ie noon)
Watch the time gap between the two quakes....nearly 6 hrs apart. This means when Earth rotates 90 degrees and when the rising Sun reaches Zenith at the same epicenter.
Here is my further prediction....
This is because after every 6hrs ,the Earth will rotate 90 degrees and the Sun will change position from
Rising to Zenith ..(noon)
From Zenith (noon) to Sun set
Fron Sun Set to Nadir ( midnight)
From Nadir ( midnight) to to rising Sun
Further as we are approaching new Moon ,Sun and Moon will join Soon.
Thus the time mentioned above ( after every 6 hrs) will be crucial)
Not only this other locations may observe 6+quakes depending on the Sun Rising, noon ,setting and midnight positions
These times are also orone for major volcanic eruption