Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Mega Quake at Japan -


Mega Quake at Japan Probable date and time in UTC

Japan Meteorological Agency ((JAMA) have predicted a mega quake for Japan in near future.
I have been working on major (6+) earthquake prediction dates since last around 15 years.
Please visit my blog and linked in for future details

As per JAMA ,if at all a mega quake is to occur ,the first,nearest probable date is 14th August 2024 and the time are as follows

Now here I will give you most probable dates for major quakes at Japan for the current month ie August 24.
The dates are
With a margin of + or - one day
For time in UTC ,most potent time for 14th August 2024 are ( in UTC)
1) on 13th August 2024.....22 hr
2)on 14th August ..   3 am,5 am,10 am,
                                   15 pm, 20pm,22 pm
With a margin of  + or - 30 minutes

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