Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Two date hit Earthquakes on 28th Aug 24

 Here are two major date hit predictions for Earthquakes

1) Greece.. 5.2 magnitude as per USGS) and 5.7 /6.0 by other institutions
28th Aug 2024 at 16.29 UTC
Epicenter.. 35N 24 E
Watch ..This is a date hit major ( for Greece) quake.
Not only this watch my Epicenter hypothesis..the quake is at a location where Sun is setting ( with twilight zone margin)
2) El Salvador.....6.1 quake ( as per USGS)
On 28th August  2024
Time in UTC ..21.57 Hrs
Epicenter........13N 90 W
Watch this is a date hit major quake prediction.
Not only this the quake at epicenter the SUN was setting

Watch the accuracy of my epicenter hypothesis also

3) Prediction date posted on my blog it
is 28th August 2024

For those visiting my post first time..
The Epicenter location hypothesis says...
The major quake occur at a location
A)Where tge Sun or Moon are at Zenith (overhead..say sun at Noon) or Nadir ( ie exactly at other side of globe 180 degrees apart ie like Sun at Midnight). With a margin of + or - 15 degrees longitudes
B) The Sun Moon is rising or setting with twilight zone margin ie + or - 45 minutes
Watch at both locations Sun is Sharply setting.
So ,for a lay man ...considering Sun only ,which counts for more than 60 % major quakes..the time to remain alert on prone date is at
Sun rise
Sun Set
Mid night..with + or - one hr accuracy

For more see


Roger Hunter said...

Amit, just did an update on your success rate here.

I found 112 Hit predictions and 110 Missed predictions as of today so you're
just at coin toss success rate.

You gotta do much better to be considered significant.


AMIT said...

Please specify
As per your statement you have counted 112+110=222 prediction dates
Now I predict monthly 4 or 5 dates so yearly around 50 dates.
Thus your study should be restricted to 4 years or say 5 years.
I have been maintaining this blog since 2009
So out of 15 years ,you are talking of 5 years ie 1/3
Further ,I would like to get details of these 110 missed dates,so that I can also have a look at it.