Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Moon quakes and Earthquakes


Sesmologist believe that the Moon quakes are entirely due to tidal pull of Earth over Moon and that no quakes are due to plate tectonics

Let us talk about Moon quakes
There are Moonquakes .They are deeper and smaller in magnitude (up to 3 -3.5) .Biggest being 5.5 registered
The beauty of these Moonquakes,and as approved by seismologist that they corrospond to Earth tidal pull on Moon
No Moonquakes is believed to be due to plate tectonics.
Now the same thing I have proposed while explaining and predicting Earthquakes,no one seems to be ready to believe.

The reasons are
1) For Moon ,Earth is the main and probably most potent source of tidal pull being,bigger and Closer
2)For Earth ,other than Moon , Sun ,Jupiter and Venus as well as Mars are also to be taken in cognizance.  Though  Moon is smaller ,due to proximity to Earth ,it has more tidal pull than all planets and even Sun.
3) Seismologist try to corelare earthquakes only with Moon Phases .ie Full Moon and New Moon ,which is not 100%correct.Yes ,there are more chances of major quakes during Full Moon and New Moon.However proximity to planets like Jupiter ,Venus ,Mars and Saturn are also important
4) Planets in one line ,planets at Maximum declination ,great conjuction are also to be considered
In short
Earthqakes do occurs due to tidal pull crossing threshold limit or creating imbalance due to chane in direction
Wake up USGS Natural Hazards Science

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