Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Earthquake prediction for November 2020


The probable  dates for major earthquakes for the month of November  2020 are as follows

1)6th November...........6.4

2) 14th November.......7.0

3)18th November...... .6.6

4)30th November.......6.5

Time window period  is +or - one day

magnitude  window is +or - 0.3

Locations not predicted

Watch out


Friday, October 30, 2020

Roger to note

 Dear Roger

I have not stopped  from posting my predictions. 

Infact ,October 2020 ,prediction is already tgereon my blog

However, there are no comments  from your dude nowadays 



An Announcement


 I am also working in the field if stress management and coping with depression. 

I have e published one book on kindle 

namely......A GIFTED TOY....

 The name of the book suggest that the depression  you have is a gift from God.

 It xan maje you more blissful  and give more wisdom, if you understand  and follow the things mentioned in the book

 Those ,who wish can have it..

cost just about one USD


Friday, October 02, 2020

Earthquake predi tion for October 20


Here are probable dates for 6+ earthquakes for the month th of October 20






Window period is +or- one day

Location not predicted (for legal reasons)

Accuracy of orediction for the month of September 2020


Pl note the accuracy of prediction for the month of September  2020.

There are five days predicted for 6+ quakes ,with + or - one day windiw period. Tgere are total 14 quakes which are 6+ in magnitude.

Out of these 14 quakes ,12 quakes are in the predicted window period. So, accuracy is 12/14,so it is 85% accuracy.

Amit .