Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

More specific prediction...


Disclaimer Applies.....
There is no guarantee of these quakes occurring as predicted...nor this theory is endorsed by any international organization like USGS..

For the first two dates ,if I want to be more specific it is like this

1) 1st June 2023...if the quake occurs at.06.00 UTC ...then locations could be at
128 W or 52 E
90 E or 90 W ...( with 10 degree longitudes margin)
Also Sun /Moon Rising /setting locations

2)4th June 2023...if occurs at 03.30 UTC then locations could be

53 W or 127 East ..with 10 degree longitudes margin
at locations where Sun/Moon are rising or setting with twilight zone margin

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

One moe date hit prediction with all three aspects satisfied

 Watch one more date hit prediction 

A 6.2 quake at NZ today ie 31st May 23 at 02.21 UTC.

Watch epicenter hypothesis 

Moon is setting at Epicenter at the time odcquake

So ,All three aspects are satisfied ie date ,magnitude and location 

USGS Should look in the alternative tgeory

Monday, May 29, 2023

Earthquake Prediction for June 2023


( Disclaimer..The theory/method of prediction and hypothesis are not approved by any international organization like USGS .And these are probable dates with no guarantee of major quakes occurring. LOCATIONS NOT PREDICTED)

This month The format of pattern for prediction of 6+ quake has been changed.
Normally we have 4 to 5 dates in month with + or - one day window period.So it is 12 to 15 days in a month.
Fir this month ie June 23 ,we have no window days .only window hours that pertains to 1 degree Moon movement ie + or - 2 hours

Here are the probable dates with time in UTC with probable magnitude

1)1st June... 06.00.......6.4
9)29th.........02.30....... 7.1

So now we have 9 dates with + or - 2 hrs window period insted of 4 to 5 dates with +or - one day window period
For epicenter location check location hypothesis ( after quakes,if any)
  I request all seismolist in general and USGS in perticular to monitor these dates 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Yet another date hit major quake prediction with epicenter hypothesis

 A 6.7  quake at South of Africa on 21st May at 14.56

Look at the epicenter location hypothesis 

Sun is setting right over the epicenter 

predicted date is 23rd May 23

A 6.1 quake occured at South Loyalty Island 

watch here also epicenter hypothesis 

Sun is again setting at location of quake

Are these all flukes? Seismological Society of America ?

Saturday, May 20, 2023

A suggestion to USGS

 I have a suggestion for seismologist in general and USGS in perticular 

How if I give two dates in near future ( as close as August 2023) for a major quake (8+) with date and even time in UTC , Except locations ( which is actually prohibited by Indian Disaster Act 2005- all three aspects of quake can not be predicted or published ie date/time, magnitude and location as it amounts to spreading rumors)


.However, hypothesis can be tested.

Disclaimer applies 

please note....If positive response from atleast 10 connections will be received ,the Date and time for 8+ quake will be published 

Friday, May 19, 2023

Earthquake aftershocks-a hypothesis

 Two more major quakes at Loyaty Isalnd today (20th May 2023)

7.1 at 1.51 UTC

6.5 at 2.09 UTC

Few questions to plate tectonics 

1) Are these after shocks? or main quakes?

2) Do plate tectonics have any idea why after shocks come almost at same time .

with 42 minutes late ( around) next day?

my aftershock theory states 

"After a major quake ,chances of another major Quake to occur is after 

12 hrs ( as Earth rotates and position changes to 180 degree ie Zenith to Nadir or  Nadir to Zenith)


24 hrs( Moon occupy the same (almost 42 minutes lates) position after 24 hrs


7/8th Day ( Moon changes positions 90 degrees )

14/15th Day ( Moon moves half circle ie 180 degree and occupy potent position)

This is because the triggers of quake is mainly Moon

These times Moon positions itself again at same location 

  After 8th or 15th day when potent position fades away ( ie other planets move away ) and aftershocks recedes

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Wake up USGS


One more hit prediction.
How many of such major hits USGS, Florence Bascom Geoscience Center USGS National Innovation Center need to have a look at theory which is not based on (their) accepted plate tectonics theory.

Yet another quake.A 7.7 quake at Loyaty Island today 19th May 2023 at 2.57 UTC .
Look at the epicenter,it is at location where   Sun and Moon are about to set ( twilight zone)
By the way I expect one more major quake  at around 1600 UTC.(Disclaimer applies)ocation as per epicenter hypothesis
Beauty of all Seismological Research Institute is ,their views are biased.
Recently my paper on -Earthquake Prediction-is rejected by Seismological Society of America
Any way truth will find its own way
keep working
for more pl see

Quake ( 6+) prediction for 19th May 2023

 The next 6+ quake could be in my second window ie 19th May 2023 at  16 hrs UTC.

The quake, if it occurs at 16 hrs UTC ( + OR - 1 hr) it could be at 60 degree West or 120 degree East ( + or - 20 degree) ie Zenith or Nadir of Sun and Moon combined 


At locations where Sun or Moon are rising or setting.(along  the curve lines in the map) with twilight zone window period

if you could not open the link   go to

go to Sun Moon section 

and open day night map

put the required time in UTC and get the map

Disclaimer..The quake may or may not occur.My theory and hypothesis has not been backed ( yet) by any international organization like USGS or NDMA

for more pl see my blog

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

6.4 quake at Guatemala,A hit prediction


Watch the Guatemala quake at Moon setting location

The quake is little late.

Instead of 1300 UTC it occured at 2302 UTC.A  6.4 quake at Guatmal on 17th May 2023. 

 A hit prediction ( window hit ) with location  hypothesis 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Prediction for17th May window period

 Next predicated date is 18th May 2023. with + or - one day window period

Location would be as per my Epicenter hypothesis.which says ... 

--On a potent date (with window period) the major quake can occur at a location where The Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir (with + or - 20 degrees longitudes)


 At a location where Sun /Moon are rising or setting ( + or -30 minutes)

 so ,if we talk about 17th May ( first window period date) the quake ,if it occurs at 13.00 UTC ,it could occur at 

40degree West or 140 degree East

10 degree West or 170 degree East

 The locations where the Sun/Moon are either rising or setting at 13.00 UTC on 17th May  2023

 ( Disclaimer-  The locations mentioned are tentative and  it should NOT be treated as an advance intimation /warning nor this theory/hypothesis is backed by any international organization-like USGS)

for more please see my blog

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Ome more date hit major quake prediction with location hypothesis


Yet again, a date hit prediction.
7.1 quake at Tonga today's just now '16.02 UTC at 175 West.
Watch location hypothesis also .
Moon at Zenith 172 West.

How many date hit prediction with location hypothesis is required for USGS to take Cognizance 