Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Earthquake prediction dates ,magnitude and time for October 23

 Following dates are prone to major (6+) earthquakes. for the month of October 2023

Time given in UTC
Time window  +or - 24 hrs. (Counted on hrs basis)
Magnitude window (+ or - 3 )
1)2nd October...6.6....02.00 hrs UTC
2)10th................6.3....13.00 hrs UTC
3)14th................6.8....19.00 hrs..UTC
4)25th................7.0....10.30 hrs...UTC
5)28th................7.1....21.00 hrs...UTC

For details...theory..hypothesis and predictions as well as previous accuracy of prediction please visit

6.1 quake at Vanuattu...a hit prediction


please note one more 6+ earthquake prediction prediction
A 6.1 quake at Vanuattu on 28th September 203 at 15 S and 167 East.
,as against prediction of 28th September 2023.

for more please visit
https://earthquake- prediction.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Great Japan quake of 1st September 1923 and my theory

 Watch how my theory applies to this mega quake

Date..1st September 1923 , Magnitude 8.0

2.58 UTC

25.2 N ,139.3 E

1) location hypothesis...

At the time of quake  Sun was at 135.2 East

ie at Zenith( with margin 4 degree)

2) Jupiter -Earth and Moon in straight line ( with margin )


Sun ,Venus,Mars Earth in straight line

3) Major after shock on

2nd September  1923 at  2.46 UTC 

at same location exactly after 24 hrs .

ie after the location faces same combination 

Watch accuracy of theory and hypothesis 

For more

Monday, September 18, 2023

A series of hit major earthquake predictions


watch one more hit prediction.
Series of hit predictions.
Predicted date 19th September 2023 (6.6 with + or - one day window period.
Today a 6.3 quake near Taiwan.
at 13.21 UTC.
26.5 N ,125.31 East

watch epicenter location hypothesis
Moon already set ( 45 minutes to 1 hr )

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Three hit a row..11th,12th and 13th September 2023


Yet another 6+quake prediction
A 6.1 quake today ie 13th September 2023 at 11.49 UTC at West Chile
36 N ,97 W
Predicted date isc12th September 2023.(with + or - one day window period)

watch three quakes one each ..
on 11th ,12th and 13th .
Not only that watch epicenter hypothesis..
the Moon is rising at the epicenter at the time of quake.
watch the time for all three quakes and check pre shock and after shock hypothesis also.
for more visit

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

A dare hit 6 + quake predhtion


Are these date hit 6+  earthquake prediction just a fluke or just by chance

Today ie 12th September 2023 ,a predicted date , and a 6.3 quake at Philippines,11.03 UTC at 121 E

Watch the time
watch my theory of Preshocks and aftershocks...which roughly says,...

Before and after a major quake there are chances of preshocks and aftershocks at epicenter or nearby area intervals of

12 hrs
24 hrs ...with margin of + or - 2 hrs

on 7th or 8th day
on 14th or 15th day....with margin of + or - 12 hrs.
Now watch the after shock after 24 hrs.

As the earlier quake was  of 6.0 magnitude at 12.51 UTC at 127 E

for more see

Monday, September 11, 2023

A hit prediction for Indonesia quake ..11th September 2023

 hit prediction for major Earthquake 

Today ie 11th September 2023 at 12.50 UTC ,a 6 magnitude quake at Indonesia, as against predicted date of 12th (+ or - 1 day margin)

The quake epicenter is 1 N ,127 E

watch the accuracy of epicenter hypothesis. The Moon is at 51 West 

(Nadir is at 180 - 127=53 West 

watch the accuracy. 

for those who are not aware of my epicenter location nutshell it is like this..

..The major (6+)quake will at a location...

where Moon or Sun are at Zenith ( overhead.) or Nadir ( opposite side of globe 180 degrees apart  .with + or - 15 degree margin


 At locations where Sun or Moon are rising or setting ( with twilight zone margin)

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 

Illinois Institute of Technology to cross check this hypothesis with major quakes 

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

A 6+ hit prediction for Earthquake (6.2 at Chile on 6th at 23.45 hrs UTC

 Watch accuracy of Earthquake prediction. 

A 6.2 quake at Chile on 6th September 2023 at 23.14 UTC ,as against predicted date 5th + or - 1 day window period

for more please visit

Saturday, September 02, 2023

Moonquakes observed by Chandrayan Rover Pragyan


watch Moonquakes predicted earlier before chandrayan landed on Moon .
The beauty of Seismology is , it believes these Moonquakes are due to tidal pull of Earth on Moon.
However,it seismologist do not ready to believe that the Earthquakes are also due to tidal pull of major planets as well as Moon and Sun
The only difference is..
Earth is the main cause ( and trigger also)for Moonquakes. Where as in case of Earthquake the tidal pull of major planets,their proximity to Earth and their aspects acts as cause for building up tidal pull.When Moon joins ,opposes or aspects them it act as trigger,causing earthquakes.
As per my theory Moonquakes soly depend on Earth.Hence at every Full Moon ,New Moon as well as when when Earth is closer to Moon ( 57 Earth Radious distance) there will be Moonquakes
Seismologist make a mistake of cross checking only Fullmoon and new Moon for Earthquake