Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Monday, August 28, 2023

A 7.1 quake at Indonesia on 28th


Watch an Earthquake of 7.1 at Indonesia on 28th at 19.55 UTC.(29th local)
Watch accuracy of prediction
predicted date is 30th with +or- one day window
yes it is 4 hrs earlier.
Watch magnitude..
I am sure there are at least two more 6.5+ quake to come by 31st August
Watch location hypothesis

I also urge Indonesia Govt to remain watchful for major aftershocks for two more days ,especially exactly after 12 hrs and 24 hrs ( + or - 1 hr)

On August 30th We will witness a Blue Super Moon from Earth.

It also implies that the chandrayan 3 and Rover Pragyan will witness a Blue Super Earth.

On 30th The Moon is closest and also a Full Moon

I am afraid ,the Rover on Moon will record some of the worst Moonquakes in coming two day

for more theory and predictions

Friday, August 25, 2023

Earthquakes and Moonquakes prediction for September 2023

 The Quake prediction for the month of September 2023 is special ,as this month both Earthquakes and Moon quakes will be predicted. 

 As my tidal pull theory consider Moon as the main trigger for Earthquakes,provided the position of other major planets is  potent enough.Thus the dates for the quakes to occur remain same ,though magnitude changes.

 The Dates to be considered as per UTC.

The time window for both is + or - 1 day 

Presuming we will get the seismometer data from Chandrayan 3 ,launched by India

and as the rover is already out on Lunar surface.....Here are the dates 

Date..               Earthquake        Moonquake

5th Sept          6.7  ......              4.0

12th....            6.2 ....                 3.8

16th......          6.4 ..                   3.5

19th.....           6.6                      3.6

26th ...            6.8                      4.4

28th                7.1 ...                  4.2



Wednesday, August 23, 2023

First time ever..Moon quake Prediction

 India is now  first country to soft land on South pole of Moon

Congratulations ISRO for successful soft landing of Chadrayan 3 at South pole of Moon at 18.04 Indian Standered Time

 There is a seismometer on the rover which will give data pertaining to Moonquakes 

Now here is one more first time ever the Moonquakes prediction. 

 For the month of August 2023 following dates for Moonquakes are predicted.

The time is in Indian Standered Time

The time window is +or - 12 hrs

1) 29th August 2023.

18.00 hrs IST..4.4 Magnitude

2)31st August 2023

5.0 hrs IST...4.3 Magnitude 

Friday, August 18, 2023

Hypothesis..for Moonquake epicenter


As the rotational and orbital time is almost same,Moon shows only one side to Earth.
Few things to note here
1) The orbit of rotation of Moon and Earth are at 5.14 degrees. This is why every new Moon and Full Moon we do not have eclipses. This is how the point of tidal pull application moves along Moon.However, it should be limited to +or- 5.4 degrees ie 11 degrees .
So one more hypothesis is , the Moon quakes are generally (80%)between + or - 6 degrees of Moon.
Nevertheless the Moon quakes induced by Sun ,Venus or Jupiter Mas etc can be all over Moon globe


Though the angle between two orbit is 5 degrees ,as the distance increases,the tidal pull may cover whole of the visible side of Moon. Moreover the quake can occur at Nadir (180degrees apart) also,it will cover whole Moon
   We have maximum declination of any planet is up to + or - 27 or 28 degrees, looking from Earth,the Earthquakes occur at remote locations like 50 N or S


First Ever..Moonquake Prediction

 Moonquake Prediction 

Here I am going to give a first ever prediction of Moonquakes for the rest of the Month of August 2023 and September 2023.

I suppose the Chandrayan landing on Moon on 23rd August 2023 will give some data of Moonquakes,which can test my maiden Moonquake prediction. 

These dates have no +or - 1 day Margin.

The date is as per UTC time

The very first day of landing on Moon will record a major Moonquake

August 2023

23rd .......3.6 magnitude 



September  2023

5th........ ....3.8







Watch out the first ever Moonquake prediction 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Two more hit Earthquake prediction -17th August 2023

 Two more 6+ quakes in the window period

of 16th August predicted date

On 17th two major quakes 

6.3 at Columbia at 17.04 UTC at 5 N,74 W

6.0 at mid Atlantic ridge at 15.41 at 0.3 N and 20 W

watch accuracy of prediction

Moonquakes are due to tidal pull of Earth on Moon


Let us talk about Moon quakes
There are Moonquakes .They are deeper and smaller in magnitude (up to 3 -3.5) .Biggest being 5.5 registered
The beauty of these Moonquakes,and as approved by seismologist that they corrospond to Earth tidal pull on Moon
No Moonquakes is believed to be due to plate tectonics.
Now the same thing I have proposed while explaining and predicting Earthquakes,no one seems to be ready to believe.
please note yesterday's (16th August) 6.5 quake at Vanuattu,a date hit prediction,with correct location hypothesis.
It is surprising that seismologist try to explain the deep Earthquakes by some illogical reason,instead of believing that all quakes are que to tidal pull of Moon ,Sun and Other major planets
Wake up U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Pl see

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

A date hit major Earthquake Prediction..6.5 on 16th August 2023

 Watch a date hit major quake prediction

A 6.5 quake at Vanuattu today ie 16th August 23 at 12.47 UTC ,at 14S and 167 E.
The predicted date is 16th  August 2023.
A date hit 6+ quake prediction.
Not only that , watch and check my epicenter hypothesis.

...which says ..Quake occur at locations where Sun/ Moon are at Zenith or Nadir. .rising or setting...(with 10degree longitudes margin and 45 minutes margin of rising and setting of Moon and Sun

The quake is at 14S and 167 E.
The Sun is at 10 west and Moon is at 7 W at the time of quake.
Nadir ( opposite side of globe ie 180 degree apart) location is 10W (180-167=13 west)
So the Sun and Moon both are 180 degree from epicenter (with 3 degree margin)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A stdudy of Aspects of 6.5 + quakes after 1st January 2023

 Sr    Mag     date            Aspects

1)        7.0       8.1.2023    Moon 180 venus
                                             Moon 120 Jupiter
2 )     7.6       9.1 23      Moon opp Saturn

3.)      7.0       18.1.23    Moon 120 Jupt
                                         Moon  180 Mars
4 )    6.8       20.1.23    Moon Joins Merc
                                       Moon 90 Jupiter
5 )     7.8      6.2.2023   Full Moon(5th)
                                       Moon Joins Saturn
6)     6.7     6.2.2023       ditto
7 )   7.5    6.2..2023     ditto
8.)  6.9   23.2.23     Moon opp Jupiter
      Sun,Moon &Jupiter same Declinations
9 )  6.6    1.3.2023    Moon 120 Jupt, Jupt DS Venus
10) 6.5    2.3.2023  Venus 0 Jupt,Merc 0 sat
11) 6.9  4.3.2023  Moon 120 Jupt
12) 7.0  16.3.2023 Sun 0 Nept, Merc 0 Neptune
13) 6.5   21.3.23   New Moon
14) 7.0   2.4.23  Moon 180 Saturn &DS Saturn 
15) 6.5   3.4.23  ditto..
16) 7.0  14.4.23  Moon 0 Pluto,
                           Moon 120 venus
17) 6.9  18.4.23  Moon 0 Neptune
,                            Moon DS Neptune
18)7.1  24.4.23  Moon 0 Venus
                             Moon DS venus
19)6.6  28.4.23  Moon DS Pluto
20) 7.6 10.5.23 Moon 180 Mars
                            Sun 0 Venus
21)7.7  19.5.23  New Moon,Moon 0 Urenus
22)7.1  20.5.23  New Moon on 19th May
23) 6.5  20.5 2023   ditto
24) 6.8  21.5.2023  Mars 180 pluto ?
25)6.5  25.5.23   Moon 0 Mars
26) 7.2  15.6.2023  Moon joins Jupt on 14th ,Moon joins Urenus
Moon DS Urenus
27) 6.9  2.7.23  Moon 120 merc ,FM on 3rd
28) 6.6 10.7.23  Moon 0 jupt on 11th
29)7.2  16.7.23 Moon 60 Jupt , Moon 120 sat  ?
30) 6.6   17.7 23  New Moon ,Moon 180 pluto
31) 6.9  19.7 23  Moon DS Venus &Pluto
                              Moon 0 Merc
                            Moon DS Sun

DS is Declinations same ...of both celestial bodies

Jupiter has a special aspect other than 0 and 180 degree ie 120 and 240 degree aspect 

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Epicenter location hypothesis


watch the quake of 6.2 at Argentina on 5th August 2023 at 7.20 UTC at 60 degree west
The date was not  shortlisted one
Nevertheless if you would like to check the epicenter location hypothesis,the quake was at location where the Moon was at Zenith ,Sharp
The Moo  was at 61 degree West at the time of quake

for more please see