Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Friday, December 24, 2021

Earthquake Prediction for January 2022


In January every year The Earth is closest to the Sun and The Sun starts moving towards North

( Uttarayana) .

Further in this month both Mercury and Venus changes their direction,hence the association or oppostion of these planets with Moon  have potential to create major Erthquakes

Here are the the probable dates of major Earthquakes in the month of January 2022.

1) 3rd  January  2022.....7.5

2)9th January  22...........6.4

3) 16th January 22   ....6.9

4)20th January  22.....6.4

5) 31st January  22...6.4

The time period window is +or - one day

The magnitude window period is +or -  0.5 

Locations are not specified for obvious  reasons