Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Earthquake prediction for February 2021


Please find here the probable dates of major (6+) dates for earthquakes, for the month of February  2021

1) 4th..............6.8



4) 16th...........  6.5


Please note that the window period  is +or - one day. And magnitude window is +or - one.3



Friday, January 01, 2021

Earthquake Prediction for January 2021

 Happy New Year.

May Almighty bless all with happiness, health and bliss.

Happy ,Healthy and Prosperous New year.

Let Almighty select and give you in abundance. 

By the way, I remeber a small storey ( which was fwd to me by a friend) which I would like to share on this occasion. 

 In a small town, a small boy went to a shop with his father. When they were about to leave ,the shop owner asked the boy to take some sweet candy from the jar. The boy didn't move. When the owner asked again, saying take my boy ,it is free ,don't worry. The boy still did not move,  but just looked at his father. Finally, father opened the jar and gave candy to the boy.

  On return ,father asked the boy

"Why you didn't take the candy ,yourself"

After a gap of time he said.

"Because ,your hand is bigger ,than mine"

So ,trust your father to select and give it to you.He knows and his hands are bigger.

 Just work and walk with your father ,hand in hand.

 Happy New year

Ok now .....probable dates of major Earthquakes for January 2021

1)10th..... 6.4


3)27th... 6.7


Window period is +or - one day
