Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Opinion of Seismologist required


Yet another hit prediction. (in window period).
By the way ,this is a full Moon day. Sun and Moon both are closer
A 6.5 quake at PNG on 27th November 2023 at 21.46 UTC
3.5 N,144 E
Watch Moon setting at Epicenter, with margin of 20 minutes time.

I need to confess one thing here.
Even though I knew , 27th was more prone to major quake ,I have given 26th.
Actually in order to cover both potent dates 24th and 27th ,which are close, I prefer to give one date ,which could cover both potent dates(at least in window period)
  Now , I would like to take opinion of one and all in general and seismologist in perticular, as to whether, I should keep doing the same ,or change the ,window period and numbers of dates predicted

option 1)
As it is....window period +or- one day
and 4 to 5 5x3=15 dates in a month

Option 2)
window period +or - 12 hrs ,giving time in UTC ,and 10 dates (on an average)

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Earthquake epicenter hypothesis


it is late by two and half hours

Watch ,today's quake ,6.0 at Indonesia at

2.48 UTC at 2 N and 127 E

Watch accuracy of epicenter hypothesis 

At the time of quake Sun was at 134 E

, Zenith to epicenter (with 7 degree margin)

Now here ,I put forward, yet another hypothesis, addition to ,earlier version.

Complete hypothesis...

The major,6+, earthquakes occur at locations where...

1) Sun /Moon are at Zenith or Nadir. (with margin 15 degree earlier or 5 degree afterwards 


2) At locations where Sun/Moon are either rising /setting (with margin 45 minutes prior or 15 minutes after )

Watch the change in margin)

The margin now says that...

The time prior to Sun/Moon reaching ,Zenith/Nadir /rising or setting is more prone than the time after they have reached the peak position. 

It also says that ,if the fault line or plate boundry have crossed peak position of Sun or Moon ,chances are less .

The potent time is while reaching the peak

for more please visit

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The quake prediction for 20th November 23

 Disclaimer- The quake mentioned here may not occur. This study is not backed by any reputed Seismological Organization.

Next probable date for 6+ quake is 20th November 2023

Probable time  is 11.10 UTC ( + or - 2hrs margin)

Probable epicenter locations are 

105 East longitude  and /or 75 West longitude ( with + or -15 degree )

The locations also could be at places where Sun/Moon are rising or Setting ( with + or -45 minutes time margin)

 It may also be noted here that  , the dates prone for Earthquakes are also prone to volcanic eruptions. This is because the theory is based on tidal pull on magma. When the pull exceeds a threshold limit it partially breaks the earth crust at weaker zone (fault line/plate boundaries). However ,if the tidal pull is acted directly upon the mouth of a volcano ,it breaks open the mouth completely and an eruption occurs.  

We have seen two/three days back such activities at Grind wick Iceland

 Further ,if an eruption occurs it releases the internal pressure and the magnitude of an Earthquake is reduced

 This also ,imply that, some 50 odd years from now , we will be able to induce an artificial calculated eruption ,on probable dates , at isolated places and can reduce the risk of high magnitude quakes in populated cities

This is apart of my future prediction

for more visit

Monday, November 13, 2023

Yet another hit prediction


Yet another today on 14th November 2023 at 7.0 UTC ,at South Indian 4 S ,87 E

Watch the quake is 6+(6.1)
It is in window period (+ or - 1 day of prediction ie 13th November 2023)

Not only this watch epicenter hypothesis.
At the time of quake Moon is at 82E ,ie at Zenith ( with margin of 5 degrees longitudes)

Any Doubt?

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Earthquake Prediction for 12th and 13th November 2023


I am aware that, as per Indian Disaster Act,2005, predicting all three aspects of an Earthquake, ie Date, magnitude and location is an offense.

 The date ,time ,magnitude and probable locations given here are not recognized by and backed any Seismological units. These quakes may not happen .This post is given only as an academic interest and  proof of my theory, which is not approved and backed by any reknowned institution 

 There is no guarantee of these quakes to occur

1) 12th November 2023

12.00 UTC ,ie 17.30 Indian Standered Time

( + or - 2 hrs)

15 degree West longitudes +or - 15 degrees. All the locations where Sun /Moon are rising or setting with 45 minutes margin are prone

2) 13th November 2023

8.00 UTC ,ie 13.30 IST ( with 2 hrs margin)

Location ..55 degree East with 15 degree longitudes margin

Also locations where Sun/Moon are rising or setting ,with 45 minutes margin

3) 13th November 2023

12 .00 Noon UTC ie 17.30 IST

Location..5 degree West with 15 degree longitudes margin 

Also locations where Sun/Moon are either rising or setting ,with 45 minutes time margin

All quakes could be 6+

Friday, November 10, 2023

Earthquake Epicenter hypothesis proof for year 2022

 Watch accuracy of my Earthquake epicenter hypothesis proof for 7+ quakes ,year 2022

Watch the proof of Earthquake prediction theory-Tidal pull due to planets aspects-

 Here are 7+ quakes between 1st January 2018 till October 2023.

Watch the aspects of planets and Moon.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Yet two more date hit major quakes prediction. USGS to respond

  I would like USGS National Innovation Center U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Engineering Research Institute  to respond at least ,once, after so many date hit major Earthquake predictions.Not only that, those are all ( 90%+) follow my epicenter location hypothesis. 

 Now look at two major quakes at Banda Sea today ,a date hit prediction (8th November 23)

 7.1 and 6.7 quakes both at Banda sea at 4.53 UTC

Epicenter location is 6.4 S ,130 East.

Watch my epicenter hypothesis 

These quakes occured at the time of Moon Setting at epicenter 

 For those ,who are vising this post first time, my epicenter hypothesis in nutshell is like this.

Epicenter hypothesis says..

Major (6+)quakes epicenter location will be at

1) Location where Sun /Moon are either at Zenith or Nadir (with margin of +or - 10degree longitudes)


2) Locations where Sun or Moon are rising or setting ,with twilight zone margin.

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Why we can not measure the quake accurately even after it has occurred?

  I wander how can this happen ,with modern methods of measuring the magnitude of an Earthquake?

The quake of 3rd November, at Nepal is reported as 

6.4 by NEC (National Earthquake center), 

5.7 by USGS

and 5.6 by European units

And beauty of all this ,I was asked ,by several seismologist to predict quake accurately.Even my + or - 0.3 magnitude is not enough.

  When we can not measure the quake after it has already occured ,how can you ask someone to predict accurately, with no margin?

  Think Logical

   Think Out of the Box

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Earthquake prediction theory in nutshell

 Nadir is location exactly on opposite side of Globe ,ie 180 degree apart.

 The theory is based on the idea that, like hightides and low tides in the oceans, there occurs hightides and lowtides ,exactly like ocean water,in molten semisolid magma below the crust.

When the tidal pull exceeds the threshold limit and when the pull is acting on the fault lines or plate boundaries, it breaks the thin ( 60 to 100 kms) Earth crust .Hence an earthquake occurs.

If it is right on volcano mouth ,it break open the mouth and the crust and an Eruption occurs.

 Now ,as hightide occurs at both places ( 180 degree apart ,ie both side of globe ,the quake can also occur on both sides ,

That is why Nadir ( opposite side longitude ) is equally prone ,like Zenith side 

Friday, November 03, 2023

Nepal quake of 6.4 on 3rd November 23, a date hit prediction with loction hypothesis


oh no, at least more than 50 people dead in a major quake of 6.4 on 3rd November 2023 at 16.03 UTC  at 29 N ,82 W

Yet again , a date hit major quake prediction, predicted date 3rd November 2023.
Not only this ,watch my epicenter hypothesis...
The quake is at 82 Eand Sun at the time of quake was at 94 W
82 E means Nadir is at 98 West,and Sun was at 94 West.
watch Spot on locatio of Sun

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Indonesia quake.....a hit prediction


Watch the quake 6.1 at Indonesia on 1st November 2023 at  21.04 UTC ,at
10 S and 124 East
The predicted date is 3rd November UTC time ,with +or - 1 day margin.
Yes it is 3 hrs earlier.

Nevertheless, watch my epicenter location hypothesis....
...The Sun is Rising Sharply at epicenter at the time of Quake
For those visiting my post first time....
the epicenter hypothesis states that.....
The major (6+) quakes occur at locations where....
1) Sun /Moon are at Zenith or Nadir with 15 degree longitudes margin
and /or
2) Sun/Moon are rising or setting ,with twilight zone margin
I strongly believe, there is yet one major quake is expected by 4th November 23 ( UTC ) time.....locations  could be as per epicenter hypothesis