Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Earthquake Prediction for the month of November 21


Here are the probable dates of major Earthquake for the month of November 2021

1)4th .......6.4

2) 7th........7.0


4) 19th .....6.7



The window period is +or - one day

The locations are not mentioned here ( as not allowed by Disaster Act 2005)

Monday, October 25, 2021

Earthquake Prediction. Two questions to Seismologist pertaing to Plate tectonics


 Here are two simple questions which need to be answered  based on existing plate tectonic theorry

1) Why there are big quakes at locations other than plate boundries

2) Why there are dozens of small quakes (less than 4 on R Scale) daily?

 This is an open invitation to all those who thinks that ,one and only reason for quakes is plate frictions and there is no other reason what so ever



Saturday, October 09, 2021

Earthquake Prediction for October 21,with reason


Here are the probable dates for major (6+) earthquakes in the month of October 21.

1) 15th.......................6.5 magnitude

2) 17th to 20th least two major quakes of 7+

3) 30th ............. 6.4

Pl note place/locations are not predicted, as it is not allowed under Indian Disaster Act 2005.

So ,it could be any where all over the world ,specialy at prone area.

 Nevertheless, I calculate and note probable locations in my personal diary.

 This month is special for major earthquakes for the following reasons

A) All three planets are changing their direction in this month ie Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. 

B) Sun is slowly coming closer to Earth ,closest in December 

Whenever, major planets changes direction ( actually, it is only relaive to Earth, it appears to be stopping and moving in opposite direction ,ie from Direct to retrogate or from retrogate to direct,) the rate of change of momentum of molten lava/magma inside the Earthcrust induces turbulance and hence a quake. It is like applying breakes or accelarating a vehicle,when you feel sudden jerk

The reasons for selecting dates

1) 15th....Moon joins Jupiter...which is changing direction .Jupiter when join with Moon ,it porovides more tidal pull.Further if Jupiter joins or opposes Moon in the month in which it chages direction ,it becomes potent. If Jupiter is closer to Earth ,ie less than 5 AU ( Astronomical units ,one AU is equal to to average distance of Earth to Sun.) it is much potent.

2) 17 to 20th.

On 17th Sun and Moon Declinations are same

On 18th Mercury is changing Direction and opposes Moon

On On 19th Moon is at Equator ,hence it is closer ,due to curvature of Earth at Equator

On 20th a Full Moon

3) On 30th.

 Moon opposes Jupiter ( who is changing Dire tion)

Moon opposes Saturn, who is also changing the direction.

On 31 st Both Sun and Moon are at same Declinations 

Date predi tion window perod is+ or -one day

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Few questions to plate tectonics ( existing earthquake theory)


 The existing earthquake theory says..

The Earth consists of floating plates ( 100 to 150km thick) on the molten lava of about 6000 kms.These plates keep on moving due to earth rotation and heat inside the crust (ie heat currents). The plates move against each other and collide at plate boundary. When slowly, over the years the stress built up along the Earth crust is more one plate slides over another ,releasing the stored energy built up up over hundreds of years  Now some questions

1 ) Why there are major quakes at places other than plate boundaries ( one like Latur ,in India)

The answer given by supporters is..... There are faults inside the plate also... If it is so ,how can it have relative motion with another plate?

2) Why some dates are more prone to major earthquakes?

 Watch out for dates when

a) Moon is closest

b) Moon at maximum declination

c) Full Moon, New Moon , Eclipses

d) When Sun is closest

e) When Sun and Moon declination are same ( north or south)

f ) When Jupiter is closest or Changing direction

g ) When Venus or Mars are closest or changing directions

3) The faults between two plates are developed later (ie after Earth is cooled ) or there from beginning. 

Because ,if there are splinting forces acting when Earth was cooling down , they will not allow to form the crust 

4) Why there are small quakes ( less than 3 or 4 magnitude ) daily?. Because ,this theory says ,when the stresses are built up externally high ,then only one plate slides over the other

 What I say is

 Yes , there are plates .

There are faults

 Most of the quakes occurs  on plate boundries

plates slide over one another during major quakes .....

But..but... this is because...


 My basic theory is like this

 The Earth consists of some 150km thick plates and below that ,some 6000 km of hot molten lava.

Whenever ,there is more tidal pull due to various planet positions there occurs high tides and low tides in the molten semisolid lava below the Earth Crust.

 When the pull exceed certain threshold limit  , it break open the existing fault line and major earthquake occurs. If it can rupture the crust completely , it becomes a volcanic eruption.

 So ,in principle ,the prediction norms for major quakes and eruption are the same

All learned experts are requested to comment 



Wednesday, October 06, 2021

Welcome back to Earthquake Prediction

 I am extremely sorry ,I could not post the probable dates of major earthquake (6+) till today ie 6th Oct 2021 due to busy schedule and time lost in traveling to work ( 3 to 4 hrs daily)

 Nevertheless, coming Saturday /Sunday these calculations will be done ,for sure.

Keep visiting the blog



Tuesday, October 05, 2021

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