Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Saturday, July 29, 2023

What USGS has to say regarding eruptions and tidal pull,and%20get%20an%20eruption%20going.

what USGS says about relation between volcanic eruptions and Moon tidal pull.

How both are connected 

If you extend this logic...

...It is exactly  what my theory says...

The theory 

The tidal pull is applicable at all layers ..

ie starting from..Atmosphere,clouds,Earth crust,Oceans,molten magma, the deeper Earth (solid portion).

Thus when the tidal pull exceeds a threshold limit it breaks the Earth crust partially and an Earthquake occurs. If that pull on magma is right below the mouth of a volcano ,it break open the mouth and an Eruption occurs.

 If the tidal pull is acting on deeper layers of Earth a deep quake (>600 km ) occurs

Seismologist are requested to comment on my theory 

Friday, July 28, 2023

Hightides in ocean and Moon position ..a study

 Have you ever tried to check the Moon position at the time of Hightide and low tides in oceans at your city sea Shores?

Let me give an example of today's high tide and low tides at Mumbai -India port with height in meters.

Time in Indian Std time..(UTC+5.30 hrs)

Low tide...02.03hrs..1.15 mtrs

High tide...9.19 hrs...3.72 mtrs

Low tide...15.05 hrs..2.41 mtrs

High tide...20.44 hrs..3.24 mtrs

say for example 

at 9.19 hrs IST ie 3.49 UTC ..

Moon is at 110 degree West

Now Mumbai is at 73 degree East.

Thus Nadir postion is 107 west .

The 3 degree difference seen between  107 and 110 is due to Sun.

Actually the pull applicable location is the resultant pull of Moon and Sun.However as Moon has much stronger pull than Sun it is almost nearer to Moon locations 

Thus we can safely assume the tidal pull follows Moon locations.

Now look at low tide

it is at 15.05 IST ie 9.35 UTC

Watch Moon at 9.35 UTC today is 167 East 

ie 73 +90=163 East

Moon is 90 degree away from Mumbai

Again second hightide is at 20.44 IST .3.24 mtr ie 15.14 UTC 

Now watch Moon at 15.14 UTC today it is at 86 East. A margin of 13 degrees.

  This is maximum margin.

Hence in my epicenter location hypothesis  15 margin is taken

  Now imagine the semi solid ,hot lava below the crust ,moving in tendom with ocean water and following the same hightide ,low tide pattern ....

 Not only that,the height of Hightide of magma is much heigher than this 3 to 4 mtr heightides in oceans.

 The more the volume and area of liquid spread over ,the more is the height of hightide.

   Have you ever wandered why there is no hightide in a pond or lake? Infact the heightide in pond is negligible .

 Now compre the ratio of volume of a lake with that of Oceans and also the ratio of volume of oceans to that of molten magma below the Earthcrust.

....This is in tidal pull theory of Earthquakes 

for more on theory and predictions pl see

Hightide at tidal pull theory

 Have you ever tried to check the Moon position at the time of Hightide and low tides in oceans at your city sea Shores?

Let me give an example of today's high tide and low tides at Mumbai -India port with height in meters.

Time in Indian Std time..(UTC+5.30 hrs)

Low tide...02.03hrs..1.15 mtrs

High tide...9.19 hrs...3.72 mtrs

Low tide...15.05 hrs..2.41 mtrs

High tide...20.44 hrs..3.24 mtrs

say for example 

at 9.19 hrs IST ie 3.49 UTC ..

Moon is at 110 degree West

Now Mumbai is at 73 degree East.

Thus Nadir postion is 107 west .

The 3 degree difference seen between  107 and 110 is due to Sun.

Actually the pull applicable location is the resultant pull of Moon and Sun.However as Moon has much stronger pull than Sun it is almost nearer to Moon locations 

Thus we can safely assume the tidal pull follows Moon locations.

Now look at low tide

it is at 15.05 IST ie 9.35 UTC

Watch Moon at 9.35 UTC today is 167 East 

ie 73 +90=163 East

Moon is 90 degree away from Mumbai

Again second hightide is at 20.44 IST .3.24 mtr ie 15.14 UTC 

Now watch Moon at 15.14 UTC today it is at 86 East. A margin of 14 degrees.

  This is maximum margin.

Hence in my epicenter location hypothesis  15 margin is taken

  Now imagine the semi solid ,hot lava below the crust ,moving in tendon with ocean water and following the same hightide ,low tide pattern ....

....This is in tidal pull theory of Earthquakes 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Accuracy of my epicenter location hypothesis

 please note yesterday's( 26th July 2023) quake of 6.4 at Vauattu at 12.44 UTC at 168 degree East

Also please note the predicted dare as 17th .July for major (6+) quake.

Now test my epicenter location hypothesis   ...which roughly says....

The epicenter location of a major quake will generally follow this guidelines 

A major (6+) quake can occur at a location where..

1) The Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir with 10 degree longitudes margin 

2) The Sun or Moon are rising or setting at epicenter ..with twilight zone margin. 

 Here at epicenter of quake 6.4 the Moon is seen setting with twilight zone margin

for more pl see


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Earthquake prediction for August 2023

 The probable major (6+) earthquake dates for the month of August 23 are as follows

1) 2nd August.2023.
2)8th August
3)16th August
4)23rd August
5) 30th  August

Time window is + or - one day.
Thus 50%dates are covered for 6+ quakes.
As a low of average in these 50% dates the 6+quakes should be 50% of total in August 2023
If the 6+ quakes are more in these dates (+ or - 1 day) my theory has some potential

The epicenter locations will follow my epicenter hypothesis...

..The epicenter location will be at locations
1) either Sun/ Moon are at at Zenith or Nadir ..with margin of +or - 10 degree longitudes
2) Sun or Moon are either rising or setting with twilight zone margin

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Prediction for 20th July 2023 -with Disclaimer


The quakes predicted here is based on my own theory and is not endorsed by any international organization like USGS.

 These are just indications and if it is to occur tomorrow it will be at time and locations mentioned here in


1)Date....20th July 2022

.2) Time ..13.30 UTC (+ 1 hrs and - 2 hrs)

3) Epicenter..

....11E or 169 W..........( + 5 degree -15 degree  longitudes)

.... 21W  or 159 East...( + 5 degree - 15 degree longitudes)


at locations where Moon or Sun are rising or setting at the of quake ( twilight zone margin ( ie + or - 30 minutes )

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Argentina quake17th July 23 A date hit prediction

 Yet another date hit prediction 

A major 6.6 quake at Argentina today ie 17th July 2023 at 3.05 UTC .Epicenter being at 38 S 70 W

 One more date hit prediction 

we had two major quakes on /near to 17th July 2023.

 Watch the Moon and Sun are at Nadir ( 180 degrees longitudes from Epicenter )

Moon is at 128 E ie 18 degrees)

 I hereby put forward yet another hypothesis 

1) New Moon is more potent for major quakes than Full Moon 

2) During the month when Jupiter or Venus are closest to Earth will give more major quakes 

3) The margin of epicenter location follow this rule...

.....There are more (75%+) chances of major quake occurring at time just prior to the time of potential position of Sun /Moon....( like this quake 18 degree prior to potent position of Moon)

 This is because if a location can sustain potent time ,there are less chances of quake to occur once potent postion and time has passed.

It could trigger quake just before that time ,not being able to sustain the tidal pull l before it becomes maximum 

A hit prediction. 7.3 quake at Alaska on 16th July 2023


Watch today's major Earthquakes
A7.3 wuake at Alasks at 6.48 UTC on 16th July 2023 .Epicenter at 54 N 160 W
As against my predicted date 17th
(By the way tomorrow is new Moon day)

Further watch my epicenter hypothesis .
Both Moon and Sun are rising at epicenter.,Moon being Spoton

My epicenter hypothesis says...
Major Earthquakes can occur at
1) the locations where either Moon or Sun arr at Zenith or Nadir ( with margin of 10 to  15 degrees longitudes
2) the locations where either Moon or Sun are either Rising or Setting( with margin of twilight  zone

for more pl visit

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

My prediction v/s forecast by Sesmologist



My prediction ,you can say a miss.

A 6.6 quake on 10th July 2023 at 20.28 UTC,at North Atlantic Ocean 20 N, 61W against my predicted date 11th July 2023 (UTC)

How many hours off target?

4 hrs?

Now look at this prediction by Seismologist (combined all over world).

 With all modern technology and methods (Satellite imagery,InSAR scanning and site surveys, long range data analysis and extrapolation by super computers)

  -"A major quake is possible in West coat of USA within 300 years-"

  What is the use of such prediction?

Who can remain alert ,24×7 for 300 years from tonight.

  Compare hours with centuries 

Monday, July 10, 2023

A hit prediction...

 watch out

A 6.6 quake at Barbuda on 10th Juky at 20.28 20N and 61 W

As against predicted date11th 

Friday, July 07, 2023

Guideline for developing software ( prediction of major Earthquakes)


Here are few guidelines

The potential planets are
and some time Urenus if closer or changing direction
In that order

Moon is main trigger

First find out probable week /month by watching proximity of planet/s
Second check near straight line alignment of this planet ( which is closer) with Earth and other major planets like Jupiter,Venus,Mars or Sun
If above both are satisfied watch fast moving Moon.When Moon joins or opposes this straight line combination it is a prone date.
The date and even time depends on Moon.
Full Moon and New Moon are one of the straight line combinations.
  The magnitude depends on proximity of planets .Closer the planets more is magnitude
1) First find out the closer/closest planets
2) check the near straight line configuration of Earth,'the closer planet and any other Jupiter,Venus ,Mars ,Sun and Moon
Now we can see if Sun or Moon are closer full Moon and New Moon become potent
Thus more the planets closer,closest and in straight line configuration and Moon also join the line...the date/s are potent 



Monday, July 03, 2023

Earth crust deep sample test and Earthquake protection

Challenge to Plate Tectnics...


One of my friend asked..
..How can you get the sample from 700 km depth to test in laboratory and find the shearing strength.Once we get the laboratory test value we can compare with the stresses induced on plate boundry by mathematical formula.Thus can estimate and predict the major quake dates/period.

 Recently China has drilled a deepest hole in crust up to 10 km.So we can get sample up to 10 km .If we take appropriate factor of safety for this sample we can have shearing strength up to 15 kms.

Here are some factual figure ..

All quakes after 1st January 1900

A) For 6+ quakes...
Total quakes........13899
Quakes up to 10 kms...2170...15.6%
Quakes up to 15 kms....5101..36.7%

B) 7+ quakes...
up to 10 km...148.....10%
up to 15 kms..426...28.5%

C) 8+ quakes 
Total .....98
10 kms...7.....7%
15 kms...23...23.4%

So if we can get samples from 10 km depth we can predict fairly good percentage of quakes up to 15 kms depth

we know area of Plate, depth of plate and average density..hence we know weight and mass both..W=mg ..where g is 9.81m/seconds Square 

We know velocity of plate in m/sec.
Hence...kinetic energy is..1/2m(v)Square..

we know the contact surface area of Plates (length x depth) in mtr square 

Hence we know force applied per unit area ie square meter on plate boundry 

Compare this force per sq mtr to laboratory tested value ( with due factor of safety)
Any problem?

Opinion of expert seismoligst are sought

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Earthquake Prediction for July 2023

 Earthquake Prediction for July 2023

Here are the probable dates for 6+ quakes for the month of July 2023

  Time window ...The Day of prediction ..

Time in UTC

1)3rd July 2023

2)6th July 2023

3)8th July 2023

4)11th July 2023

5)17th July 2023

6)20th July 2023

6)23rd July 2023

6)27th July 2023

Epicenter location will follow hypothesis .

For more please visit


Saturday, July 01, 2023

7.5+ quakes ,depth wise since 1900

I am sorry

I did not notice that USGS search site have one option to search with respect to depth in km

Accordingly I have searched 7+ quakes from 1st January to 1900 till today

There are in all 1482 such quakes

The breakup depth wise is as follows

1) 0 km to 100 kms....1250 quakes

2)100 to 200 kms.....94

3)200 to 300 kms....32

4)300 to 400 kms....13 quakes

5)400 to 500 km....16 quakes

6)500 to 600 km..  47

7) 600 to 700........30

8)700 to 800 km....0

9) 800 to 900 kms..0

watch there are less quakes in the range of 300 km to 500 kms only

It increases again between 500 to 700 kms

Thus is exactly as per my deep quakes hypothesis