Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Thursday, December 29, 2022

Earthquake prediction for January 2023

 Here are the probable dates and time in UTC, for major quakes (6+) for the month of January 2023

1) 3rd January 2023.........20.00 UTC
2) 7th January  2023........00.30 UTC
3) 10th January 2023....   12.00 UTC
4) 13th January 2023.... ..08.30 UTC
5) 21st January 2023.... ..21.00 UTC
6) 26th January  2023.....02.00 UTC

Magnitude predicted 6+
Time window + or - 12 hrs
Location as per theory..which says...

At the time of quake ,with respect to epicenter longitudes , the Sun/Moon  will be at Zenith or Nadir .(+ or - 10 degrees)
Sun/Moon will be rising /setting at epicenter  ( + or - 1 hr )
Thus out of 31 days ,5 days are predicted for major quake.So by law of average 1/6th major quakes should  occurs in these 5 days. If the number of 6+ quakes are more than 1/6th of the total quakes in the month ,the theory should be studied in depth 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Iran earthquake on 24th December 2022



Today a 5.8 Earthquake occured at Iran at 34 degree N ,57 degree East at 13.24 UTC
Watch prediction
Prediction date
Date 23th December 2022 ( + or - one day)
Magnitude..  6.9 (+ or - 0.5). Not less than 5.5
Location theory
Sun/Moon at Zenith or Nadir
Sun /Moon Rising or setting at epicenter
Watch Sun and Moon both setting at Iran at the time of quake
 1) If we would like to remain alert for aftershocks it should be after
12 hrs 
24 hrs
7th/8th day
14th/15th day
2) Here I would like to invite all interested to check my location theory
 Take major quakes (7+) for last 10 years and check the epicenter with respect to
 Sun/Moon at Zenith /Nadir
Sun/Moon Rising/setting time at epicenter vis a vis quake time

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Rise in major Earthquakes during 20th to 25th December 2022

 There is major quake 6.4 at Sanfransisco today st 10.34 UTC

From today till 25th December there will be exponential rise in major Earthquakes (6+)
If NASA rover has not signed off yet ,it can identify major Marsquakes (5+) during these days .There could be rise in volcanic eruption activities also

The reason  being
1) Sun is closest (23rd/24th)
2) The is at Maximum declination South.and will be standstill for a day and move northward fron 22nd December 2022
3) Moon is closest ,57 ER ( Earth Radious)
4) Mars is closest,0.58 AU (Astronomical units)
5) The Mars is at Maximum Declinations
6) There is new Moon on 23rd December, when maximum pull of both Sun and Moon will act
Locations for 23rd and 24th are already posted.
However , observe the location guidelines
1) Sun /Moon at Zenith /Nadir
2) Sun Moon Rising/setting time
3) Sun/Moon at square ( +or -90 degree from location)

If we would like to be prepared for major aftershocks it is after 24 hrs + or - 2 hrs. 
To be pre is it is 24 hrs + 52 minutes

Why there are more volcanic eruption in year 2022


The year 2022 was termed as year of volcanic eruption.
Any Seismologist or Volxanic expert have any logical answer to this?
Now I will explain
Observe the year 2022
1) Jupiter was at closest distance to Earth.,after 40 long years.Though every year Earth pass by side of Jupiter ,but it could be 4.5 +AU distance and not less than 4 AU
2) Mars was also at closest distance .
These two when Join or Oppose closer Moon or Sun ,a major quake or Eruption occurs
If anyone wants to cross check ,find out year ( before 40 years) when Jupiter was at less than 4 AU distance

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Mars quakes and tidal pull theory

 Mars quakes and tidal pull theory

It is believed that ,there is no active plate on Mars . Hence quakes due to plate tectonics may not be possible
Recently on 4th May 2022 ,NASA reported one of the biggest quakes on Mars ,measuring 5 on R scale
  Earlier also I have proposed Corrolaries, where by it was stated that ,on some of the dates ,there will be more Mars quakes.
Now here are three dates of major quakes reported on Mars.
1) 21th August 2021...4.2..
2) 22nd April 2022.....4.2
2)4th May 2022.....5 ( biggest)

Now watch the proximity of Mars with Jupiter ,Earth and Venus
  For Marsquakes the potency of dates depends on
1) Jupiter.....biggest effect of all
2) to Jupiter
3) Venus...third in rank
4) Saturn ...4th in Rank
It is to be noted here that for Mars quakes ,Our Moon and Sun are not major contributors. What matters most is Jupiter .It has more potent for Mars being much closer ,may be less tgan 3 AU
( Astronomical Units.average distance of Earth to Sun.For Earth Jupiter closest is at around 4 AU ,which is major factor for Earthquakes.
Now look at Mars Quakes dates
1) 21st August 2021..Venus is approaching closer
2)22nd April 2022..Venus and Saturn closest ..Jupiter and Earth approaching closer
3)4th May 2022..Jupiter ,Earth approaching closer ,Venus and Saturn closest.
Infact ,I believe ,July -August 2022 should have been much stronger for Mars quakes
Only NASA can comment on this

23rd and 24th December 22 ,quake predictions


These are out of my study and mtheory .It has not been approved by any govt body or institute.
These are my personal views and not backed by any authorities 

Here are two approaching  dates of this month (December 22) which are prone to major quakes
Please note..
1) window period +or - one day
2) Magnitude margin +or -  0.5 R scale
3) location accuracy +or - 15 degree longitudes

(A) 23rd December 2022...
time...10.00 UTC(ie 15.30 IST)
Location...20 East ,160 degree West locations where Moon /Sun are rising /setting at that time

(B) 24th December 2022...
time ..13.00 UTC(ie 18.30 IST)
Locations ..10 degree West ,and/or 170 degree East locations from  where Moon/Sun is seen as rising /setting at that time.
Please note ,if there is some fresh volcainc erupton or increase in active volcanic eruotion ,these magnitudes may reduce  However ,in all probability it will be 5.5+

Friday, December 16, 2022

Texas Earthquake, 5.3 ,a date hit prediction


Watch today's 5.3 quake at Midland Texas ,one of the biggest ever.

Now ,how do you justify it ,without any major plate boundaries or even major faultline 

Watch the accuracy of my predictions 


16th December  2022.......a date hit prediction 

Magnitude..6.2 (+ or - 0.5 )..less due to some of the major volcano eruptions 


   As per theory 

Zenith/Nadir /Rising/setting of Moon /Sun 

Sun is dominant during November to February  when it is closest to Earth and having maximum declination ( will change direction on 22/23rd)

Wake up USGS

There could be other reasons ( other than plate tectonics, which have not been able to predict quakes)

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

23rd December 22 eruption and quake predictions

 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

USGS, Florence Bascom Geoscience CenterSeismological Society of America

Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zurich

Seismology Research Centre


All those volcanoes which have erupted in this month like Mauna Loa or one which is on high alert like Mount Villarrica Chillie should remain watchful on 23rd December 2022

Probable time for Villarrica is 16.00 UTC


This is in addition to quake watch

probable quake watch (6+ ) are at

23 rd December 2022 at 10.00 UTC

20 degree East and /or 160 degree West

 or locations where SUN/Moon are rising /setting or at square position at 10.00UTC


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Some of the un answrted questions by plate tectonics


There are lot many un answered or half heartedly answered topics can easily be dealt with this ( tidal pull theory)
1) what there are major quakes at locations other than plate boundaries
(fault line inside a plate is a vague answer.How can there be a relative movement inside a big plate)
2) why on a given date there are several 6+quakes all over the globe ,on plates which are no way connected
( Why all plate boundaries should reach maximum limit of built up stress on one date)
3) Why there are snall continously occurring, as plate tectonics requires built up of stress over years
4) why there are volcano eruptions,cyclones and quakes on given date
5) why there are very deep quakes 800+ kms.( Subduction plate reaching up to 800 km deep ,without melting is not possible.Moreover how many years a plate will take to travel 800 km deep at a speed of 5 cm per year)
6) why there are more tropical cyclones in Northern hemisphere ( only Corollaries phenomenon, less warm water or wind shear is not correct answer )
7) Why there are more major quakes when Jupiter ,Sun and Mars are closest/closer

Monday, December 12, 2022

Study of 7+ quakes for last 20 years



All are invited to study 7+quakes fir last 20 years ,and collect data as per table mentioned below.

 Seismologist and Staticians are then invited to interpret these data for any co relation


Sunday, December 11, 2022

Location of quake hypothesis-check for year 2021(7.5+)


To  cross check ,I have taken all 7.5+quakes of year 2021 for location hypothesis.
Results are as follows
1) 7.5 , Peru ,28.11.2021 ,10 52 UTC
  Moon at Zenith/Sunrising.

2)8.1,South sendwitcg Island.. 12.8.2021
18.35 ITC...Sun setting

3)8.2 ,Alaska,29.7.2021 ,6.15 UTC
Sun Setting

4)8.1 ,NZ ,4.3.2021 , 19.38 Utc..Sun rise ( however ,exceeding longitude margin by 10 degrees )

5) 7.7 ,Loyalty Island ,10.2.2021, 13.19 UTC
Sun at Nadir..
Thus all 7.5 + quakes of year 2021 are considered

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Japan quake on 10th Dec 2022 and location theory


Now this one is only for Japan
Watch my theory and location

5.1 Quake on 10th December 2022 at 23.53 UTC ,at 32.9 N and 141.6 degree East

Now watch Moon setting time at that location.
watch accuracy

So 5 + quakes are ,generally (90%) Occurs at
1) Zenith of Moon or Sun ( in that order)
2) Nadir of Moon or Sun (in that irder)
3) Rising or setting of Moon or Sun at that location ( in that order)
All above with +or - 15 degree margin.
( 15 degree because for  15 degree shift it take 1 hrs so +or - 1 hrs ,if you consider time margin)

Why more tropical cyclones in Northern hemisphere

 Why there are more tropical cyclones in Northern hemispere?

There are nearly 80% major tropical storms that occurs in Northern hemisphere,between 0 to 30 degree north latitudes.  Various answers are given ,which you can find anywhere.
However, my explanation is as follows
Besides warm water 27 degree Celsius main reasons ,I think ( which is debatable and not approved by any authorities ) are

1) Due to coriolis phenoma wind in northen hemisphere moves South west /anticlockwise,between 0 to 30 degree north
2) Due to 23.5 degree NE tilting of Earth this direction practically becomes East to west .( see diagram)
3) Sun and Moon ( zenith positionon Earth) move from East to west).Hence low tide area shifts from East to west.Hence the air flows practically from  East to west( in Northen hemisphere between 0 to 30 degree N)
4) As the low tide area shifts East to west,the air rushing  to fill the partial vaccum also moves from East to West
5) Both ,natural wind and tidal wind help each other ,both moving East to West ,as seen in diagram,in Northern hemispere, between  o to 30 degree north
6) The wind shear velocity ,in this case help the strom to form ( both ,natural wind and wind formed to fill partial vaccum,moving in same direction,East to west)
7) The air moving  over warm oceans gethers potential energy from ocean.
Thus 80% tropical cyclones in Northern hemisphere between o to 30 degrees north

Though southern hemisphere have all other prerequisites like ,warm water ,( actually more and vast oceans) required temperatures between Equator to 30 degree South ,there are only 20 % cyclones in southern hemisphere.
From the diagram it is clear that ,coriolis effect wind is almost northward ,and both contradicts each other,in southern hemisphere
The natural wind at Southern hemisphere between 0 to 30 degree South ,due to 23.5 degree tilting of Earth (NE ), is practically northward with respect Sun and moon( see diagram)

Thus in short ,the air rushing to fill partial vacuum, the 23.5 degree NE tilt of Earth , warm water and Corrolaries phenomenon are all responsible for more cyclones in Northern hemisphere
The main reason of more tropical cyclones in Northern hemisphere is the twenty three and half degree tilting of Earth to NE and nothing else

Friday, December 09, 2022

Univerasal tidal pull theory


It is my moral duty to respond and disclose results.
prediction ..8th December 2022, 4.30 UTC,
120d egree East ,6.7 mag
Actual..(till now) two quakes qualify ,with less magnitude 5.9 and 5.4 at 107 degree E and 139 d E .Magnitude is less due to several major eruptions simultaneously like Mauna Loa, Kilauea and other new eruption
I hereby go one step forward and pronounce my universal theory
Tidal pull acting at 6 layers
1) Inner hard mentle deep quakes
2) Magma below Earthquakes and eruptions
3) Earth crust...rises due to high tide and cracks due to low tide side pull..(only quakes)
4) Oceans...(high and low tides)
5) Moist clouds..( cloud bursts)
6) Atmosphere...(tropical cyclones)..How?
at low tide on potent dates ,air rushes to fill partial vacuum..air moves over oceans water with 26 to 27 degrees C,gets potent energy of warm water..develop a cyclone..
watch cyclone Mandous..coming

Saturday, December 03, 2022

Eartquake Prediction Theory and Prediction (6+) quakes


   As per guidelines of NEPEC , I  am hereby submitting my earthquake prediction theory and dates  with time ,magnitude and locations 

  I am basically, a mechanical engineer from Mumbai, India. The passion for earthquake prediction was started way back in 1993 when great Latur, Maharashtra earthquake occurred. September 30th 1993. Since then I am maintain a blog wherein major (6+) quakes are predicted and dates with magnitudes are uploaded well in advance. The locations are not uploaded as it is prohibited by Indian Disaster Act 2005

 You can refer to my blog 

My theory can be summarized in a nutshell like this 

 Before I give my theory in nutshell here are two predictions of major earthquakes 

  1. 8th December 2022 (UTC time)..(window period + or – on e day as per UTC)

Magnitude—6.7 R scale (+ or -0.5 magnitude)

 Data base -as per USGS 

 Time - 04.15 UTC 

Locations –

  60 degree west and/or  120 degree East Longitudes ( with + or -20degree longitudes)

 And /or at locations where  sun /Moon are rising /setting at time UTC 04.15 on 8th December 2022


Ie Alaska …147 d E, 60 d N ( with + or – 10degree)

Japan ….142 d E , 44 d  N  ( ditto)

Italy ….10 d  E…40 d N   (ditto)

Argentina . 70 d w , 47 d S(ditto)

Russia …..155 d E , 55 d N (ditto)

  1. 23rd December 2022 (UTC time) …( + OR – ONE DAY)

Time .. 10.00 UTC 

Magnitude ….6.9  (+ or -0.5 ) r scale

Data base …USGS


 20 degree East and /or 160 degree West longitudes ( with + or – 20degree longitudes

And /or locations where the Sun/Moon are rising/setting at the time 10.00 UTC on 23rd December 2022


 Peru….70 degree W, 22 degree S .. ( + or – 10 degree)

Brazil….60 d W ,10 degree S  ..( ditto)

Indonesia….110-degree East, 2-degree N (ditto)

China ….90 d E , 40 d N…(ditto)

New Zealand ….165 degree E,45 degree South(ditto)

  1. Theory

  Earth consists of an upper Crust of about 100 km thick and (Lithosphere ) and  a ductile hot Asthenosphere of about 660 kms thick ness .Then comes lower mantle, outer core and inner core 

  What, I believe causes an earthquake (major6+) is the tidal pull exerted on ductile Asthenosphere of around 660 kms . The Moon ,Sun and major planets like Jupiter , Mars ,Venus and Saturn (in that order) also exert pull on magma as well as upper crust . 

When the tidal pull exceeds a critical limit, the magma breaks the crust partially and an earthquake occurs. If the pull can break open the mouth of a volcano an eruption will occur. So both major quake and major eruption occurs on a given potent dates

 Since tidal pull is inversely proportional to the distances between two planets /bodies Moon have maximum tidal pull and most of the quake triggers are decided by the position of the Moon.

 Thus the theory says that ,on a given potent date (as decided by this theory)  more 6+ major quakes will occur all over the globe . Not only that ,the chances of  a volcanic eruption is fairly high during these dates.

  1. Deciding the potent date/s

  1. First in a given month check whether the distances of Sun and major planets. If Sun and major planets (Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Saturn in that order are closer/closest , the month has potency to produce 6+ magnitude quakes 

The minimum distances are as mentioned below

Sun …….0.983  AU (Astronomical unit ie average distance of earth to Sun) 

Moon….57 ER (earth radius)  

Jupiter …  3.9 AU

Mars…. 0.52 AU

Venus….0.28 AU

Saturn….8.5 AU

 Now in a given month if more than one planet is closer/closest, it is more potent

  1. Once the distances are known  ,check whether in that given month any planet is at maximum declinations or closer to maximum declination (N or S).

Also check whether Sun is at Max Declinations Nort or South

Maximum Declinations of planets and stand still positions of the planets are very important because immediately after that ,it will change the direction from North to South or  south to North. What actually happens is, due to this change in directions the tidal pull direction also suddenly changes and there will be an imbalance and jerk in the molten magama due to retardation or acceleration. This ultimately induce imbalance in the magma and it breaks the crust ,causing an earthquake

  1. Deciding the date and time 

    Now the exact date is decided by the most powerful and fast moving Moon .

 When Moon joins or opposes Sun , Jupiter , Mars, Venus ( in that  order ) it creates a trigger for quake.  The date on which Moon is closest during month and at maximum declinations North or South these dates are also potent Often we have seen that, full Moon and New Moon are more powerful for major quakes. Eclipses are still more powerful

  Thus, the date and time  will be decided by Moon 

The time in UTC can be decided when Moon exactly Joins/opposes Sun /Jupiter,/Mars/ Venus ( whichever is potent ie closer and having maximum declinations) 

(c )  Deciding magnitude

    Magnitude in Richard scale can be decided by the number potency  Moon ,Sun and other planets have on that day and time . 

 If the Sun is closest and at Maximum declination, say i n December or even during November to March (next year), Moon closest (57 ER ) and maximum declination possible (+ or -27 d degrees), Jupiter , Mars ,Venus and Saturn are closest and at maximum declination ,the quake could be well above 8.5 magnitude

 Actually I am planning to make a software which will take in to account app these aspect and give tidal pull . However ,incorporating change in momentum due to direction change of planets is still an issue

  1. Deciding locations

   Location of major quakes can be decided by the position of Moon and Sun in that order, where they are at Zenith and/or Nadir longitudes at the decided time with + or – 20 degrees of margin

  As tidal pull is equally applicable to both side of the globe Zenith and Nadir. both side longitudes are prone to major quakes

Further, the locations where Moon /sun are rising and/or setting at the time in UTC decided as above, are also prone to major quakes. This is because, the low tide crust pull can break the crust 

 It is true that ,the quakes occurs mostly at plate boundaries . But this is because the plate boundaries are weaker than crust and they give way earlier when tidal pull is nearby or just below the crust

In fact, what I believe is ..


 There are various shortcomings of the plate tectonics, but it is not the topic to be discussed now

 There are some inherent problems in pin pointing only one location for amjaor,6+ quake, by my theory. What we can find out is where ( longitude)  the pull will be at the trigger time . If the crust is solid, it may not break at trigger time . It may take few hours more or less than the trigger time and in the meantime the locations shift due to Earth rotation

 Thus, the location fixing is very dynamic process







  1. After shocks and cycle quake theory ( pre shocks also)

For predicting aftershocks at the same ( nearby + or – 500 kms)  watch

  1. The time exactly after 12 hrs of major quake(+ or – 1 hr)

  2.  24 hrs after major quake ( + or – 2 hrs)

  3. 7th /8th day , when Moon moves 90 degrees after major quake

  4. 14th/15th day when Moon moves 180 degrees after major quake

Corollaries to my Earthquake theory


Corollaries to my Earthquake prediction theory
1) These predicted potent dates are also prone to volcanic eruptions. And that ,at the time when an eruption starts, there will be a hightide on the sea Shores of that longitudes. and that during low tides eruption will not strat.
If we observe the Volcanoes which are active continously,  on these dates more activities will be observed in these Volcanoes.
2) When there is an eruption on given date ,the quake magnitude will be less on that date, as the internal tidal pull is partially released
3) 50 years  from now we would be able to manipulate quake magnitude at populated cities ,by artificially inducing an eruption at remote islands
4) More quakes occurs on Full Moon and New Moon and also on Eclipses
5) Between +or - 25 degree latitudes there are more quakes because of declination limits of planets.
6) After major quake , aftershocks occurs after 12 hrs ,24 hrs ,7/8th day ,14th /15th day ,as per next potent combination of Moon
7)Plates on Earthcrust are due to Quakes and not that  Quakes are due to plates
8) During December-January, February (next year) there are more major quakes ,due to Sun proximity and Maximum Declination of Sun ( changing direction also)
9) Every 13th  month when Jupiter is closest to Earth ( @ 4 AU) ,there are more major quakes
10) Full Moon  New Moon and Eclipses give more quakes
.11) When Jupiter ,Sun ,Mars and Venus are closer/est ,there will be Maximum major quakes
12) On a given potent date ,from the active volcano  more lava may come out
13) When the Earthcrust will become thicker after millions of years there will be less quakes
14) We are saved due to one solid layer of magma inside the Earth (200 to 670 kms ) which have saved us from violent quakes ,otherwise Earthcrust would have not survived . This solid layer of about 200 to 670 kms  takes the major shocks of tidal pull of semisolid magma at outer core (from 670 km to  3000....kms depth)
15) Roughly after 18.6 Years Moon reaches maximum declination of +or - 28 degree ,which is normally + or - 22 to 24 degrees. During these year and month ,frequency of major quakes increases
16) Some dates ( as predicted after considering all aspects of this theory) are inherently potent. There could several major (6+) quakes ,within 48 hrs ,all over the globe and on various plates,which are no way connected to each other ( This can not be explained by plate tectonics)
17) Major quakes can ouccur at places away from plate boundaries also, if the tidal pull acting below is powerful ( this also can not be explained by plate tectonics,- only saying fault line inside a bigger plate is not justifiable )
18) Major quakes can occur at great depth of 700 to 900 kms also .These quakes actually occurs on second layer of hard material ,from depth of 200 km to 2900 km ,due to tidal pull of molten magma at outer core .This also can not be explained  by plate tectonics-(Subduction plate can not reach up to 800 km without getting) give - quake at 800 kms-
19) If we (NASA) have any provision to measure Moon quakes and Mars quakes on these potential date ,we will notice an exponential high frequency of quakes there.
20) After every 13th month ,when Jupiter is closer to Earth ,there will be more quakes