Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Tuesday, April 09, 2024



Why Moonquakes follow tidal cycle .Why Moonquakes are very deep?
Why Moon have quakes without platetectonics.?

Surprisingly ,seismologist believe that ,Moonquakes are due to Earth's tidal pull.But not ready to believe that can happen to Earth also.

Now ,I will explain what actually happens when seismologist try to link full Moon and New Moon to Earthquakes.
Yes, all Full Moon and New Moon do not give quakes .If you try to link them statistically it may not give results.
What actually required is ,several factors like
1) Moon cycle
2) Moon proximity
3) Moon at Maximum Declinations North or South
4) Major planets closer to Earth mainly Jupiter,Venus ,Mars
5) Three or More planets in line with Earth
6) Major planets changing directions from Direct to retrogate or retrogate to direct
7)Sun at Maximum Declinations
These are in order of importance
Why Maximum Declinations ?
Because after Maximum Declinations the planets appears to move in opposite direction in sky.Thus the tidal pull direction reverses. It is like breaking a car and reversing direction. This gives jerks to internal magma .Hence a quake
So ,one need to combine all ,not only Moon phases.
Studying only Moon phases V/s quakes and rejecting the theory is not correct

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