Can earthquakes be predicted?

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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Think out of the box-Do not give different reasons evey time

Watch this
Is this an explanation?
Why not ,think out of the box

"The quakes are not due to plates but the plates are due to Quakes "
The reasons like
1) intra plate fault line quake at Latur ,Maharashtra
2) The recent quake near  New Delhi..
"in situ material heterogeneity "

Watch out the date was predicted by me ,with + or - 12 hrs Time margin
The fact of the matter is
Earthquakes occurs due to combined effects of tidal pull ,Gravitational pull and rate of change of motion in molten magma due to planets changing directions
Yes they occur more at plate boundaries because they are weaker sections 

This is why the quakes can occur any where ,but most likely on plate boundaries 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Earthquake near New Delhi on 16th Feb 2025

 Oh no

Watch accuracy of my Earthquake date prediction
Prediction date 16 th Feb 25 ,+or - 12 hrs
Watch a major Earthquake of 4.2 near New Dehi today morning ie 17th Early morning at the time of Sun rise
Not only this watch accuracy of my epicenter location hypothesis
The quake was just before Sun rise at local time for more pl see

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Answers to Questions..plate tectonics

 ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS..asked to Plate Tectonics

Now here are the answers as per my theory of Earthquakes

Before that ,theory in Nutshell

The tidal pull of Sun ,Moon and Planets acts on semisolid magma just below the Earthcrust ( up to 200 kms) as well as deep inside the Earth at 500 to 700 kms (on solid inner mentle layer )
Moreover, the Gravitational pull of Sun and Moon acts on the upper Earth crust .
  The third major force acting is the breaking and acceleration force on magma due to change in direction by planets ,from Direct to retrogate or retrogate to direct
The magnitude of quake depends on proximity of Sun ,Moon ,and Planets as well as conjuction and opposition. of planets including Full Moon and New Moon.
It is further to be noted that ,Major quakes and Eruptions occurs due to same forces.Thus the date prone for major quakes are also prone to Eruptions.
Further ,most of the quakes occurs on plate boundaries because these are the weaker sections and gives away first.
Thus ,there are plates and boundaries, they are moving also but major quakes are not due to plate tectonics .
The location of epicenter is determined by Sun and Moon ( 90% + accuracy)
The epicenter hypothesis says, The major quakes occur at a place where
1) Sun or Moon are at Zenith or Nadir ( with + or - 15 degrees longitudes magin)
2) Where Sun or Moon are rising or setting with + or - 45 degrees margin
Now you can find the Answers to all questions as mentioned below.
1) Major quakes can occur at any place as per location hypothesis. However more chances that the location will satisfy both ,hypothesis as well as plate boundaries ( being weaker section)
2)Quakes does not depend on and wait for centuries to built up stress. Hence ,depending on tidal pull crossing limits may induce quake ,on any given date
3)On a given potent day major quakes can occur anywhere as per hypothesis and Earth Rotation. The faultline comming directly under pull can induce quake or Eruption as per hypothesis
4)Deep quakes due to tidal pull acting on lower menle between 500 to 700 kms
Infact tidal pull act on all layers
Deep lower mentle layer Earth upper crust
Tides....on Oceans
Bulging of Earth Crust...on Solid upper crust
Cloud burst...On moist clouds
Cyclones..low tide foces creating partial vacuum in Atmosphere, induce Air flow ,which while passing over ocean at 20 degree centigrade, get latent heat of water and induce tropical cyclones
5)Tidal intenal pressure on lower mentle raise the solid mentle to this height ,as much as 100 times that of Himalayas
6)Some of the months are potent with more planet closer and changing directions, like this January and February 2025, which makes days and month potent, giving series of quakes and Eruptions
7)There was no  super continent prior to Pengia and will not be any after this.
Due to Earth rotation all plates will slowly move towards North or south pole ( depending on the mass above or below Equator .
8)Moon quakes, Mars Quakes and Eathquakes all due to these rules of tidal pull ,Gravitational pull and acceleration as well as retardation due to apparent change in direction of motion from Direct to to retrogate or retrogate to Direct

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 Plate tectonics can not explain, forget prediction of major Earthquakes

Some of the questions ,unanswered are
1) Why major quakes at locations other than plate boundaries?
Answer given is ,intraplate faultline.
Criss question.. How there will be a relative motion inside a bigplate?
2) Why frequent major ,6+ quakes at certain locations like Tongo ,PNG ?
Answer given ...Located on more than two Plate boundaries
Cross question...How can stresses built up ,for major quakes in couple of days?
3) Why there are more than one major quake on locations not related to each other by plate boundaries?
No Answer
4) Why deep quakes, more than 500 km depth?
Ans. Subduction plate reaching that depth?
Cross question...Answer is an eye wash.
How can plate remain solid at that depth with high temp?
5) Huge mountains (100 tines heigher than Himalayas) at depth, far away from Subduction boundaries?
No logical Answer
6) Why series of quakes for days ,like Santironi now ,without a major quake?
Why the stresses are not released for days together?
No Answer
7) If there were super continents prior to Pengia, where are those plate boundaries now? Are they merged and become homogenous plate?
No idea
8) Why there are Moonquakes and Mars quakes?( if no active plate tectonics)

Answer  .Due to tidal pull of Earth
Cross question..Why then Earthquakes not due to tidal pull and Gravitational pull combined?
9) Why some Volcano are away from subduction plate boundaries?
No Answer
10) Where are those volcano, prior to super continent Pengia

Note...For Santorini quakes and Eruptions watch and be alert till 3rd March 2025( and not only up to 14th February 2025 as described by local Government)
For dates pl visit

Monday, February 10, 2025

Chances of eruptions at Santorini between 19th February 25 to 2nd March 25

 Seismologist believe that, now the frequency of quakes at Santorini is reduced and that, there are less chances of Volcanic eruption at Santorini 

However  as both Venus and Mars are very close to Earth and both are changing the directions at the end of month, ie February 25 ,there are still chances of major eruption  or quakes at Santorini between  19th February  to 2nd March 2025

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Probable Santorini quake/eruptions

 Recently there are numerous quakes near Santorini ,Greece. 

Seismologist have predicted that there are chances if major volcanic eruptions at Santorini.

Now ,here are  the ,balance,potent dates of February 2025 

for the month of February 2025

10th Feb 2025

16th Feb 2025

21st February 2025

24th February 2025

27th Feb 2025

The time margin is + or - 12 hrs

Epicenter will follow the epicenter location hypothesis. Time in UTC.

So ,there are chances of major quakes or Volcanic eruptions on these dates.

The probable time could be as per my epicenter location hypothesis 

It is to be noted here that ,the major quakes and eruptions occur due to same todal and Gravitational pull. 

So the potent dates fir quakes are also potent dates fir Volcanic eruptions 

 So for Santorini probable eruptions, the time of Sun rise ,Sun set ,Moonrise ,Moon set ,Noon and midnight, Moon at Zenith and Nadir are prone 

( Disclaimer- This theory has not been approved by any Seismological Institute and that the quakes or eruptions may not occur)

7.6 quake at Carriaban Island on 8th Februray 25

 A 7.6 Earthquake occured on 9th February 25 at Carriban Island on 9th at 4.53 hrs IST at 18N ,82 W .

Tsunami warning issued
Predicted date is 10th February 25( with + or - 12 hrs margin
Now look at my Epicenter hypothesis

The epicenter hypothesis says,in nutshell..

Major Earthquakes occur at a location
1) Where Sun or Moon are at Zenith (overhead) or Nadir ( opposite side of globe) with 10 degree longitudes margin
2) Where Sun or Moon are rising or setting
with 45 minutes margin

The quake occured at a location where Sun is setting sharply